Obama Bows Before the UN Over Arizona Immigration Law


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
East Japip
There can be few sights more humiliating for the American people than that of a US president kowtowing to a foreign leader or to supranational institutions. Continental Europeans are used to this sort of thing after decades of dominance by unelected bureaucrats in Brussels, and have grudgingly accepted over time the gradual and undemocratic erosion of their freedoms. But most Americans fiercely defend their national sovereignty, and find the idea of giving international organisations a say over their laws and lives completely unacceptable.

The Obama administration however has submitted a report to the UN Commissioner on Human Rights, South African judge Navanethem Pillay, which makes direct reference to a popular Arizona immigration law aimed at tackling illegal immigration, which is fiercely opposed by the White House, and is the subject of legal action by the Justice Department. The report references

"A recent Arizona law, S.B. 1070, (which) has generated significant attention and debate at home and around the world. The issue is being addressed in a court action that argues that the federal government has the authority to set and enforce immigration law. That action is ongoing; parts of the law are currently enjoined."

The highly controversial reference to the Arizona law serves only one purpose – to gain UN and international support for the Obama administration’s position in the face of mounting opposition from Arizona legislators and a majority of the American people. A recent Rasmussen poll showed 61 percent of Americans backing Arizona-style laws for their own states, and just 28 percent supporting a Justice Department challenge .

By doing so, Obama officials undoubtedly hope to stir up international condemnation of the Arizona policy in advance of the UN General Assembly meetings in September, which they believe will increase pressure on Arizona to back down. It is a highly cynical move that speaks volumes about the Obama team’s willingness to undercut American sovereignty and popular will on the world stage.

This approach has rightly been strongly condemned by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, who described the Arizona reference in the government report as “downright offensive”, and called on it to be removed. The State Department has just announced that it will stand by its decision to include Arizona in its UN submission, with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton strongly in favour of it.

It is important to note that the Obama administration’s report to the United Nations will go before the UN Human Rights Council, which includes in its current membership some of the world’s worst human rights abusers. The likes of China, Cuba, Libya, Russia, and Saudi Arabia, will have a right to pass judgment over the Arizona immigration law, a humiliation for a great superpower before some of the most brutal regimes on the face of the earth.

Barack Obama has bowed before the UN over Arizona immigration law – Telegraph Blogs
There can be few sights more humiliating for the American people than that of a US president kowtowing to a foreign leader or to supranational institutions. Continental Europeans are used to this sort of thing after decades of dominance by unelected bureaucrats in Brussels, and have grudgingly accepted over time the gradual and undemocratic erosion of their freedoms. But most Americans fiercely defend their national sovereignty, and find the idea of giving international organisations a say over their laws and lives completely unacceptable.

The Obama administration however has submitted a report to the UN Commissioner on Human Rights, South African judge Navanethem Pillay, which makes direct reference to a popular Arizona immigration law aimed at tackling illegal immigration, which is fiercely opposed by the White House, and is the subject of legal action by the Justice Department. The report references

"A recent Arizona law, S.B. 1070, (which) has generated significant attention and debate at home and around the world. The issue is being addressed in a court action that argues that the federal government has the authority to set and enforce immigration law. That action is ongoing; parts of the law are currently enjoined."

The highly controversial reference to the Arizona law serves only one purpose – to gain UN and international support for the Obama administration’s position in the face of mounting opposition from Arizona legislators and a majority of the American people. A recent Rasmussen poll showed 61 percent of Americans backing Arizona-style laws for their own states, and just 28 percent supporting a Justice Department challenge .

By doing so, Obama officials undoubtedly hope to stir up international condemnation of the Arizona policy in advance of the UN General Assembly meetings in September, which they believe will increase pressure on Arizona to back down. It is a highly cynical move that speaks volumes about the Obama team’s willingness to undercut American sovereignty and popular will on the world stage.

This approach has rightly been strongly condemned by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, who described the Arizona reference in the government report as “downright offensive”, and called on it to be removed. The State Department has just announced that it will stand by its decision to include Arizona in its UN submission, with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton strongly in favour of it.

