Obama develop Oedipal Complex?


Aug 31, 2008
Article i found on the web. Source: Obama on the couch: how bad is his "woman problem"?, (2008 September 10). Michael Savage. Retrieved from MichaelSavage.com on September 10, 2008.

Obama on the Couch: How Bad
Is His "Woman Problem"?

Barack Obama compared Sarah Palin to a pig with lipstick. This is the beginning of the end of Obama?s campaign. But what exactly is Obama's problem with women? Why have women abandoned his campaign in droves? To find the answer we must return to Obama's childhood and examine his relationship with his mother.

In 1961, Obama?s mother, Ann Dunham, married Obama?s father, a man from Kenya. He abandoned the family. Within three years, they were divorced. In 1967, his mother married another man, this time an Indonesian. A few years later she was divorced again. Through all this time, Obama's mother went globetrotting; from Hawaii, to Indonesia, to Pakistan. Sometimes she took her young son. Sometimes she left him behind.

What appears to have happened to Obama as a result is he developed symptoms of what psychologists refer to as an Oedipal Complex. In an Oedipal Complex, a male child is fixated on his mother and competes with his father for maternal attention. In such cases, a critical point of awakening occurs where the child realizes that the mother has affections for others besides himself. In this case, Obama had to compete with multiple paternal stand-ins and was never fully able to bond with his mother. The result seems to have been a resentment towards women that he has never been able to get beyond.

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He compared McCain's policies to a pig with lipstick. In other words, Bush's policies dressed up.

Why do you continue to use women in this manner?
He compared McCain's policies to a pig with lipstick. In other words, Bush's policies dressed up.

Why do you continue to use women in this manner?

You honestly believe that reference was to "McCain's policies?"

How dishonest of you.
Far be it for me to defend Little O, but this is an insipid and pointless article.

And so what if he does have some sort of psych complex?

Clinton had all kinds of issues with alcoholic stepfathers, Reagan's kids were pissed at him all the time, Truman's mother-in-law never respected him in spite of him becoming President.
Article i found on the web. Source: Obama on the couch: how bad is his "woman problem"?, (2008 September 10). Michael Savage. Retrieved from MichaelSavage.com on September 10, 2008.

Obama on the Couch: How Bad Is His ?Woman Problem??

I shorted the quote so it is an excerpt. You need to actually insert links. If you don't know how, I'm sure one of us on the board will be happy to help you. Thanks for trying.
Ali, do actually believe it was to Palin?

He never metioned her name, He talked about how much McCain's policies were the same as Bush's and then used the pig and lipstick analogy.

You really are desperate.

And Savage is a total jerk off. His very first line is a lie.

Barack Obama compared Sarah Palin to a pig with lipstick.

Why aren't you also enraged that McCain called Hillary a pig with lipstick. Oh, that's right, you don't like Hillary so that's okay.
McCain publicly called HIllary a pig in lipstick?
Sheesh, Obama isn't even original.

Yes, he was referring to Palin. Kindly don't insult the world by pretending he meant something else, it's just ridiculous.
Ali, do actually believe it was to Palin?

He never metioned her name, He talked about how much McCain's policies were the same as Bush's and then used the pig and lipstick analogy.

You really are desperate.

And Savage is a total jerk off. His very first line is a lie.

Why aren't you also enraged that McCain called Hillary a pig with lipstick. Oh, that's right, you don't like Hillary so that's okay.
I imagine Allie would sooner kill herself than be honest on this issue.

Aside from that, I can't even see the sexism in this comment if a man called a woman a pig with lipstick. No more than I could if a woman called a man a pig with a neck tie.

It's good to know the Republicans are a bunch of wusses, though, emotional and overly sensitive.
And so what if he does have some sort of psych complex?

Clinton had all kinds of issues with alcoholic stepfathers, Reagan's kids were pissed at him all the time, Truman's mother-in-law never respected him in spite of him becoming President.

Little O is a manifestly arrogant and under-prepared tool.

But to claim he has some sublimated neurosis/psychosis that will color his decision-making process is a ridiculous waste of time.

Ditto, Bill Clinton.

Both men are quite in control of their intellects. I believe them to be mistaken on many points and manipulative demagogues in the extreme but they are sincere.

THAT'S what makes them truly scary.
After all, McCain's former press secretary, Torie Clarke, wrote a book called "Lipstick on a Pig: Winning in the No-Spin Era."

This subject is so beat!

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