Obama Becoming A Joke...


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. [Democrat] President Obama will blame House Republican leader Eric Cantor for blocking his jobs package when he speaks later today in Mesquite, Texas
Obama to blast Cantor for blocking jobs bill

2.President Barack Obama has traveled the country to rally support for his jobs legislation and prodding Congress to take up the bill immediately.

Senate Minority [Republican] Leader Mitch McConnell’s response? Sure.

Read more: Mitch McConnell: Let's just vote on Obama jobs bill - Seung Min Kim - POLITICO.com

3. [Democrat Leader ]Reid blocks vote on jobs bill while Obama blasts House for not voting on it.
Reid blocks vote on jobs bill while Obama blasts House for not voting on it | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

So...how long before President Obama's pic appears in the dictionary definition of incompetent?

in·com·pe·tent/inˈkämpətənt/Noun: An incompetent person.
Adjective: Not having the necessary skills to do something successfully. More »
Wikipedia - Dictionary.com - Answers.com - Merriam-Webster
1. [Democrat] President Obama will blame House Republican leader Eric Cantor for blocking his jobs package when he speaks later today in Mesquite, Texas
Obama to blast Cantor for blocking jobs bill

2.President Barack Obama has traveled the country to rally support for his jobs legislation and prodding Congress to take up the bill immediately.

Senate Minority [Republican] Leader Mitch McConnell’s response? Sure.

Read more: Mitch McConnell: Let's just vote on Obama jobs bill - Seung Min Kim - POLITICO.com

3. [Democrat Leader ]Reid blocks vote on jobs bill while Obama blasts House for not voting on it.
Reid blocks vote on jobs bill while Obama blasts House for not voting on it | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

So...how long before President Obama's pic appears in the dictionary definition of incompetent?

in·com·pe·tent/inˈkämpətənt/Noun: An incompetent person.
Adjective: Not having the necessary skills to do something successfully. More »
Wikipedia - Dictionary.com - Answers.com - Merriam-Webster

Have you not watched NBC News or read the NY Times lately?

Obama is doing the best he can despite the resistance of the GOP.

Sadly, most dont know the truth. Look at the Cantor thread. Most arent even aware that Reid cant muster up enough in his own party for the bill to be voted on.
But it is Cantors fault.

And the people believe it.

Obama plays his supporters as the fools. I wonder what it is like to continually defend a man that sees you as a fool.
Cantor is a Grade A douche bag. He won't consider the Presidents plan as a whole because "That is not what we need right now. We need to all pull together to ensure that we can produce a better environment for growth and job creation." Yet, I haven't seen him talk about any of his ideas for creating jobs. I guess by "all" he means everyone but himself.
Obama plays his supporters as the fools. I wonder what it is like to continually defend a man that sees you as a fool.

They don't see far enough. He's a good looking charismatic man who can speak well, and he had a decent enough shell game to win the Presidency. His issue is that he's been able to talk and charm his way for much of his life.

But these are politicians. Both sides....

It's not working on his side anymore, let alone working with the Reps.
Cantor is a Grade A douche bag. He won't consider the Presidents plan as a whole because "That is not what we need right now. We need to all pull together to ensure that we can produce a better environment for growth and job creation." Yet, I haven't seen him talk about any of his ideas for creating jobs. I guess by "all" he means everyone but himself.

It's of course not up to Cantor whether the bill gets voted on or not. He has no power over that.
Reid does have power over whether the bill gets voted on. And he isn't letting it happen.

Idiots like you are why Obama is still in power and hasn't resigned in disgrace like he should.
Cantor is a Grade A douche bag. He won't consider the Presidents plan as a whole because "That is not what we need right now. We need to all pull together to ensure that we can produce a better environment for growth and job creation." Yet, I haven't seen him talk about any of his ideas for creating jobs. I guess by "all" he means everyone but himself.

