Obama / Comey FBI Crossfire Hurricane Team Didn't Know About Steele Working For Russian Oligarch?!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
How did the 'premiere criminal investigation agency in the world' not know that its own foreign asset, 'former' foreign spy Steele, was working for a Russian Oligarch while he was playing / using the FBI to have the Hillary bought-and-paid-for Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda used illegally by the FBI to commit FISA Court Abuses and conduct a coup attempt against candidate / President Trump?

* This is EXACTLY what Horowitz was talking about when he, in an earlier report, hammered Comey and his FBI for 'failing to manage' their 'foreign assets' to ensure they were still credible, trustworthy, and were not working for others and using the FBI...which is exactly what seems to have happened.

Comey and his fellow traitors were so busy 'seeing the country was in danger and believing only THEY could save us' that their hatred for Trump allowed them to be conned and used by the foreign spy Steele and the Russians,

It's a lot like how snowflakes' hatred of Trump allowed themselves to be conned by the Russians on social media and ended up organizing and marching for the Russians in 2016!


  • FBI agents who investigated the Trump campaign’s possible ties to Russia did not know at the time that dossier author Christopher Steele was working for a Russian oligarch.

  • FBI and Justice Department officials told the DOJ inspector general that the information was significant to Crossfire Hurricane, the name of the Trump-Russia probe.

  • Steele worked for lawyers for Oleg Deripaska, a billionaire aluminum magnate.

  • Stuart Evans, a DOJ attorney, told the IG that government officials would have “wanted to dive into” the Steele-Deripaska links had they known about it during the investigation.

Crossfire Hurricane Team Didn’t Know About Steele’s Work For A Russian Oligarch, DOJ Report Says
After going to and being in prison for a while someone needs to ask Comey if being bent over / used in US prison feels any different than being bent over / used by Steele and the Russians / Russian Oligarchs.


'The FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane team turned over every rock to find out whether members of the Trump campaign were working with Russians in 2016, but failed to discover that Christopher Steele, the FBI’s primary source for claims of a Trump-Russia conspiracy, was himself working for a Russian oligarch, according to the Justice Department inspector general’s report.'

Let that sink in for a minute....then consider how hard the Democrats / snowflakes have been pushing the false accusation for the last 4 years that Trump was the one colluding with the Russians...

Without ever realizing it (or maybe they did), Obama, Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Rosenstein, Clinesmith, Strzok - they were all Putin's / the Russians Bit@h, doing their bidding...and for the last 4 years they have divided this nation more than the Russians ever dreamed of being able to do themselves alone.
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We are talking about spying on a major party presidential campaign, am I to believe the very top of the FBI and DOJ and the WH were unaware of all these illegal actions taken to get a FISA warrant? No fucking way, there might not be any evidence to prove it and some of the details might not have been specifically spelled out to the Prez, but they had to know what the FBI was doing was WRONG. The FBI knew, before the 1st FISA warrant was requested that Carter Page was one of our agents rather than one of Russia's, they had to know the Steel document was totally unverified and was paid for by the Hillary campaign and the Dems as a opposition hit piece, yet they didn't tell the FISA court any of that. There's a word for that - FRAUD. Which is a felony. Whether they can prove it or not is another story, we'll see what comes out of the Durham investigation.
Steele told the IG that he worked for attorneys for the oligarch, who is not identified by name in the report, but appears to be Deripaska

Get back to us when you have the facts nailed down.


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