It is important to note that the Obama administration’s report to the United Nations will go before the UN Human Rights Council, which includes in its current membership some of the world’s worst human rights abusers. The likes of China, Cuba, Libya, Russia, and Saudi Arabia, will have a right to pass judgment over the Arizona immigration law, a humiliation for a great superpower before some of the most brutal regimes on the face of the earth.

Barack Obama has bowed before the UN over Arizona immigration law – Telegraph Blogs

Conservatives these days are fixated with Obama bowing and shoving things down their throat. Sounds like a personal problem to me.
Humiliating is the proper word for this... For the Obama Admin to go and tell the U.N. that Arizona isn't playing nice is as embarressing as it gets!! Just when you think they couldn't sink any lower.
APPALLED is not the word for it TRAITOROUS is more appropriate for this Muslim president. Why is he not being impeached? He is trying to destroy our nation. It is as clear as a crystal day. True Americans must unite & toss out all the crony associates. We have the best government in the world The best of everything but we're letting it be taken away- being destroyed from within. Americans awake. Pray & unite in defense of our freedoms. We SAW Muslims rejoicing in the Sts. of Iran when the towers were destroyed.Were they ALL radical Terrorists? Now, they're trying to build an Islamic Center in the area to further rejoice. This CANNOT bring unity as they are falsely claiming but further division as we have seen Yet, they INSIST they WILL build on the site, because they have a (US) RIGHT How peace loving is that ?.The US president BOWING to an arab leader but not to the Queen of England, threats of Death to infidels, destruction of ISRAEL, imrisonment & bestial beheadings of innocent captives, denials of the Holocaust. So much INSANITY
thru-out the entire civilized (?) world . We are TOO leniant with leftists, liberals, illegals,, terrorists & those who openly preach madness. We need to strenthen our BORDERS & enforce our LAWS. Judges need to properly interpret the law as defined in our Constitution & not be intimidated by liberals. Prayer should NOT be removed from schools & public gatherings. Franklin Graham should NOT have been cancelled from presiding at The World Day of Prayer. School Grounds should NOT be opened at night to accomodate ONE religious observance. "In God We Trust" should NOT be removed from any government issue nor the 10 commandments or crosses removed from any monuments. They are NOT offensive They are AMERICAN beliefs. Wake up, young parents & college students who voted to see "CHANGE" & see what it is doing to our GOD given rights & our "CHRISTIAN" NATION (regardless of what the imposter-serving as president- says). I read his book (from the library, I don't recommend purchase) & believe his career was financed by enemies of this country. Actions speak louder than words but his own words in his book help us understand his traitorous actions. GOD have mercy on us & may HE continue to bless AMERICA as we repent of our frivolous ways .
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There can be few sights more humiliating for the American people than that of a US president kowtowing to a foreign leader or to supranational institutions. Continental Europeans are used to this sort of thing after decades of dominance by unelected bureaucrats in Brussels, and have grudgingly accepted over time the gradual and undemocratic erosion of their freedoms. But most Americans fiercely defend their national sovereignty, and find the idea of giving international organisations a say over their laws and lives completely unacceptable.

The Obama administration however has submitted a report to the UN Commissioner on Human Rights, South African judge Navanethem Pillay, which makes direct reference to a popular Arizona immigration law aimed at tackling illegal immigration, which is fiercely opposed by the White House, and is the subject of legal action by the Justice Department. The report references

"A recent Arizona law, S.B. 1070, (which) has generated significant attention and debate at home and around the world. The issue is being addressed in a court action that argues that the federal government has the authority to set and enforce immigration law. That action is ongoing; parts of the law are currently enjoined."

The highly controversial reference to the Arizona law serves only one purpose – to gain UN and international support for the Obama administration’s position in the face of mounting opposition from Arizona legislators and a majority of the American people. A recent Rasmussen poll showed 61 percent of Americans backing Arizona-style laws for their own states, and just 28 percent supporting a Justice Department challenge .