Sigh......... It's like you didn't even read the OP. Or maybe you did you just couldn’t help but make it about Evil Republicans, unable to see that Obama divides the country at every turn by trying to make it seem as if it's just Republicans that are holding up his Stimulus 2.0.
1. [Democrat] President Obama will blame House Republican leader Eric Cantor for blocking his jobs package when he speaks later today in Mesquite, Texas
Obama to blast Cantor for blocking jobs bill

2.President Barack Obama has traveled the country to rally support for his jobs legislation and prodding Congress to take up the bill immediately.

Senate Minority [Republican] Leader Mitch McConnell’s response? Sure.

Read more: Mitch McConnell: Let's just vote on Obama jobs bill - Seung Min Kim - POLITICO.com

3. [Democrat Leader ]Reid blocks vote on jobs bill while Obama blasts House for not voting on it.
Reid blocks vote on jobs bill while Obama blasts House for not voting on it | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

So...how long before President Obama's pic appears in the dictionary definition of incompetent?

in·com·pe·tent/inˈkämpətənt/Noun: An incompetent person.
Adjective: Not having the necessary skills to do something successfully. More »
Wikipedia - Dictionary.com - Answers.com - Merriam-Webster

Have you not watched NBC News or read the NY Times lately?

Obama is doing the best he can despite the resistance of the GOP.

Sadly, most dont know the truth. Look at the Cantor thread. Most arent even aware that Reid cant muster up enough in his own party for the bill to be voted on.
But it is Cantors fault.

And the people believe it.

Obama plays his supporters as the fools. I wonder what it is like to continually defend a man that sees you as a fool.

"And the people believe it."

I don't believe that that is the case: look at the polls.

He is down in every constituent group.

The only ones that believe him are the ones who have sworn
C'est pour loiauté maintenir (To maintain loyalty)...

...like the brain surgeon under your post.
Cantor is a Grade A douche bag. He won't consider the Presidents plan as a whole because "That is not what we need right now. We need to all pull together to ensure that we can produce a better environment for growth and job creation." Yet, I haven't seen him talk about any of his ideas for creating jobs. I guess by "all" he means everyone but himself.

It's of course not up to Cantor whether the bill gets voted on or not. He has no power over that.
Reid does have power over whether the bill gets voted on. And he isn't letting it happen.

Idiots like you are why Obama is still in power and hasn't resigned in disgrace like he should.

Reid has said why he is delaying the vote. He feels there are more important issues in the Senate to deal with right this second.

Cantor hasn't said jack. He just said he doesn't like Obama's plan. Period. He hasn't said why, he hasn't offered any plans of his own. He's just being a whiny baby, as usual.
Cantor is a Grade A douche bag. He won't consider the Presidents plan as a whole because "That is not what we need right now. We need to all pull together to ensure that we can produce a better environment for growth and job creation." Yet, I haven't seen him talk about any of his ideas for creating jobs. I guess by "all" he means everyone but himself.

It's of course not up to Cantor whether the bill gets voted on or not. He has no power over that.
Reid does have power over whether the bill gets voted on. And he isn't letting it happen.

Idiots like you are why Obama is still in power and hasn't resigned in disgrace like he should.

Reid has said why he is delaying the vote. He feels there are more important issues in the Senate to deal with right this second.

Cantor hasn't said jack. He just said he doesn't like Obama's plan. Period. He hasn't said why, he hasn't offered any plans of his own. He's just being a whiny baby, as usual.

What issues does Reid feel are more important than the 9+% unemployment rate we have and the general state of the economy?
So you agree Cantor isn't holding up Obama's plan. That's something.
Cantor is a Grade A douche bag. He won't consider the Presidents plan as a whole because "That is not what we need right now. We need to all pull together to ensure that we can produce a better environment for growth and job creation." Yet, I haven't seen him talk about any of his ideas for creating jobs. I guess by "all" he means everyone but himself.

