Obama Conspirators Begin To Turn On Each Other...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Clapper: Brennan's rhetoric is becoming an issue

Brennan accused the President of being a traitor.

Clapper attacks Brennan.

Brennan apologizes, said the President did no such thing.

The Senate Intel Committee, whom Brennan illegally spied upon once, rebuked Brennan for going to the public with claims he has evidence against Trump instead of going on record and under oath before the Committee with his evidence:

“If his statement is based on intelligence he has seen since leaving office, it constitutes an intelligence breach. If he has some other personal knowledge of or evidence of collusion, it should be disclosed to the special counsel, not The New York Times.”

More than 60 Intel Reps exposed Brennan's rantings as his own OPINION, not fact, by declaring, "We believe equally strongly that former government officials have the right to express their unclassified views on what they see as critical national security issues without fear of being punished for doing so."

1. No one is stopping Brennan or anyone else from sharing his opinions with anyone or any news agency. A Security Clearance is NOT needed to do that.

2. Where is the Intel Community attacking Brennan for stripping the Benghazi heroes of their security clearances fro coming forward and telling America what really happened?
Yeah, and those that sent the letter are profiting off of continuing having their clearance after departure from the government. They are worried. Clapper sees his cash cow disappearing.
Last edited:
Clapper: Brennan's rhetoric is becoming an issue

Brennan accused the President of being a traitor.

Clapper attacks Brennan.

Brennan apologizes, said the President did no such thing.

The Senate Intel Committee, whom Brennan illegally spied upon once, rebuked Brennan for going to the public with claims he has evidence against Trump instead of going on record and under oath before the Committee with his evidence:

“If his statement is based on intelligence he has seen since leaving office, it constitutes an intelligence breach. If he has some other personal knowledge of or evidence of collusion, it should be disclosed to the special counsel, not The New York Times.”

More than 60 Intel Reps exposed Brennan's rantings as his own OPINION, not fact, by declaring, "We believe equally strongly that former government officials have the right to express their unclassified views on what they see as critical national security issues without fear of being punished for doing so."

1. No one is stopping Brennan or anyone else from sharing his opinions with anyone or any news agency. A Security Clearance is NOT needed to do that.

2. Where is the Intel Community attacking Brennan for stripping the Benghazi heroes of their security clearances fro coming forward and telling America what really happened?

The only people bitching about losing their security clearance are those who will lose money and status if it's taken away.

Brennan is a fucking traitor and committed a serious crime of lying to Congress about his own spying on Congress.

And the stupid idiot doesn't realize the more he bitches about Trump the more he exposes himself to further scrutiny.

Suicide by stupidity.
The one who is in really deep shit and could sing the loudest
is Bruce Ohr.

The #4 man at the DOJ was being paid by someone for the
info he was providing. Well, he and his wife were getting money
on the side.

That's as big a no-no as it gets.

The guy is the weakest link into the entire chain of conspirators.
He could start a domino effect that gets a bunch of people some
real time.

We just have to get rid of Sessions and Rosenstein and have a real
AG go to work
The one who is in really deep shit and could sing the loudest
is Bruce Ohr.

The #4 man at the DOJ was being paid by someone for the
info he was providing. Well, he and his wife were getting money
on the side.

That's as big a no-no as it gets.

The guy is the weakest link into the entire chain of conspirators.
He could start a domino effect that gets a bunch of people some
real time.

We just have to get rid of Sessions and Rosenstein and have a real
AG go to work

Ohr is a rube, told by his wife what to do. He'll cave. His messages are disastrous and Congress is going to bring him down. Strzok claimed Ohr didn't pass the information to him so if he wasn't lying Ohr was passing it to Yates. So you know damn well Lynch knew about it. They overplayed their hand and it's going to come out. Grassley will see to it.

Going to be fun watching these losers fall.
I imagine soon we can add Brennen to the list of democrat rejects who are planning to run in 2020...
Clapper: Brennan's rhetoric is becoming an issue

Brennan accused the President of being a traitor.

Clapper attacks Brennan.

Brennan apologizes, said the President did no such thing.

The Senate Intel Committee, whom Brennan illegally spied upon once, rebuked Brennan for going to the public with claims he has evidence against Trump instead of going on record and under oath before the Committee with his evidence:

“If his statement is based on intelligence he has seen since leaving office, it constitutes an intelligence breach. If he has some other personal knowledge of or evidence of collusion, it should be disclosed to the special counsel, not The New York Times.”

