Obama at the Brandenburg Gate?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
your dreams
I don't know what to make of this...

BERLIN, Germany (CNN) -- Presumptive U.S. Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama hasn't even set foot on European soil in the campaign. Yet rumors about what he might do in Germany have ruffled feathers in the German government. Obama's campaign announced last month that he plans to visit Germany as part of a trip to Europe and the Middle East this summer.

Chancellor Angela Merkel has voiced great skepticism about whether it's appropriate for Obama to speak at the Brandenburg Gate if he travels to Berlin.

Merkel spokesman Thomas Steg told reporters Wednesday that it's inappropriate for candidates to campaign in Germany -- let alone at a historical landmark so full of symbolism.

Germany's Merkel skeptical about Obama visit - CNN.com
Obama thinks he is JFK reborn?

I got news for him, JFK would not even be able to believe what the Democrat Party has become. They are light years away from what JFK stood for.
This guy is such a fucking media hype job, from his planted phony fake fainting fans to everything out of his mouth. This moron has the IQ of turnip, which is the very reason why he avoids debates like the plague, as his dumb ass always loses. He's a deer in headlights without that teleprompter in front of him, Axelrod up his asshole, and mimicking the mannerisms whomever he decided to plagurize the night before.

He's just gonna keep letting the media sell his bullshit image. The question is: will the electorate see through it?
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This guy is such a fucking media hype job, from his planted phony fake fainting fans to everything out of his mouth. This moron has the IQ of turnip, which is the very reason why he avoids debates like the plague, as his dumb ass always loses. He's a deer in headlights without that teleprompter in front of him, Axelrod up his asshole, and mimicking the mannerisms whomever he decided to plagurize the night before.

He's just gonna keep letting the media sell his bullshit image. The question is: will the electorate see through it?

"In Iraq for 100 years" scared the shit out of most normal people, so it doesn't really matter if Obama is a tool or not.
"In Iraq for 100 years" scared the shit out of most normal people, so it doesn't really matter if Obama is a tool or not.

Only if they get their news from leftist rags, as the statement was qualified by "as long as no americans are being killed or harmed".

Have there been any protests to get the US military out of Japan, Korea, or Germany?
Only if they get their news from leftist rags, as the statement was qualified by "as long as no americans are being killed or harmed".

Have there been any protests to get the US military out of Japan, Korea, or Germany?

As long as you pay for it and you take volunteers from the military who are willing to go on a charity mission outside of the oath they took to defend THIS country, go ahead.

Is the US funding any nation presiding over the 3rd most important holy site of the Japanese, Korean or German people to the tune of over $1B a year? Are the religious majorities of Japan, Korea or Germany loyal to the leader of their neighbor, a sworn US enemy? Iraq will use the US until our usefulness expires. They will never be an ally.
"In Iraq for 100 years" scared the shit out of most normal people, so it doesn't really matter if Obama is a tool or not.

So are you scared because we have been in Japan for 63 years with no end in sight? Same for Germany?

You lib retards take that quote and make it into something it is not, the whole thing includes the specific acknowledgement that those 100 years would be with OUT fighting.

But do twist it into something it is not by cutting off the quote.
So are you scared because we have been in Japan for 63 years with no end in sight? Same for Germany?

You lib retards take that quote and make it into something it is not, the whole thing includes the specific acknowledgement that those 100 years would be with OUT fighting.

But do twist it into something it is not by cutting off the quote.
So... why would we keep our people there if there wasnt a fight to be had... would you loby for higher taxes to pay for this...

Dont bother answering.. cause you frigging no tax and spend chicken hawks know dick about a sustainable economy... hopefully your grandchilderen will learn the lessons of your stupidity...
Only if they get their news from leftist rags, as the statement was qualified by "as long as no americans are being killed or harmed".

Have there been any protests to get the US military out of Japan, Korea, or Germany?

Yes, it's called the Ron Paul Revolution. It just hasn't been very televised.
Care to elaborate?

Sure, I assume you remember JFK's famous speech at the same gate in Germany. The one where he misspoke in German. Thinking he was saying he is also a Berliner what he actually said was he was a jelly dough nut.

This is IMO why Obama wants to make a speech there.

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