Obama Armed Syrian Rebels. Syrian Rebels Killed Twice as Many Christians This Year.


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Obama sure likes to help terrorists. And he never defends Christians, either overseas or at home. He supports all things Muslim and never discusses the radical Muslims who love to kill infidels. He just sends them money, tanks, planes and sophisticated weapons. There is no limit to what he will do for his fellow radicals.

It seems like all of his foreign policies are aimed at helping the terrorists gain ground. He helped advance the Muslim Brotherhood in their quest to annihilate Israel. Only the people of Egypt slowed them down for now. Shame after all the support Obama had for the takeover by the MB. Now al Qaeda is thriving again. Of course, Syrian rebels are known to be part of al Qaeda so that entitled them to receive lots of aid from the Obama administration. Never mind our own veterans are having their benefits cut. Obama has his priorities.

The number of Christians killed by Muslims has doubled this year and we can probably thank Obama's foreign policy for that.

Syria, meanwhile, which had not previously cracked the group’s list of top ten most oppressive places for Christians, ranked third last year. Like in Somalia, Islamic extremism powered the prosecution, according to Open Door officials, and many towns that previously had large populations of Christians have become ghost towns.

“The face of persecution in Syria has changed,” the group’s World Watch List reads, adding that nearly half of rebels in Syria have a jihadist background. “The influence of these groups that are linked to Al Qaeda and other extremist factions has risen considerably in the past year.”

Christians killed for faith nearly doubled in 2013, group finds | Fox News

Obama to arm Syrian rebels | MSNBC
McCain: Obama to Send New Arms to Syrian Rebels - The Daily Beast
The deflection and blaming Bush doesn't change the fact that Obama is arming radical Muslims with money we don't have. His foreign policy is friendly to terrorists and unfriendly toward Israel.

The number of Christians killed by radicals doubled this year alone. Bush is no where around Washington and hasn't been for years. Obama has been in charge and needs to answer for his poor foreign policy choices.
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