By doing so, Obama officials undoubtedly hope to stir up international condemnation of the Arizona policy in advance of the UN General Assembly meetings in September, which they believe will increase pressure on Arizona to back down. It is a highly cynical move that speaks volumes about the Obama team’s willingness to undercut American sovereignty and popular will on the world stage.

This approach has rightly been strongly condemned by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, who described the Arizona reference in the government report as “downright offensive”, and called on it to be removed. The State Department has just announced that it will stand by its decision to include Arizona in its UN submission, with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton strongly in favour of it.

It is important to note that the Obama administration’s report to the United Nations will go before the UN Human Rights Council, which includes in its current membership some of the world’s worst human rights abusers. The likes of China, Cuba, Libya, Russia, and Saudi Arabia, will have a right to pass judgment over the Arizona immigration law, a humiliation for a great superpower before some of the most brutal regimes on the face of the earth.

Barack Obama has bowed before the UN over Arizona immigration law – Telegraph Blogs

Conservatives these days are fixated with Obama bowing and shoving things down their throat. Sounds like a personal problem to me.

Here's a hint to the American perspective we are a people not accustomed to being fucked with. We have a knowledge of our rights that the world does not understand even though the president cowers at the feet of world opinion the American people will never do this. As for me you and the world can kiss my red white and blue ass bitch
Let's see... world dictators would solve problem like this with brute force. And if Obama's asking them for words of wisdom, he's probably just looking for their approval. Of course, they will be on his side.
if the guy was a Leader, he would go to Arizona and try and get this solved.....but since he hasnt gone there since this has happened......like i have been saying.....Obama aint much of a Leader.....Arizona is his job to help solve....NOT the UN....but he sure as hell wants to go to the Middle East and broker a peace treaty with the Israelis and Palestinians....which is the UN's job....and we all know how that will turn out.....
if the guy was a Leader, he would go to Arizona and try and get this solved.....but since he hasnt gone there since this has happened......like i have been saying.....Obama aint much of a Leader.....Arizona is his job to help solve....NOT the UN....but he sure as hell wants to go to the Middle East and broker a peace treaty with the Israelis and Palestinians....which is the UN's job....and we all know how that will turn out.....
Solving Arizona’s problem is not historical but being the first Man on earth to solve the middle east problem is dare I say anti- Christ worthy. And for thoise who fail to understand my meaning that would be historical thing to bring peace to the middle east
There can be few sights more humiliating for the American people than that of a US president kowtowing to a foreign leader or to supranational institutions. Continental Europeans are used to this sort of thing after decades of dominance by unelected bureaucrats in Brussels, and have grudgingly accepted over time the gradual and undemocratic erosion of their freedoms. But most Americans fiercely defend their national sovereignty, and find the idea of giving international organisations a say over their laws and lives completely unacceptable.

The Obama administration however has submitted a report to the UN Commissioner on Human Rights, South African judge Navanethem Pillay, which makes direct reference to a popular Arizona immigration law aimed at tackling illegal immigration, which is fiercely opposed by the White House, and is the subject of legal action by the Justice Department. The report references

"A recent Arizona law, S.B. 1070, (which) has generated significant attention and debate at home and around the world. The issue is being addressed in a court action that argues that the federal government has the authority to set and enforce immigration law. That action is ongoing; parts of the law are currently enjoined."

The highly controversial reference to the Arizona law serves only one purpose – to gain UN and international support for the Obama administration’s position in the face of mounting opposition from Arizona legislators and a majority of the American people. A recent Rasmussen poll showed 61 percent of Americans backing Arizona-style laws for their own states, and just 28 percent supporting a Justice Department challenge .

By doing so, Obama officials undoubtedly hope to stir up international condemnation of the Arizona policy in advance of the UN General Assembly meetings in September, which they believe will increase pressure on Arizona to back down. It is a highly cynical move that speaks volumes about the Obama team’s willingness to undercut American sovereignty and popular will on the world stage.

This approach has rightly been strongly condemned by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, who described the Arizona reference in the government report as “downright offensive”, and called on it to be removed. The State Department has just announced that it will stand by its decision to include Arizona in its UN submission, with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton strongly in favour of it.