Sigh......... It's like you didn't even read the OP. Or maybe you did you just couldn’t help but make it about Evil Republicans, unable to see that Obama divides the country at every turn by trying to make it seem as if it's just Republicans that are holding up his Stimulus 2.0.

I did read the OP and I read the article. Which is where this gem is located: "President Obama needs to understand that his 'my way or the highway' approach simply isn't going to work in the House or the Democratic Senate"

I call it a gem because the GOP hasn't said what their way is! They are offering nothing, and then complaining that Obama wants his plan passed. If you want compromise, GOP, you need to offer something first!
Cantor is a Grade A douche bag. He won't consider the Presidents plan as a whole because "That is not what we need right now. We need to all pull together to ensure that we can produce a better environment for growth and job creation." Yet, I haven't seen him talk about any of his ideas for creating jobs. I guess by "all" he means everyone but himself.

It's of course not up to Cantor whether the bill gets voted on or not. He has no power over that.
Reid does have power over whether the bill gets voted on. And he isn't letting it happen.

Idiots like you are why Obama is still in power and hasn't resigned in disgrace like he should.
Not quite.... Cantor is the leader in the house. He can and does set the agenda.

But Reid is also equally culpable in not bringing it to a vote.

Obama is becoming increasingly irrelevant. It comes up for a vote, it gets voted down. And the Democrats in the house don't like it either.
Cantor is a Grade A douche bag. He won't consider the Presidents plan as a whole because "That is not what we need right now. We need to all pull together to ensure that we can produce a better environment for growth and job creation." Yet, I haven't seen him talk about any of his ideas for creating jobs. I guess by "all" he means everyone but himself.

It's of course not up to Cantor whether the bill gets voted on or not. He has no power over that.
Reid does have power over whether the bill gets voted on. And he isn't letting it happen.

Idiots like you are why Obama is still in power and hasn't resigned in disgrace like he should.

Reid has said why he is delaying the vote. He feels there are more important issues in the Senate to deal with right this second.

Cantor hasn't said jack. He just said he doesn't like Obama's plan. Period. He hasn't said why, he hasn't offered any plans of his own. He's just being a whiny baby, as usual.

1. "Cantor hasn't said jack. He just said he doesn't like Obama's plan. Period. He hasn't said why,..."


Really hasn't said why he opposed the 'Jobs Bill'?

Not even a hint?

Sit down with that book mentioned in the OP, a dictionary, and puzzle out what information the following imparts.

Washington (CNN) - House Majority Leader Eric Cantor continued to reach out to work with President Obama on his jobs bill Monday, but emphasized that Republicans are focused on items they support in the plan like the tax breaks and will oppose the administration's request for new federal spending for infrastructure projects.

"Anything that is akin to the stimulus bill is not going to be acceptable to the American people," House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said.

In addition to throwing cold water on more federal spending to rebuild schools and roads, Republicans pushed back at the president's proposal to limit tax deductions on high end wage earners and close several tax loopholes as the way to pay for his $447 billion jobs package.

"I sure hope that the president is not suggesting that we pay for his proposals with a massive tax increase...

Cantor says no to jobs bill spending – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

2. Just a suggestion: try to actually know something about the subject about which you choose to post....
...just sayin'

3. Based on your posts, your choice of avi leads one to believe that you have been denied the gift of irony.
1. [Democrat] President Obama will blame House Republican leader Eric Cantor for blocking his jobs package when he speaks later today in Mesquite, Texas
Obama to blast Cantor for blocking jobs bill

2.President Barack Obama has traveled the country to rally support for his jobs legislation and prodding Congress to take up the bill immediately.

Senate Minority [Republican] Leader Mitch McConnell’s response? Sure.

