Obama Caught in another Massive Lie.

Why did Obama lie about the ACA?

  • He lied because he thinks he's smarter than we are. He's right

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  • Obama lied trying to do what he believes in, but should not have lied

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Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
Remember last week when Obama said he had no knowledge that Healthcare.gov wasn't working? He never seems to know anything when it goes bad, does he?

Well...and I know you will be shocked...Obama lied. Turns out he was briefed months ago about how bad the website was and is now...as usual...is lying about it. Here is the story form Reuters.

Obama was briefed in spring on widespread website problems

By Roberta Rampton and David Morgan 2 hours ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama, who has portrayed himself as surprised by technical problems with the government's new health care website, was briefed last spring on a detailed consultant's report that warned of system failure, White House spokesman Jay Carney said on Tuesday.

Carney said the president's familiarity with the report and recommendations by McKinsey & Co did not contradict previous statements from the White House that described Obama as surprised by the scope of flaws in HealthCare.gov since it opened for people to enroll for insurance coverage on October 1.

Obama was told the problems identified by McKinsey were being addressed, Carney said.

After reeling from technical problems at its website for more than six weeks, the Obama administration on Tuesday also said that it is still months away from completing the back end of the system, including functions needed to finalize federal subsidies for consumers who buy health plans.

Administration officials said the complicated information technology system's financial management function would not be completed until mid-January, weeks after the first enrollees are scheduled to begin receiving benefits under the Affordable Care Act, passed in 2010 as Obama's signature domestic policy.

Julie Bataille, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), played down the January timeframe, saying the financial management functions are not among the high priority fixes aimed at ensuring a smooth operation for consumers to shop, enroll in coverage and make their first month's premium payment.

But the ability of the administration to deliver federal premium tax credits as partial premium payments for qualifying consumers is a vital segment of the function of the new online marketplace. Also not due until January are functions involving risk adjustments for insurers and the monthly reconciliation of enrollment data.

The McKinsey report, released Monday night by a Republican-controlled House of Representatives committee, is the most detailed analysis made public to date of the difficulties the site was facing late in its development.

It warned the government of the potential for system failure that could make the health care exchanges inaccessible to consumers trying to buy insurance through them, suggesting that there was not enough time before October to make all the repairs.

Release of the report by the Republican chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee was part of a broad effort by Republicans to discredit the health care program and to portray the Obama administration as incompetent in implementing the health care law.


Democrats are increasingly joining the chorus of criticism. Representative Elijah Cummings, a senior Democrat and ally of Obama, called on Tuesday for a White House shakeup over the handling of the rollout of the healthcare law, commonly called Obamacare. The website is an online exchange that allows consumers to shop for coverage under the law, which mandated that Americans have health insurance and created new marketplaces to buy and sell policies.

In a separate House hearing, Republicans portrayed the website as not only broken but not secure for personal information of consumers.

Three security experts testified that HealthCare.gov was so insecure for consumers that they believed it should be shut down until fixed.

Obama administration officials responded that the site was safe.

The rollout of Obama's signature domestic policy has hurt the popularity of the initiative, but the decline has been fairly modest, a Reuters/Ipsos poll showed on Monday.

Forty-one percent of Americans expressed support for Obamacare in a survey conducted from Thursday to Monday. That was down 3 percentage points from a Reuters/Ipsos poll taken from September 27 to October 1.

Opposition to the healthcare law stood at 59 percent in the latest poll, versus 56 percent in the earlier survey.
The rest of the scandals are starting to sound more plausible aren't they? If he knew this, what else did he know?

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anyway, the wash post had it too...

White House press secretary Jay Carney said President Obama was told in April about a review of HealthCare.gov's problems, but Carney declined to specify the details of the briefing.

A federally-commissioned review by McKinsey & Co. concluded in late March that the online enrollment system was risky because the design process was flawed, The Washington Post first reported Monday night.

Speaking to reporters Tuesday, Carney said, "The president received regular briefings on various aspects of implementing the [health care law], including the recommendations from this review and the steps that [agencies] had taken to address those recommendations."

Carney did not say what details of the assessment the president learned. The report included warnings that the call-in centers would not work properly if the online system was malfunctioning, and that insufficient testing would make it difficult to fix problems after the launch.

more at-

Carney says Obama was told about HealthCare.gov review in April

obama made a point of saying just last week in his press conf. that he had no idea that the site had serious issues....
Remember last week when Obama said he had no knowledge that Healthcare.gov wasn't working? He never seems to know anything when it goes bad, does he?

Well...and I know you will be shocked...Obama lied. Turns out he was briefed months ago about how bad the website was and is now...as usual...is lying about it. .

Only the truly hopeless partisans like rdean, swallow, rightwinger, luddy, et. al. would believe a word that the Chicago 'organizer' says at this point.
Remember last week when Obama said he had no knowledge that Healthcare.gov wasn't working? He never seems to know anything when it goes bad, does he?

Well...and I know you will be shocked...Obama lied. Turns out he was briefed months ago about how bad the website was and is now...as usual...is lying about it. .

Only the truly hopeless partisans like rdean, swallow, rightwinger, luddy, et. al. would believe a word that the Chicago 'organizer' says at this point.

You'll notice their sorry asses are not over here defending our Liar-In-Chief.
Remember last week when Obama said he had no knowledge that Healthcare.gov wasn't working? He never seems to know anything when it goes bad, does he?

Well...and I know you will be shocked...Obama lied. Turns out he was briefed months ago about how bad the website was and is now...as usual...is lying about it. .

Only the truly hopeless partisans like rdean, swallow, rightwinger, luddy, et. al. would believe a word that the Chicago 'organizer' says at this point.

