Obama and ...which conservatives?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
This President received the worst and most resoundeing thrashing of any first term President....ever!

The recent election represented a severe and clear repudiation of progressive policies since the election of 1920.

Are we ready for a conservative tsumami that will reverse the politics of these two years? Maybe...if all of the conservatives are on the same page.

They are not.

The following from a debate on C-Span, between Angelo Codevilla, Boston University International Relations Professor, and Claremont Senior Fellow, and Jeffrey Rosen, New Republic Magazine Legal Affairs Editor. Rosen is brilliant.

In the following summary he points out three strands of conservatism, and why there is not unanimity in their views,...the best weapon that President Obama may have!

a. Tea Party Constitutionalists. Hero is Justice Thomas, a religious conservative, anti-federalist, opposition to elites. The beliefs of this group can be found in “The Five Thousand Year Leap,” by W. Cleon Skousen,… 28 Principles of Freedom our Founding Fathers said must be understood and perpetuated by every people who desire peace, prosperity, and freedom. Adherence to these beliefs during the past 200 years has brought about more progress than was made in the previous 5000 years. These 28 Principles include The Genius of Natural Law, Virtuous and Moral Leaders, Equal Rights--Not Equal Things, and Avoiding the Burden of Debt.
This populist conservative group would find itself at odds with the next two.

b. Libertarianism: As represented by the Cato Institute. Pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, supports Roe v. Wade, and supports judicial activism aimed as recognizing gay marriage and healthcare reform, and repeal of the Gun-Free School Zone Act and much of the administrative state. Hero might be Judge Douglas Ginsburg [who called for the ‘resurrection of the Constitution in exile,’ restrictions on federal power]

c. Pro-Business Conservatives: represented by policies of the US Chamber of Commerce, strongly represented on the Roberts’ Court, where they won some 13 of 18 cases in which they filed a brief. Most business cases are unanimous or 7-2 decisions, vs those cases that deal with culture war issues. These conservatives favored TARP, and he use of federal pre-emption (federal law to take precedence over or to displace a state law) for farm subsidies, healthcare cases. Based on this sentiment, a court which has embraced a broad vision of federal power, as found in regulation of medical marijuana, expect the Roberts Court to reject the pro-states rights view that would lead to the invalidation of the healthcare case.
President Obama did fine. Much of what he wanted was signed into law, even though a vast majority of 'conservatives' - of all stripes - wanted him to fail. He achieved compromise with the uncompromising and in doing so disappointed the liberal base of his party. However, moderate Americans seem to have found his ability to 'man up' under constant fire enticing and the sign of a strong leader with a clear vision for the future.
I would not bet against the president pressing for and signing into law the Dream Act, for Americans in general are not bigots - only the few, the proud and the stupid hold that 'distinciton'.
President Obama did fine. Much of what he wanted was signed into law, even though a vast majority of 'conservatives' - of all stripes - wanted him to fail. He achieved compromise with the uncompromising and in doing so disappointed the liberal base of his party. However, moderate Americans seem to have found his ability to 'man up' under constant fire enticing and the sign of a strong leader with a clear vision for the future.
I would not bet against the president pressing for and signing into law the Dream Act, for Americans in general are not bigots - only the few, the proud and the stupid hold that 'distinciton'.

That's not even the funniest part. He did fine despite a 24 hour foreign controlled propaganda machine known as FOX that constantly spewed fake or semi-true stories about him. He did fine despite having a non/future candidate from Alaska nipping at his heels calling him every name in the book and them some. He did fine although he had one of the most ridiculous partisan Republican members of congress opposing him..and willing to filibuster every bill. One even shouted "You Lie!" in the halls of congress.

He didn't break his cool and kept to decorum and procedure. Despite the bad behavior of his adversaries.