Read more: Mitch McConnell: Let's just vote on Obama jobs bill - Seung Min Kim - POLITICO.com

3. [Democrat Leader ]Reid blocks vote on jobs bill while Obama blasts House for not voting on it.
Reid blocks vote on jobs bill while Obama blasts House for not voting on it | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

So...how long before President Obama's pic appears in the dictionary definition of incompetent?

in·com·pe·tent/inˈkämpətənt/Noun: An incompetent person.
Adjective: Not having the necessary skills to do something successfully. More »
Wikipedia - Dictionary.com - Answers.com - Merriam-Webster
and a bad joke at that !!
So Republicans calling for an up and down vote on Obama's misnamed "Jobs" bill is being opposed by Democrats and being called a publicity stunt?

Sorry, but i think you guys just got owned.
1. [Democrat] President Obama will blame House Republican leader Eric Cantor for blocking his jobs package when he speaks later today in Mesquite, Texas
Obama to blast Cantor for blocking jobs bill

2.President Barack Obama has traveled the country to rally support for his jobs legislation and prodding Congress to take up the bill immediately.

Senate Minority [Republican] Leader Mitch McConnell’s response? Sure.

Read more: Mitch McConnell: Let's just vote on Obama jobs bill - Seung Min Kim - POLITICO.com

3. [Democrat Leader ]Reid blocks vote on jobs bill while Obama blasts House for not voting on it.
Reid blocks vote on jobs bill while Obama blasts House for not voting on it | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

So...how long before President Obama's pic appears in the dictionary definition of incompetent?

in·com·pe·tent/inˈkämpətənt/Noun: An incompetent person.
Adjective: Not having the necessary skills to do something successfully. More »
Wikipedia - Dictionary.com - Answers.com - Merriam-Webster
So... Obama blames the GOP for not acting on his bill.... while the Democratic leader of the Senate refuses to act on the bill.

Can you say, WTF?
1. [Democrat] President Obama will blame House Republican leader Eric Cantor for blocking his jobs package when he speaks later today in Mesquite, Texas
Obama to blast Cantor for blocking jobs bill

2.President Barack Obama has traveled the country to rally support for his jobs legislation and prodding Congress to take up the bill immediately.

Senate Minority [Republican] Leader Mitch McConnell’s response? Sure.

Read more: Mitch McConnell: Let's just vote on Obama jobs bill - Seung Min Kim - POLITICO.com

3. [Democrat Leader ]Reid blocks vote on jobs bill while Obama blasts House for not voting on it.
Reid blocks vote on jobs bill while Obama blasts House for not voting on it | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

So...how long before President Obama's pic appears in the dictionary definition of incompetent?

in·com·pe·tent/inˈkämpətənt/Noun: An incompetent person.
Adjective: Not having the necessary skills to do something successfully. More »
Wikipedia - Dictionary.com - Answers.com - Merriam-Webster

Have you not watched NBC News or read the NY Times lately?

Obama is doing the best he can despite the resistance of the GOP.

Sadly, most dont know the truth. Look at the Cantor thread. Most arent even aware that Reid cant muster up enough in his own party for the bill to be voted on.
But it is Cantors fault.

And the people believe it.

Obama plays his supporters as the fools. I wonder what it is like to continually defend a man that sees you as a fool.
propaganda:Definition of PROPAGANDA
1capitalized : a congregation of the Roman curia having jurisdiction over missionary territories and related institutions
2: the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person
3: ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause; also : a public action having such an effect
— pro·pa·gan·dist \-dist\ noun or adjective
— pro·pa·gan·dis·tic \-ˌgan-ˈdis-tik\ adjective
— pro·pa·gan·dis·ti·cal·ly \-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb
See propaganda defined for English-language learners »
See propaganda defined for kids »
Examples of PROPAGANDA
He was accused of spreading propaganda.
The report was nothing but lies and propaganda.
She didn't buy into the propaganda of her day that women had to be soft and submissive. —Maria Shriver, Time, 26 Oct. 2009
We've so bought into the mass delusion, the nutty propaganda, that now the ideal American family is one that's on steroids … —Anna Quindlen, Newsweek, 27 Apr. 2009
… just propaganda for a mode of life no one could live without access to the very impulse-suppressing, nostalgia-provoking drugs they don't want you to have … —Richard Ford, Independence Day, 1995
They see all clear thinking, all sense of reality, and all fineness of living, threatened on every side by propaganda, by advertisement, by film and television. —C. S. Lewis, An Experiment in Criticism, (1961) 2009
1. "Cantor hasn't said jack. He just said he doesn't like Obama's plan. Period. He hasn't said why,..."