More than 60 Intel Reps exposed Brennan's rantings as his own OPINION, not fact, by declaring, "We believe equally strongly that former government officials have the right to express their unclassified views on what they see as critical national security issues without fear of being punished for doing so."

1. No one is stopping Brennan or anyone else from sharing his opinions with anyone or any news agency. A Security Clearance is NOT needed to do that.

2. Where is the Intel Community attacking Brennan for stripping the Benghazi heroes of their security clearances fro coming forward and telling America what really happened?



I want to point out that there is every bit as much 'evidence' of Trump conspiring with Russia as the conspiracy you postulate.

You snowflakes will say anything to protect Don the Con.
I want to point out that there is every bit as much 'evidence' of Trump conspiring with Russia as the conspiracy you postulate.

You can TRY to make that FALSE point, but you will fail. In fact, you have already failed.

Snowflake after snowflake has pointed to 'guilt by circumstantial evidence', primarily because neither Mueller or they have any actual evidence to prove crimes, Obstruction, or collusion by the President.

On the other hand, there is ACTUAL, TANGIBLE evidence of crimes that have been perpetrated by Democrats who are part of this proven Conspiracy.

At every point in this investigation, disgraced FBI Agent Strzok is there.
- He interviewed Hillary, violating the FBI's own rules and regs by not putting Hillary under oath and not recording the interview.

- He altered the FBI's final report on Hillary's investigation, stripping words hand-picked by FBI Director Comey, taken directly out of the laws Hillary violated, that would have guaranteed Hillary's indictment and replaced them with 'carelessness'.

- Transcripts of his interview with Hillary aides Mills and Abedin show they both LIED about not knowing about Hillary's server, and Strzok refused to indict them for Lying to the FBI...despite the fact that he indicted Flynn for lying to the FBI despite FBI Director Comey testifying his other FBI agents declaring Flynn never lied during the interview.

- Strzok's text messages revealed the Obama administration officials had formed a Secret Society dedicated to stopping Trump from becoming President and that it had already met, revealed he and the FBI leadership and others did not want trump to become President and vowed to stop him, and revealed that Deputy Director McCabe had an 'Insurance Policy' to overthrow Trump should he win.
-- The US IG recommended Strzok be investigated and recommended McCabe to be Indicted, both of which neither Mueller as Special Counsel or Rosenstein as the Deputy Director of the DOJ will do.

- Strzok, a master at Counter-Intelligence Ops was, again, in every detail and aspect in this case / investigation....he was hand-picked y Brennan to author the Intel Community Report and finally the Intel Community Assessment that helped lead to the appointment of a Special Counsel. This collaboration between the FBI and CIA would later expose how these 2 also collaborated with the NIA / Clapper to control the Report narrative and get back the assessment they were looking for. FBI, CIA, & NIA working together - COLLUSION / CONSPIRACY!
** Didn't Brennan have ANY analysts inside the CIA who could have written these reports? Why did Brennan have to bring in Strzok?

- Strzok was also Mueller's hand-picked anti-Trump boy to come join his entire anti-Trump hit squad compromised of Trump-Hating DNC / Hillary donors and Hillary lawyers. He only fired Strzok when he was exposed as a rabid Trump hater who was so connected to every detail in the case.

Brennan committed perjury (again) by testifying he knew nothing about the Trump Dossier; however, evidence shows Brennan briefed members of Congress - especially Harry Reid - on the dossier, sold it like it was all real, which it was not, and encouraged Democrats to call for a Special Counsel BASED ON WHAT WAS IN THE DOSSIER.

Brennan and other Democrats claimed the Dossier had nothing to do with the investigation starting up, but evidence shows the dossier was attached to the ICR that Strzok authored and Brennan sent to NIA director Clapper. According to a CIA analyst of 19 years, The Trump Dossier was an attachment to the ICR, again pushed as 100% accurate, in an attempt to get a conclusion that illegal collusion was taking place and a Special Counsel was needed.

Now we have the perjury exposed about Brennan lying about not knowing about the Dossier, about the lie that the dossier had no part in the investigation beginning, and we have evidence of Conspiracy / Collusion between the FBI, CIA, and NIA!