Actually they don't care that he lies...he lies because we are stupid.
Come on Libtards. You gotta defend this shit. It's Barry Obummer, noted fuck up and Liar-in-Chief. Surely someone can defend this?
Remember last week when Obama said he had no knowledge that Healthcare.gov wasn't working? He never seems to know anything when it goes bad, does he?

Well...and I know you will be shocked...Obama lied. Turns out he was briefed months ago about how bad the website was and is now...as usual...is lying about it. Here is the story form Reuters.

Obama was briefed in spring on widespread website problems

By Roberta Rampton and David Morgan 2 hours ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama, who has portrayed himself as surprised by technical problems with the government's new health care website, was briefed last spring on a detailed consultant's report that warned of system failure, White House spokesman Jay Carney said on Tuesday.

Carney said the president's familiarity with the report and recommendations by McKinsey & Co did not contradict previous statements from the White House that described Obama as surprised by the scope of flaws in HealthCare.gov since it opened for people to enroll for insurance coverage on October 1.

Obama was told the problems identified by McKinsey were being addressed, Carney said.

After reeling from technical problems at its website for more than six weeks, the Obama administration on Tuesday also said that it is still months away from completing the back end of the system, including functions needed to finalize federal subsidies for consumers who buy health plans.

Administration officials said the complicated information technology system's financial management function would not be completed until mid-January, weeks after the first enrollees are scheduled to begin receiving benefits under the Affordable Care Act, passed in 2010 as Obama's signature domestic policy.

Julie Bataille, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), played down the January timeframe, saying the financial management functions are not among the high priority fixes aimed at ensuring a smooth operation for consumers to shop, enroll in coverage and make their first month's premium payment.

But the ability of the administration to deliver federal premium tax credits as partial premium payments for qualifying consumers is a vital segment of the function of the new online marketplace. Also not due until January are functions involving risk adjustments for insurers and the monthly reconciliation of enrollment data.

The McKinsey report, released Monday night by a Republican-controlled House of Representatives committee, is the most detailed analysis made public to date of the difficulties the site was facing late in its development.

It warned the government of the potential for system failure that could make the health care exchanges inaccessible to consumers trying to buy insurance through them, suggesting that there was not enough time before October to make all the repairs.

Release of the report by the Republican chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee was part of a broad effort by Republicans to discredit the health care program and to portray the Obama administration as incompetent in implementing the health care law.


Democrats are increasingly joining the chorus of criticism. Representative Elijah Cummings, a senior Democrat and ally of Obama, called on Tuesday for a White House shakeup over the handling of the rollout of the healthcare law, commonly called Obamacare. The website is an online exchange that allows consumers to shop for coverage under the law, which mandated that Americans have health insurance and created new marketplaces to buy and sell policies.

In a separate House hearing, Republicans portrayed the website as not only broken but not secure for personal information of consumers.

Three security experts testified that HealthCare.gov was so insecure for consumers that they believed it should be shut down until fixed.

Obama administration officials responded that the site was safe.

The rollout of Obama's signature domestic policy has hurt the popularity of the initiative, but the decline has been fairly modest, a Reuters/Ipsos poll showed on Monday.

Forty-one percent of Americans expressed support for Obamacare in a survey conducted from Thursday to Monday. That was down 3 percentage points from a Reuters/Ipsos poll taken from September 27 to October 1.

Opposition to the healthcare law stood at 59 percent in the latest poll, versus 56 percent in the earlier survey.

Yes, I know about this too. They actually rolled out a Federal Government web-site that was questionable as to whether or not it would work.

Let alone we find out today from the IT guys, under testimony, that they are still in the process of building the Federal Government's Obamacare web-site--:cuckoo: They're still in the process of building it--after 3-1/2 years to do it, and 600 million dollars later. THE PROBLEM--5.2 million Americans have received cancellations letters from their insurers--that need to pay for a new policy by December 15th under an Obamacare exchange to be covered by Jan. 1, 2014--and they can't even get on the web-site.

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Obama was fully aware when he said "If you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan" that is was a lie. It's how the ACA was written, his staff admitted debating how honest he should be. They decided the truth would just "confuse" people. Actually, with the election of Scott Brown, they had to pass it as is and immediately. So he lied to get it passed. It worked.

Of that there is no doubt, but the question is, why did he lie?
Simple. Had he told the truth that millions would be losing their health insurance, he would not have been elected last year.

I'm not sure I see that specific conclusion. Obamacare would not have passed. I'm not sure how that would have defeated him though.

Don't you think he would be re-elected today? I do. Particularly with the clowns the Republicans keep nominating to run against the Democrats and the media being their cheer leading section..
Simple. Had he told the truth that millions would be losing their health insurance, he would not have been elected last year.

I'm not sure I see that specific conclusion. Obamacare would not have passed. I'm not sure how that would have defeated him though.

Don't you think he would be re-elected today? I do. Particularly with the clowns the Republicans keep nominating to run against the Democrats and the media being their cheer leading section..

I see what you're saying since we have record numbers depending on govt now. You may be right but healthcare directly affects millions which was my reasoning. Indirect lies usually don't even phase anyone.
Bush gets ripped, as he should have been, for allowing a dunce to run FEMA....and then saying "you are doing a great job" when he wasn't.

Obama is telling us:

President Obama said Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has done “a great job” setting up Obamacare despite his extreme frustration with the massive failures of healthcare.gov, the main portal for people signing up for the new Obamacare exchanges.

“You know, I think Kathleen Sebelius, under tremendously difficult circumstances over the last four and a half years has done a great job setting up the insurance markets so that there is a good product out there for people to get,” he told NBC's Chuck Todd in an interview Thursday at the White House.

Obama: Sebelius has done 'a great job' despite botched website | WashingtonExaminer.com

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