Really hasn't said why he opposed the 'Jobs Bill'?

Not even a hint?

Sit down with that book mentioned in the OP, a dictionary, and puzzle out what information the following imparts.

Washington (CNN) - House Majority Leader Eric Cantor continued to reach out to work with President Obama on his jobs bill Monday, but emphasized that Republicans are focused on items they support in the plan like the tax breaks and will oppose the administration's request for new federal spending for infrastructure projects.

"Anything that is akin to the stimulus bill is not going to be acceptable to the American people," House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said.

In addition to throwing cold water on more federal spending to rebuild schools and roads, Republicans pushed back at the president's proposal to limit tax deductions on high end wage earners and close several tax loopholes as the way to pay for his $447 billion jobs package.

"I sure hope that the president is not suggesting that we pay for his proposals with a massive tax increase...

Cantor says no to jobs bill spending – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

2. Just a suggestion: try to actually know something about the subject about which you choose to post....
...just sayin'

3. Based on your posts, your choice of avi leads one to believe that you have been denied the gift of irony.

Apparently I need to be clearer.

Why does Cantor "oppose the administration's request for new federal spending for infrastructure projects" ?

Why does Cantor feel "Anything that is akin to the stimulus bill is not going to be acceptable to the American people" ?

Why does Cantor not want the President to "pay for his proposals with a massive tax increase" ?

This is why I say Cantor is a douche. He gets up and makes a speech and says "Here's the reasons we need to say no" but then never says how those reasons are bad. He never justifies his position. He never tells you the "why" behind what he's doing.

Reid hasn't allowed a vote yet either, true, but he has said why. He has backed up his opinion and his stance. AND he is planning a vote in a few weeks!

So why is Cantor being a cowardly douche bag?
Cantor is a Grade A douche bag. He won't consider the Presidents plan as a whole because "That is not what we need right now. We need to all pull together to ensure that we can produce a better environment for growth and job creation." Yet, I haven't seen him talk about any of his ideas for creating jobs. I guess by "all" he means everyone but himself.

It's of course not up to Cantor whether the bill gets voted on or not. He has no power over that.
Reid does have power over whether the bill gets voted on. And he isn't letting it happen.

Idiots like you are why Obama is still in power and hasn't resigned in disgrace like he should.

Reid has said why he is delaying the vote. He feels there are more important issues in the Senate to deal with right this second.

Cantor hasn't said jack. He just said he doesn't like Obama's plan. Period. He hasn't said why, he hasn't offered any plans of his own. He's just being a whiny baby, as usual.
And what about the dem senators who are calling for blocking the bill?

Reid doesn't have the votes, period.......Why?, because it's a crappy bill, put forth by a crappy, lame duck failure of a President.

Face it, those dem senators see the writing on the wall....They saw what happened last November. For many of them facing re-election, they fully understand that backing anything Obama is their political death sentence.

And, is it any wonder that we are startig to hear grumblings coming from dem politicians, that if things don't start showing any signs of improvement in the jobs situation come January, they will ask Obama to pull a Johnson, and recuse himself from a re-election bid?

And, and, is it any coincidence that both Biden and Obama are grumbling about the FACT that they have abjectly failed on most fronts, and may now be starting to figure out their exit strategy?
1. [Democrat] President Obama will blame House Republican leader Eric Cantor for blocking his jobs package when he speaks later today in Mesquite, Texas
Obama to blast Cantor for blocking jobs bill

2.President Barack Obama has traveled the country to rally support for his jobs legislation and prodding Congress to take up the bill immediately.