It is important to note that the Obama administration’s report to the United Nations will go before the UN Human Rights Council, which includes in its current membership some of the world’s worst human rights abusers. The likes of China, Cuba, Libya, Russia, and Saudi Arabia, will have a right to pass judgment over the Arizona immigration law, a humiliation for a great superpower before some of the most brutal regimes on the face of the earth.

Barack Obama has bowed before the UN over Arizona immigration law – Telegraph Blogs
screw the friggin UN...
Just once I'd like to se some balls form our govt and our UN Ambassador tell the UN to go piss up a tree.
There can be few sights more humiliating for the American people than that of a US president kowtowing to a foreign leader or to supranational institutions. Continental Europeans are used to this sort of thing after decades of dominance by unelected bureaucrats in Brussels, and have grudgingly accepted over time the gradual and undemocratic erosion of their freedoms. But most Americans fiercely defend their national sovereignty, and find the idea of giving international organisations a say over their laws and lives completely unacceptable.

The Obama administration however has submitted a report to the UN Commissioner on Human Rights, South African judge Navanethem Pillay, which makes direct reference to a popular Arizona immigration law aimed at tackling illegal immigration, which is fiercely opposed by the White House, and is the subject of legal action by the Justice Department. The report references

"A recent Arizona law, S.B. 1070, (which) has generated significant attention and debate at home and around the world. The issue is being addressed in a court action that argues that the federal government has the authority to set and enforce immigration law. That action is ongoing; parts of the law are currently enjoined."

The highly controversial reference to the Arizona law serves only one purpose – to gain UN and international support for the Obama administration’s position in the face of mounting opposition from Arizona legislators and a majority of the American people. A recent Rasmussen poll showed 61 percent of Americans backing Arizona-style laws for their own states, and just 28 percent supporting a Justice Department challenge .

By doing so, Obama officials undoubtedly hope to stir up international condemnation of the Arizona policy in advance of the UN General Assembly meetings in September, which they believe will increase pressure on Arizona to back down. It is a highly cynical move that speaks volumes about the Obama team’s willingness to undercut American sovereignty and popular will on the world stage.

This approach has rightly been strongly condemned by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, who described the Arizona reference in the government report as “downright offensive”, and called on it to be removed. The State Department has just announced that it will stand by its decision to include Arizona in its UN submission, with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton strongly in favour of it.

It is important to note that the Obama administration’s report to the United Nations will go before the UN Human Rights Council, which includes in its current membership some of the world’s worst human rights abusers. The likes of China, Cuba, Libya, Russia, and Saudi Arabia, will have a right to pass judgment over the Arizona immigration law, a humiliation for a great superpower before some of the most brutal regimes on the face of the earth.

Barack Obama has bowed before the UN over Arizona immigration law – Telegraph Blogs

Conservatives these days are fixated with Obama bowing and shoving things down their throat. Sounds like a personal problem to me.
No, it's a breach of Office protocol...What's next, dipping the American flag?
It is absolutely ridicules. That our government is comparing possible abuses of Arizona's law to REAL Human rights abuses around the world.

And this jack ass wonders why his popularity keeps slipping at home even as it grows over seas.

Maybe he is planning a run for GS of the UN :)
Sorry bout that,

1. Just one more reason the libturds are set for kick in the teeth in a month.
2. I wonder will Obama be able to hold power after the libturds get beat down?
3. I can only hope some new better dirt surfaces on him that will indeed bring Obama down.
4. For the good of America ofcourse, I hate the fact that a US President really needs to be brought down, but,...so it is.:eusa_drool:

Sorry bout that,

1. Just one more reason the libturds are set for kick in the teeth in a month.
2. I wonder will Obama be able to hold power after the libturds get beat down?
3. I can only hope some new better dirt surfaces on him that will indeed bring Obama down.
4. For the good of America ofcourse, I hate the fact that a US President really needs to be brought down, but,...so it is.:eusa_drool:


Chess clam down obama will be toothless in three months we do not want him removed because look at who will be takinbg his place. Joe biden and Nancy comiung in second.:eusa_pray:

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