Obama: Chasing Romney, Losing Himself


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
An interesting article.
Chasing Romney, Losing Himself
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By Major Garrett

In at least three crucial ways, President Obama is running an unorthodox campaign for reelection, shattering the pattern and priorities of his predecessors in a way that risks rebuke from undecided voters.
Interviews with Democratic strategists and Obama’s advisers—as well as the Democrats’ own preconvention talking points—betray a campaign that looks and feels oddly detached from the persuasive powers of the presidency and distracted by something most presidents in this position try to ignore: the clattering criticism of the challenger.
First, Obama and his top advisers obsess over GOP nominee Mitt Romney, his asserted unfitness for office, and the waywardness of his policies.
Second, the Obama team has given short shrift to its first-term accomplishments.
And third, descriptions of second-term priorities remain largely opaque, leaving voters to wonder where a reelected Obama would take the country.

The best example was Team Obama’s indirect and omnidirectional answer to the question “Is the country better off than it was four years ago?” Various aides or proxies answered it on Sunday’s talk shows, and each delivered an array of qualifications, pleas for context, and everything except an emergency “Yes, but …” button. On ABC’s This Week, White House senior adviser David Plouffe refused three times to answer the question but offered that Obama’s policies “staved” off a depression and that the nation is “beginning to recover.” On CBS’s Face the Nation, Maryland Democratic Gov. Martin O’Malley bluntly said, “No,” people are not better off than four years ago. On Fox News Sunday, senior Obama reelection strategist David Axelrod gave an answer than ran one minute and five seconds.
In the aftermath, top counselor Robert Gibbs said, “You’ll find the president Thursday largely address the ‘better off’ question, pointing out that we are no longer facing the imminent collapse of the economy.”

Still, the political context is grim, and Obama’s team knows it. Unemployment is higher (up to 8.3 percent from 7.8 percent); median real wages are down (to $50,964 from $54,983), gas prices are up (to $3.78 per gallon from $1.85), and the national debt is up (to $15.9 trillion from $10.6 trillion). Those are not the only measuring sticks, but they track closely with voters’ perceptions of where we are going: In six national polls this month, the average “right track” number was 33 percent and the average “wrong track” number was 63 percent.

Chasing Romney, Losing Himself - NationalJournal.com
Most are not better off. And that presents a very bad omen for his reelection prospects. All the talk and spin in the world can't change the reality. I guess we'll see which way the Independents go. It's gonna be interesting.
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And, of course, they love to tie it to the day he took over.

Step back a little further and it really looks bad.

He had the momentum. Reagan took a worse situation and turned it around in less than one term.

This assclown has done nothing but whine for four years.
And, of course, they love to tie it to the day he took over.

Step back a little further and it really looks bad.

He had the momentum. Reagan took a worse situation and turned it around in less than one term.

This assclown has done nothing but whine for four years.

I find it interesting that the first thing the left says is that we were shedding jobs at a rate of 800,000 per month. If you go back and look at the numbers you'll find that we lost 240,000 in October of 2008 and it wasn't until Obama had won the election that the mass exodus of jobs began. It was as if businesses knew what was coming as far as the unfriendly business atmosphere. I think if Romney wins we'll see the economy start taking off this November.
Never underestimate the stupidity of the average uninformed American voter. Don't be shocked if the next morning's headline reads, Obama Reelected. A gruesome thought, indeed but look at the mentality of the idiots here that support him. Sadly their vote counts.
"The choice in this election is between economy that produces a growing middle class and that gives people a chance to get ahead and their kids a chance to get ahead, and an economy that continues down the road we are on, where a fewer and fewer number of people do very well, and everybody else is running faster and faster just to keep pace." -- David Axelrod, making the case for Romney

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