Mueller, himself is KNOWN for altering testimony / evidence, creating evidence, and withholding evidence to get convictions. One man spent years in jail because Mueller withheld evidence of his innocence. What Brennan, Strzok, Clapper, and Hillary did - by passing off the dossier as fact over and over again to different Intel agencies and even to FISA court judges was to CREATE FAKE EVIDENCE.

The links, articles, reports have all been posted in 2 - 3 threads throughout the day. This is not even in question any more because there is so much evidence.

Liberals and snowflakes are so pissed that Hillary lost they seek to MAKE Trump out to be exactly what real existing evidence proves his 'investigators' are - Obstructionist, Perjurers, & perpetrators in Sedition, Conspiracy, and even Treason!

Mueller and these traitors have zero evidence to back up their claims against Trump after 2+ years, but there is more than ample existing evidence to send his treasonous witch hunters to jail!
The one who is in really deep shit and could sing the loudest
is Bruce Ohr.

The #4 man at the DOJ was being paid by someone for the
info he was providing. Well, he and his wife were getting money
on the side.

That's as big a no-no as it gets.

The guy is the weakest link into the entire chain of conspirators.
He could start a domino effect that gets a bunch of people some
real time.

We just have to get rid of Sessions and Rosenstein and have a real
AG go to work

Ohr is a rube, told by his wife what to do. He'll cave. His messages are disastrous and Congress is going to bring him down. Strzok claimed Ohr didn't pass the information to him so if he wasn't lying Ohr was passing it to Yates. So you know damn well Lynch knew about it. They overplayed their hand and it's going to come out. Grassley will see to it.

Going to be fun watching these losers fall.

Strzok claimed Ohr didn't give him the info, but he did say the FBI allowed
Strzok to tell the committee that Ohr did give the info to the FBI.

The problem with that is someone took it at the FBI AFTER, the FBI had
refused to pay Steele for the info, when they fired him. That establishes
Ohr as the back-door channel to the FBI from Steele.

The FBI will have to explain that away. The money that Ohr took is gonna
be what forces him to cave. He's going to have to out somebody to protect
himself from prison.
The one who is in really deep shit and could sing the loudest
is Bruce Ohr.

The #4 man at the DOJ was being paid by someone for the
info he was providing. Well, he and his wife were getting money
on the side.

That's as big a no-no as it gets.

The guy is the weakest link into the entire chain of conspirators.
He could start a domino effect that gets a bunch of people some
real time.

We just have to get rid of Sessions and Rosenstein and have a real
AG go to work

Ohr is a rube, told by his wife what to do. He'll cave. His messages are disastrous and Congress is going to bring him down. Strzok claimed Ohr didn't pass the information to him so if he wasn't lying Ohr was passing it to Yates. So you know damn well Lynch knew about it. They overplayed their hand and it's going to come out. Grassley will see to it.

Going to be fun watching these losers fall.

Strzok claimed Ohr didn't give him the info, but he did say the FBI allowed
Strzok to tell the committee that Ohr did give the info to the FBI.

The problem with that is someone took it at the FBI AFTER, the FBI had
refused to pay Steele for the info, when they fired him. That establishes
Ohr as the back-door channel to the FBI from Steele.

The FBI will have to explain that away. The money that Ohr took is gonna
be what forces him to cave. He's going to have to out somebody to protect
himself from prison.

The dossier was passed to Dingy Harry Reid by Brennan and Reid crafted a letter demanding Comey investigate Trump.

It's all coming out now and that's why Brennan is railing like a snowflake the night Trump was elected.
The one who is in really deep shit and could sing the loudest
is Bruce Ohr.

The #4 man at the DOJ was being paid by someone for the
info he was providing. Well, he and his wife were getting money
on the side.

That's as big a no-no as it gets.

The guy is the weakest link into the entire chain of conspirators.
He could start a domino effect that gets a bunch of people some
real time.

We just have to get rid of Sessions and Rosenstein and have a real
AG go to work

Ohr is a rube, told by his wife what to do. He'll cave. His messages are disastrous and Congress is going to bring him down. Strzok claimed Ohr didn't pass the information to him so if he wasn't lying Ohr was passing it to Yates. So you know damn well Lynch knew about it. They overplayed their hand and it's going to come out. Grassley will see to it.

Going to be fun watching these losers fall.

Strzok claimed Ohr didn't give him the info, but he did say the FBI allowed
Strzok to tell the committee that Ohr did give the info to the FBI.

The problem with that is someone took it at the FBI AFTER, the FBI had
refused to pay Steele for the info, when they fired him. That establishes
Ohr as the back-door channel to the FBI from Steele.

