obama birth certificate: who writes this stuff ??


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
i was reading through the accounts of obama past relationships:
the more time goes by, the more i believe that this is a provenance of fiction.

like benghazi this story is incomplete, and certain people really don't like the questions.

this will be instantly relegated to the conspiracy section, which is fine. but know this, it won't always be the taboo subject it is now for so many, and has been for so many years.

more people are talking about it, more importantly, they continue to factcheck the history, and not the .org kind..

so who writes this stuff ? obviously not the candidate himself. why so many corrections and scrubs and plain false and/or invented "facts". this gets increasingly bizarre.

this video has been around forever.

so i'm adding to my tagline. mister obama, is there anything about your past you maybe haven't told us that we should know ?
more people are talking about it, more importantly, they continue to factcheck the history, and not the .org kind..

who and what?
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more people are talking about it, more importantly, they continue to factcheck the history, and not the .org kind..

who and what?
we're talking about obama now jake.

*Obama has as much trouble with numbers as he has with maps. Last March, on the anniversary of the Bloody Sunday march in Selma, Alabama, he claimed his parents united as a direct result of the civil rights movement:

“There was something stirring across the country because of what happened in Selma, Alabama, because some folks are willing to march across a bridge. So they got together and Barack Obama Jr. was born.”

Obama was born in 1961. The Selma march took place in 1965. His spokesman, Bill Burton, later explained that Obama was “speaking metaphorically about the civil rights movement as a whole.”

the metaphorical presidency. he should be able to factcheck his own life without help..

that whole kennedy airlift thing ?? pure fiction... forrest gump..

Key Part of JFK-Obama Myth Not True - ABC News
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Nothing new.

We've always known the president's father was African and his mother American.

What's your point?
that's my point..

this sounds like the benghazi snowjob...

Okay, so your OP seems to be a burfur rant but now you're saying its a rant against freedom of religion. And then you bring Benghazi in it? Really, you're just all over the place.

You wrote, "mister obama, is there anything about your past you maybe haven't told us that we should know ?"

What do your videos prove he's hiding?

i was reading through the accounts of obama past relationships:
the more time goes by, the more i believe that this is a provenance of fiction.

like benghazi this story is incomplete, and certain people really don't like the questions.

this will be instantly relegated to the conspiracy section, which is fine. but know this, it won't always be the taboo subject it is now for so many, and has been for so many years.

more people are talking about it, more importantly, they continue to factcheck the history, and not the .org kind..

so who writes this stuff ? obviously not the candidate himself. why so many corrections and scrubs and plain false and/or invented "facts". this gets increasingly bizarre.

this video has been around forever.

so i'm adding to my tagline. mister obama, is there anything about your past you maybe haven't told us that we should know ?

Well, first, he is the President of these United States, not a candidate. So, he is not "mister obama", he is Pres. Obama.

Second, the birther thing died about 4 years ago. Did you not get the memo?
Nothing new.

We've always known the president's father was African and his mother American.

What's your point?
that's my point..

this sounds like the benghazi snowjob...

Okay, so your OP seems to be a burfur rant but now you're saying its a rant against freedom of religion. And then you bring Benghazi in it? Really, you're just all over the place.

You wrote, "mister obama, is there anything about your past you maybe haven't told us that we should know ?"

What do your videos prove he's hiding?


i didn't say they hid anything, you just did. i implied it though, other wise what are we all doing here right ??

i posed the question, which could relate to benghazi as well. is there anything about benghazi or your past that we as Americans should know ? it's a pretty good question. i don't know the answer either.

i have been comparing benghazi and the birth certificate since the benghazi attack. (or protest rally), as you guys call it. so many of the same hallmarks.
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i was reading through the accounts of obama past relationships:
the more time goes by, the more i believe that this is a provenance of fiction.

like benghazi this story is incomplete, and certain people really don't like the questions.

this will be instantly relegated to the conspiracy section, which is fine. but know this, it won't always be the taboo subject it is now for so many, and has been for so many years.

more people are talking about it, more importantly, they continue to factcheck the history, and not the .org kind..

so who writes this stuff ? obviously not the candidate himself. why so many corrections and scrubs and plain false and/or invented "facts". this gets increasingly bizarre.

this video has been around forever.

so i'm adding to my tagline. mister obama, is there anything about your past you maybe haven't told us that we should know ?

Well, first, he is the President of these United States, not a candidate. So, he is not "mister obama", he is Pres. Obama.