Senate Minority [Republican] Leader Mitch McConnell’s response? Sure.

Read more: Mitch McConnell: Let's just vote on Obama jobs bill - Seung Min Kim - POLITICO.com

3. [Democrat Leader ]Reid blocks vote on jobs bill while Obama blasts House for not voting on it.
Reid blocks vote on jobs bill while Obama blasts House for not voting on it | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

So...how long before President Obama's pic appears in the dictionary definition of incompetent?

in·com·pe·tent/inˈkämpətənt/Noun: An incompetent person.
Adjective: Not having the necessary skills to do something successfully. More »
Wikipedia - Dictionary.com - Answers.com - Merriam-Webster

you didnt even read the Reid link huh?
but Reid used a procedural tactic to block the bill from coming to the floor. He called the Republican's insistence on a vote a "publicity stunt."
Reid says he plans to vote on the measure by the end of this month.

context matters hack

The title of the article in #3 was the following:
"Reid blocks vote on jobs bill while Obama blasts House for not voting on it."
Now, if you thought that I wrote that, you would be a fool.
Are you a fool?

Did you find anything in the article, the context, that disputed the title?
'Cause if you didn't, yet wrote what you did, you'd appear to be a fool.
Did Reid block the vote?
Are you a fool?

So, if the title of #3 conforms to the rest of the article, as opposed to being invalidated
by the article, then your post would make sense, and wouldn't appear to be written by
a fool...
...so, does the article invalidate the title?
Then, you accept the title 'fool'?
Well done.

Just one more question, to verify my suspicions> Was Mickey Mouse a
dog or a cat?
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1. "Cantor hasn't said jack. He just said he doesn't like Obama's plan. Period. He hasn't said why,..."


Really hasn't said why he opposed the 'Jobs Bill'?

Not even a hint?

Sit down with that book mentioned in the OP, a dictionary, and puzzle out what information the following imparts.

Washington (CNN) - House Majority Leader Eric Cantor continued to reach out to work with President Obama on his jobs bill Monday, but emphasized that Republicans are focused on items they support in the plan like the tax breaks and will oppose the administration's request for new federal spending for infrastructure projects.

"Anything that is akin to the stimulus bill is not going to be acceptable to the American people," House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said.

In addition to throwing cold water on more federal spending to rebuild schools and roads, Republicans pushed back at the president's proposal to limit tax deductions on high end wage earners and close several tax loopholes as the way to pay for his $447 billion jobs package.

"I sure hope that the president is not suggesting that we pay for his proposals with a massive tax increase...

Cantor says no to jobs bill spending – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

2. Just a suggestion: try to actually know something about the subject about which you choose to post....
...just sayin'

3. Based on your posts, your choice of avi leads one to believe that you have been denied the gift of irony.

Apparently I need to be clearer.

Why does Cantor "oppose the administration's request for new federal spending for infrastructure projects" ?

Because we dont have the money for it

Why does Cantor feel "Anything that is akin to the stimulus bill is not going to be acceptable to the American people" ?

Becuase the majority of the people believe the stimulus has failed....cewrtainly most republicans...and he represents republuican voters.

Why does Cantor not want the President to "pay for his proposals with a massive tax increase" ?

Becuase the GOP believes that tax increases during a down economy is not s smart move

This is why I say Cantor is a douche. He gets up and makes a speech and says "Here's the reasons we need to say no" but then never says how those reasons are bad. He never justifies his position. He never tells you the "why" behind what he's doing.

No. You see cantor as a douche becuase he is a republican....you aint fooling anyone.

Reid hasn't allowed a vote yet either, true, but he has said why. He has backed up his opinion and his stance. AND he is planning a vote in a few weeks!

So why is Cantor being a cowardly douche bag?

I think you have not been paying attention.

I think he doesnt need to say why the reasons are bad becuase the GOP has been saying iot over and over and over again.

I mean...where have you been?
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