The FBI will have to explain that away. The money that Ohr took is gonna
be what forces him to cave. He's going to have to out somebody to protect
himself from prison.

The dossier was passed to Dingy Harry Reid by Brennan and Reid crafted a letter demanding Comey investigate Trump.

It's all coming out now and that's why Brennan is railing like a snowflake the night Trump was elected.

Agree on Brennan. He's on the run, big time.
Strzok claimed Ohr didn't give him the info, but he did say the FBI allowed
Strzok to tell the committee that Ohr did give the info to the FBI.

The problem with that is someone took it at the FBI AFTER, the FBI had
refused to pay Steele for the info, when they fired him. That establishes
Ohr as the back-door channel to the FBI from Steele.

The FBI will have to explain that away. The money that Ohr took is gonna
be what forces him to cave. He's going to have to out somebody to protect
himself from prison.

The only thing I disagree with is the part about the FBI not taking the Dossier, if that is the 'information' you are referring to.

I posted multiple links to stories and interviews with CIA operatives and analysts who stated on record that the Dossier was briefed to Democrats in Congress by Brennan and that the Dossier was actually attached to the Intel Community Report Brennan and NIA Director Clapper selectively passed around. FBI Agent Strzok was the Brennan hand-picked author of the ICR, and the Dossier was part of the final ICA, despite the many lies from the left to the opposite.

The Dossier was placed in the hands of the FBI...from there it found its way into Brennan and Clapper's hands - FBI, CIA, and NIA.

Once Steele was exposed publicly the FBI was f0orced to fire Steele, just as Mueller was forced to fire Strzok from his team when he was exposed. The Dossier was still used, Steele still advised / worked for the FBI, and Ohr was the go-between / back door.
Clapper: Brennan's rhetoric is becoming an issue

Brennan accused the President of being a traitor.

Clapper attacks Brennan.

Brennan apologizes, said the President did no such thing.

The Senate Intel Committee, whom Brennan illegally spied upon once, rebuked Brennan for going to the public with claims he has evidence against Trump instead of going on record and under oath before the Committee with his evidence:

“If his statement is based on intelligence he has seen since leaving office, it constitutes an intelligence breach. If he has some other personal knowledge of or evidence of collusion, it should be disclosed to the special counsel, not The New York Times.”

More than 60 Intel Reps exposed Brennan's rantings as his own OPINION, not fact, by declaring, "We believe equally strongly that former government officials have the right to express their unclassified views on what they see as critical national security issues without fear of being punished for doing so."

1. No one is stopping Brennan or anyone else from sharing his opinions with anyone or any news agency. A Security Clearance is NOT needed to do that.

2. Where is the Intel Community attacking Brennan for stripping the Benghazi heroes of their security clearances fro coming forward and telling America what really happened?



I want to point out that there is every bit as much 'evidence' of Trump conspiring with Russia as the conspiracy you postulate.

You snowflakes will say anything to protect Don the Con.

No, there is not one bit of evidence presented to the American public having to do with trumps alleged crimes. OTOH we have truckloads of very real evidence that shows these assholes you love so much were very much breaking the law.
Clapper: Brennan's rhetoric is becoming an issue

Brennan accused the President of being a traitor.

Clapper attacks Brennan.

Brennan apologizes, said the President did no such thing.

The Senate Intel Committee, whom Brennan illegally spied upon once, rebuked Brennan for going to the public with claims he has evidence against Trump instead of going on record and under oath before the Committee with his evidence:

“If his statement is based on intelligence he has seen since leaving office, it constitutes an intelligence breach. If he has some other personal knowledge of or evidence of collusion, it should be disclosed to the special counsel, not The New York Times.”

More than 60 Intel Reps exposed Brennan's rantings as his own OPINION, not fact, by declaring, "We believe equally strongly that former government officials have the right to express their unclassified views on what they see as critical national security issues without fear of being punished for doing so."

1. No one is stopping Brennan or anyone else from sharing his opinions with anyone or any news agency. A Security Clearance is NOT needed to do that.

2. Where is the Intel Community attacking Brennan for stripping the Benghazi heroes of their security clearances fro coming forward and telling America what really happened?



I want to point out that there is every bit as much 'evidence' of Trump conspiring with Russia as the conspiracy you postulate.