Second, the birther thing died about 4 years ago. Did you not get the memo?

that's fine. yes i got the memo on 4/27/11.. but only savannah guthrie was allowed to touch it (i had to get a special waiver).
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this is a pageant

Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jay Carney 4 27 2011 The White House

Q You’ve got two certified copies, according to this study. You have these physical --

MR. PFEIFFER: Yes. I showed you one. Just one.

Q You showed us a photocopy of one.

MR. PFEIFFER: No, I showed you --

Q Does that have a stamp?

MR. PFEIFFER: It has a seal on it.

Q Why does this rise to the level of a presidential statement?

MR. PFEIFFER: The President -- this in itself -- when you hear the President I think you’ll understand the point he’s making. That will be in not too long.

Q Did the President change his own mind about this? In other words, was he advocating during the campaign let’s just put it out there and get it over with, or was this an internal shift in thinking based -- in other words, was it the President who steadfastly during the campaign said this is ridiculous, I don't want to give this any more ground, and has now changed his mind? Or is this the --

MR. PFEIFFER: Let’s be very clear. You were there for the campaign. There was never a question about the original birth certificate during the campaign. It was a settled issue. I was there for the original decision to release the birth certificate. I was there when we posted it online. I'm not sure I even knew there was an original one that was different than the one we posted online because it wasn’t an issue. So it wasn’t like -- let’s be very clear. We were asked for the President’s birth certificate in 2008; we released the President’s birth certificate; and it was done. That was it.


jay carney.." MR. CARNEY: Good morning, everybody. You can read the paperwork we just handed out in a minute. Let me just get started. Thank you for coming this morning. I have with me today Dan Pfeiffer, the President’s Director of Communications, as well as Bob Bauer, the President’s White House Counsel, who will have a few things to say about the documents we handed to you today. And then we'll take your questions. I remind you this is off camera and only pen and pad, not for audio. And I give you Dan Pfeiffer.


i want to know more about this murky exhibition..
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this is priceless and i think they key to everything is in this room that day..

pfeiffer "the fact checkers came to headquarters and actually examined the document we had".

i'd like to polygraph everyone in that room just for fun.

headquarters ? really ? chicago ? D.C ??... under the get smart cone of silence ??

And Bob will explain why -- the extraordinary steps we had to take to receive that and the legal restraints that are in place there

MR. BAUER: Early last week the decision was made to review the legal basis for seeking a waiver from the longstanding prohibition in the state Department of Health on releasing the long-form birth certificate. And so we undertook a legal analysis and determined a waiver request could be made that we had the grounds upon which to make that request.

man alive... these are the super lawyers inventing a story, because they thought they needed one.

i encourage everyone to read this again front to back..
Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jay Carney 4 27 2011 The White House

i also find it odd on an official government site that the are no names of the questioners, un less they are all named Q

where did this transcrict come from if there were no cameras or audio?. Savannah Guthrie, defied the requst not to record anything, and she was the only one "allowed" to touch or record the said document..

red flags all over the place on this one.

Q I know you expected that question, right? (Laughter.)
MR. PFEIFFER: He even said you would be the one who would ask it. (Laughter.)

now we're getting somewhere... les kinsolving wasn't in the room, so chuck todd maybe ? are the reporters names a secret too ??

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And as I said earlier, it probably would have been -- a lot of the pundits out there have talked about the fact that this whole birther debate has been really bad for the Republican Party and would probably be good for the President politically. But despite that, the President, as I said, was struck by how this was crowding out the debate, particularly around the budget, on important issues, and was an example of the sort of sideshows that our politics focuses on instead of the real challenges that we have to confront as a country.

obama/chicago helping out the republican's... hmmm
No point, no facts, just a rant.

Go for it but its just a regurg of the same ole conspiracy nonsense.

let me rant then obot, what do you and the otherbots care ? unless...

this reporter Q sounds as if he or she are reading from the whitehouse script..
a planted question......

Q And this is going to sound -- I mean, you can just anticipate what people are going to -- remain unconvinced. They’re going to say that this is just a photocopy of a piece of paper, you could have typed anything in there. Will the actual certificate be on display or viewable at any -- (laughter.)

Q Will the President be holding it?

MR. PFEIFFER: He will not, and I will not leave it here for him to do so. But it will -- the State Department of Health in Hawaii will obviously attest that that is a -- what they have on file. As Bob said, it’s in a book in Hawaii
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