Obama Crony GE Exempt From New EPA Regulations


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
Quelle Surprise.

Jeffrey Immelt, CEO of GE and newly appointed head of Obama's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, seems to have found a way to enable his company to create jobs and compete...by being exempted from legislation which is crippling other companies.

How Hopey Changey, WTF?

Last month, the Obama EPA began enforcing new rules regulating the greenhouse gas emissions from any new or expanded power plants.

This week, the EPA issued its first exemption, Environment & Energy News reports:

The Obama administration will spare a stalled power plant project in California from the newest federal limits on greenhouse gases and conventional air pollution, U.S. EPA says in a new court filing that marks a policy shift in the face of industry groups and Republicans accusing the agency of holding up construction of large industrial facilities.

According to a declaration by air chief Gina McCarthy, officials reviewed EPA policies and decided it was appropriate to "grandfather" projects such as the Avenal Power Center, a proposed 600-megawatt power plant in the San Joaquin Valley, so they are exempted from rules such as new air quality standards for smog-forming nitrogen dioxide (NO2).

There's something interesting about the Avenal Power Center:

The proposed Avenal Energy project will be a combined-cycle generating plant consisting of two natural gas-fired General Electric 7FA Gas Turbines with Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG) and one General Electric Steam Turbine.

Obama issues global warming rules in January, gives GE an exemption in February | Timothy P. Carney | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner
Of course they are. Obama is a 3rd Bush term. And all the feel good GE commercials on TV lately complete the programming cycle.
It really is beginning to look like this current President is just a GE puppet. Their cozy relationship should probably be investigated. I'm pretty sure it's all about that possible cash coming from their "Global Warming/Green" agenda. GE stands to make several $Billions off any new Global Warming Legislation. This cozy relationship just doesn't seem right. Talk about a 'Corporate-Owned' Puppet? Yikes!
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And where are all those usual suspect Anti-Corporation Wingers? I have never seen a President more Corporate-Owned than this current President. His relationship with BP is way too cozy for me as well. It looks like the joke's on us again. He came in as a radical Left Anti-Corporation "Community Organizer" yet now he is completely owned by those "Evil Corporations." Just another shell game i guess. The American Electorate is not known for their brilliance so i guess they'll buy into pretty much anything. GE could very well be running our country at this point.
GE, the SEIU, and Goldman Sachs.
It's been pretty obvious that GE and Obama are cozy. I don't know that other companies which manufacture some of the products made by GE will be able to compete - maybe GE is being eyed as our future national power company. GE is into everything - all kinds of household appliances - washers, dryers, stoves, refrigerators, small appliances, TVs, light bulbs (those mercury laden light bulbs which will be mandated in 2012, I think).

We need to be breaking up some of these monopolies that we already have - we don't need to create more national monopolies.
GE, the SEIU, and Goldman Sachs.

Yea i throw BP in there too. GE is absolutely salivating at possible coming "Global Warming/Green" Legislation. Their obviously the Corporation who will gain most from this possible Legislation. I think they had that in mind a long time ago. However,things have changed in our Congress and the GOP might just throw a big wrench in their plans. I really am surprised the usual suspect Anti-Corporation Left have been so quiet on this. I'm pretty sure that has something to do with them supporting that "Global Warming/Green" agenda. I just don't see how anyone could deny that this current President is a Corporate-Owned Puppet.
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Council on Jobs and Competitivensss. Color me shocked. Grand new title for Mr. Immelt.

WOW Wonder who will be competing with GE??

I'm sure there will be a level playing field. NOT
Obama is a Real Life Wesley Mouch.

Just sayin'.
It really is beginning to look like this current President is just a GE puppet. Their cozy relationship should probably be investigated. I'm pretty sure it's all about that possible cash coming from their "Global Warming/Green" agenda. GE stands to make several $Billions off any new Global Warming Legislation. This cozy relationship just doesn't seem right. Talk about a 'Corporate-Owned' Puppet? Yikes!

Why limit to a GE puppet?
Our entire government is an fine example of corporate ownership.
Enron, big oil, Goldman Sachs, GM, etc. you name it.
Poor Jeffy Immelt, a veritable pauper compared to another Obama Crony, Eric Schmidt.
Verizon and ATT got away with illegal wiretaps and release of customer information.

Someone hid somethign in a bill to exempt them from prosecution.
And btw the Tea Party are the newest hopey changeys.


you missed all the hopey changey stuff after the NOv election how the new Republican majority in the house and TP members especially were going to fix things?

It IS the new hopey changey.

I really do not think there any hopey changeys left in regards to Obama.
That is all right wing hype/crap at this point.
The GOP and the Tea Party members did not run campaigns that fixing the problems in government would be some magical Hopey Changey easy peasy exercise.

They were quite explicit that, given the Dem control of the White House and the Senate, that they were in for a long, legislative slog.

Of course, USC doesn't remember any of this because he is still dazzled by The One.

Duh. Everyone knows that Magic Unicorns eat Styrofoam! The pillars were recycled into Magic Unicorn Poo!

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