You snowflakes will say anything to protect Don the Con.
what is it?
Strzok claimed Ohr didn't give him the info, but he did say the FBI allowed
Strzok to tell the committee that Ohr did give the info to the FBI.

The problem with that is someone took it at the FBI AFTER, the FBI had
refused to pay Steele for the info, when they fired him. That establishes
Ohr as the back-door channel to the FBI from Steele.

The FBI will have to explain that away. The money that Ohr took is gonna
be what forces him to cave. He's going to have to out somebody to protect
himself from prison.

The only thing I disagree with is the part about the FBI not taking the Dossier, if that is the 'information' you are referring to.

I posted multiple links to stories and interviews with CIA operatives and analysts who stated on record that the Dossier was briefed to Democrats in Congress by Brennan and that the Dossier was actually attached to the Intel Community Report Brennan and NIA Director Clapper selectively passed around. FBI Agent Strzok was the Brennan hand-picked author of the ICR, and the Dossier was part of the final ICA, despite the many lies from the left to the opposite.

The Dossier was placed in the hands of the FBI...from there it found its way into Brennan and Clapper's hands - FBI, CIA, and NIA.

Once Steele was exposed publicly the FBI was f0orced to fire Steele, just as Mueller was forced to fire Strzok from his team when he was exposed. The Dossier was still used, Steele still advised / worked for the FBI, and Ohr was the go-between / back door.
Clapper: Brennan's rhetoric is becoming an issue

Brennan accused the President of being a traitor.

Clapper attacks Brennan.

Brennan apologizes, said the President did no such thing.

The Senate Intel Committee, whom Brennan illegally spied upon once, rebuked Brennan for going to the public with claims he has evidence against Trump instead of going on record and under oath before the Committee with his evidence:

“If his statement is based on intelligence he has seen since leaving office, it constitutes an intelligence breach. If he has some other personal knowledge of or evidence of collusion, it should be disclosed to the special counsel, not The New York Times.”

More than 60 Intel Reps exposed Brennan's rantings as his own OPINION, not fact, by declaring, "We believe equally strongly that former government officials have the right to express their unclassified views on what they see as critical national security issues without fear of being punished for doing so."

1. No one is stopping Brennan or anyone else from sharing his opinions with anyone or any news agency. A Security Clearance is NOT needed to do that.

2. Where is the Intel Community attacking Brennan for stripping the Benghazi heroes of their security clearances fro coming forward and telling America what really happened?
The Truth will set Lefty Free!

But he don't want to be Free, Do he?
Clapper: Brennan's rhetoric is becoming an issue

Brennan accused the President of being a traitor.

Clapper attacks Brennan.

Brennan apologizes, said the President did no such thing.

The Senate Intel Committee, whom Brennan illegally spied upon once, rebuked Brennan for going to the public with claims he has evidence against Trump instead of going on record and under oath before the Committee with his evidence:

“If his statement is based on intelligence he has seen since leaving office, it constitutes an intelligence breach. If he has some other personal knowledge of or evidence of collusion, it should be disclosed to the special counsel, not The New York Times.”

More than 60 Intel Reps exposed Brennan's rantings as his own OPINION, not fact, by declaring, "We believe equally strongly that former government officials have the right to express their unclassified views on what they see as critical national security issues without fear of being punished for doing so."

1. No one is stopping Brennan or anyone else from sharing his opinions with anyone or any news agency. A Security Clearance is NOT needed to do that.

2. Where is the Intel Community attacking Brennan for stripping the Benghazi heroes of their security clearances fro coming forward and telling America what really happened?



I want to point out that there is every bit as much 'evidence' of Trump conspiring with Russia as the conspiracy you postulate.

You snowflakes will say anything to protect Don the Con.

I've been telling you for a while now that Trump is planning a Corleone Baptism event that will take out most of the democrat Party for these midterms. The plotters in the Failed coup are all going down
The one who is in really deep shit and could sing the loudest
is Bruce Ohr.

The #4 man at the DOJ was being paid by someone for the
info he was providing. Well, he and his wife were getting money
on the side.

That's as big a no-no as it gets.

The guy is the weakest link into the entire chain of conspirators.
He could start a domino effect that gets a bunch of people some
real time.

We just have to get rid of Sessions and Rosenstein and have a real
AG go to work

Ohr is a rube, told by his wife what to do. He'll cave. His messages are disastrous and Congress is going to bring him down. Strzok claimed Ohr didn't pass the information to him so if he wasn't lying Ohr was passing it to Yates. So you know damn well Lynch knew about it. They overplayed their hand and it's going to come out. Grassley will see to it.

