obama celebrates obamacare victory by going where 28,000 lost insurance because of obamacare....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes......those people should be happy to lose their insurance...right...now they can pay more for coverage they didn't want or need.....

Obama Takes ACA Victory Tour to Tennessee Where 28 000 Lost Insurance Coverage - Cortney O Brien

he ACA's trail of destruction doesn’t end there. A nationwide CNN poll revealed that twice as many Americans were hurt by Obamacare than benefited from it.

The pinch was especially felt in Tennessee, where state-sponsored insurance programs, which thousands of residents relied on, were effectively shut down thanks to ACA. Here’s how families found out:

Letters are going out this week to explain the changes to people covered by AccessTN, a program for people who have pre-existing medical conditions, and by CoverRX, a prescription benefits program. The 16,000 people enrolled in CoverTN, a limited benefits plan, have already been notified it will end Dec. 31. Many families also have received notice they will no longer be able to buy into CoverKids.

No wonder why Rep. Black is sending a message to President Obama that no speech can put a Band Aid on what these families endured.

“I don’t know what the President will say during his visit to the Volunteer State, but no amount of spin can change the fact that Obamacare is failing to live up to its most basic promises and is hurting too many Tennesseans.”
Actually, that will probably GUARANTEE that Tennessee votes Republican in 2016 (just like they did when their own native son Al Bore ran).....:badgrin:

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