Going to be fun watching these losers fall.

Strzok claimed Ohr didn't give him the info, but he did say the FBI allowed
Strzok to tell the committee that Ohr did give the info to the FBI.

The problem with that is someone took it at the FBI AFTER, the FBI had
refused to pay Steele for the info, when they fired him. That establishes
Ohr as the back-door channel to the FBI from Steele.

The FBI will have to explain that away. The money that Ohr took is gonna
be what forces him to cave. He's going to have to out somebody to protect
himself from prison.

Potential Targets Ohr may use to save his own neck:

  • Hillary Clinton
  • Blumenthal
  • Strozk
  • James Comey
  • McCabe
  • Rosenstein
  • Rice
  • Lynch
  • Obama
  • Brennan
  • Reid
  • Schultz
  • McCain
Clapper: Brennan's rhetoric is becoming an issue

Brennan accused the President of being a traitor.

Clapper attacks Brennan.

Brennan apologizes, said the President did no such thing.

The Senate Intel Committee, whom Brennan illegally spied upon once, rebuked Brennan for going to the public with claims he has evidence against Trump instead of going on record and under oath before the Committee with his evidence:

“If his statement is based on intelligence he has seen since leaving office, it constitutes an intelligence breach. If he has some other personal knowledge of or evidence of collusion, it should be disclosed to the special counsel, not The New York Times.”

More than 60 Intel Reps exposed Brennan's rantings as his own OPINION, not fact, by declaring, "We believe equally strongly that former government officials have the right to express their unclassified views on what they see as critical national security issues without fear of being punished for doing so."

1. No one is stopping Brennan or anyone else from sharing his opinions with anyone or any news agency. A Security Clearance is NOT needed to do that.

2. Where is the Intel Community attacking Brennan for stripping the Benghazi heroes of their security clearances fro coming forward and telling America what really happened?



I want to point out that there is every bit as much 'evidence' of Trump conspiring with Russia as the conspiracy you postulate.

You snowflakes will say anything to protect Don the Con.

No, there is not one bit of evidence presented to the American public having to do with trumps alleged crimes. OTOH we have truckloads of very real evidence that shows these assholes you love so much were very much breaking the law.


Where are the charges then?

There is absolutely no evidence of any such conspiracy other than in the tinfoil you read from Don the Con and his Right Wing Echo chambers.

But I do not doubt for an instance that you and others will continue to clamor for the criminal purging of anyone you suspect as being less than 100% loyal to you Dear Leader.
Clapper: Brennan's rhetoric is becoming an issue

Brennan accused the President of being a traitor.

Clapper attacks Brennan.

Brennan apologizes, said the President did no such thing.

The Senate Intel Committee, whom Brennan illegally spied upon once, rebuked Brennan for going to the public with claims he has evidence against Trump instead of going on record and under oath before the Committee with his evidence:

“If his statement is based on intelligence he has seen since leaving office, it constitutes an intelligence breach. If he has some other personal knowledge of or evidence of collusion, it should be disclosed to the special counsel, not The New York Times.”

More than 60 Intel Reps exposed Brennan's rantings as his own OPINION, not fact, by declaring, "We believe equally strongly that former government officials have the right to express their unclassified views on what they see as critical national security issues without fear of being punished for doing so."

1. No one is stopping Brennan or anyone else from sharing his opinions with anyone or any news agency. A Security Clearance is NOT needed to do that.

2. Where is the Intel Community attacking Brennan for stripping the Benghazi heroes of their security clearances fro coming forward and telling America what really happened?



I want to point out that there is every bit as much 'evidence' of Trump conspiring with Russia as the conspiracy you postulate.

You snowflakes will say anything to protect Don the Con.

I've been telling you for a while now that Trump is planning a Corleone Baptism event that will take out most of the democrat Party for these midterms. The plotters in the Failed coup are all going down

I know you Trumpkins keep hoping that your Don the Con will engineer mass assassinations.

I truly don't think that Don the Con is organized enough to pull it off.

I never said assassination, that's the Starkey in you. Under Obama, the democrat Party first used the US intel agencies AGAINST A POLITICAL OPPONENT, then, once they lost the election anyway, they then attempted and failed at a soft coup d'etat.

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