Republicans are turning governing into a 24 hour a day campaign to regain power..which in the long run is going to come back to bite them in the ass.
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President Obama did fine. Much of what he wanted was signed into law, even though a vast majority of 'conservatives' - of all stripes - wanted him to fail. He achieved compromise with the uncompromising and in doing so disappointed the liberal base of his party. However, moderate Americans seem to have found his ability to 'man up' under constant fire enticing and the sign of a strong leader with a clear vision for the future.
I would not bet against the president pressing for and signing into law the Dream Act, for Americans in general are not bigots - only the few, the proud and the stupid hold that 'distinciton'.

Lovin' that whole "if you don't support the Dream Act, you're a bigot' thing you got goin' on WhineCrapper. It's as valid as the classic 'if you don't support Obama, you're a racist' argument. They are both the argument of the intellectual lightweight.

They still don't get it.

The biggest winner of the midterm elections was Barack Obama .. no differently than the biggest winner of Clinton's first midterm was Bill Clinton, even though democrats got crushed and lost both the House and Senate.

Both losses allowed Clinton, now Obama, to move to the right under the guise of "Republicans made me do it" .. when in fact both are center-right politicians anyway.

Democrats see them as "progressives" .. what a joke .. and republicans see them as socialists .. equally stupid.

After two years of Newt and his band of idiots, the country ran screaming away from the right .. and after two years of the current crop of late-night joke fodder that's about to take the stage now ... guess what, Obama gets re-elected.

Teabaggers were just useful disposable waste that republicans will be turning on with the quickness .. in fact, they've already started. Add to that the fact that teabaggers themselves don't have a clue what they stand for .. other than what corportations tell them they stand for. Don't have a fucking clue. Like trapped rats, they eat their own. Teabagger hero today .. scum tomorrow.

Just ask Scott Brown.

This adds up to the same story .. Obama wins .. republicans win .. corporations win bigger .. America continues its decline.

I've seen this movie.
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President Obama did fine. Much of what he wanted was signed into law, even though a vast majority of 'conservatives' - of all stripes - wanted him to fail. He achieved compromise with the uncompromising and in doing so disappointed the liberal base of his party. However, moderate Americans seem to have found his ability to 'man up' under constant fire enticing and the sign of a strong leader with a clear vision for the future.
I would not bet against the president pressing for and signing into law the Dream Act, for Americans in general are not bigots - only the few, the proud and the stupid hold that 'distinciton'.

Lovin' that whole "if you don't support the Dream Act, you're a bigot' thing you got goin' on WhineCrapper. It's as valid as the classic 'if you don't support Obama, you're a racist' argument. They are both the argument of the intellectual lightweight.

Thanks for sharing. If these lightweight comments fail to meet the high intellectual standards you set PC, one must wonder why you resort to ad hominem attacks worthy of a grade school debator. "WhineCrapper", indeed, a very well thoughtout rejoinder, a comment one might expect from Revere or CrusaderFrank but not an elitiist such as yourself.
Oh, and by the way, whenever I thank someone for sharing, it's sarcasm. Some don't really get it and I'm beginning to suspect you're one of the some.
Another ignoramus trying to put forth the smokescreen of "Obama is a center-right' politician...

Obama is about as 'center-right' as Paris Hilton is virginal

The good news is that ignorant unlearned comments like yours bring much joy-joy and a smile.

Yeah, I know he's a muslim, doesn't have a birth certificate, and all manner of .. what was that word you used .. ignoramus thought that only a moron would believe .. but his POLICIES and his ACTIONS demonstrate what he is .. not his skin tone.

Don't worry, democrats have a hard time with that distinction as well.

I don't like Obama, didn't vote for him, knew him to be a corporatist, knew him to be a fraud. What appears to escape you is that it makes no difference what label any politician wears, no difference what letter is behind their name .. if they are a corporatist, they are not acting in the interests of the American people.

But you go right ahead and amuse me with your daunting political prowess.

Another ignoramus trying to put forth the smokescreen of "Obama is a center-right' politician...

Obama is about as 'center-right' as Paris Hilton is virginal

The good news is that ignorant unlearned comments like yours bring much joy-joy and a smile.

Yeah, I know he's a muslim, doesn't have a birth certificate, and all manner of .. what was that word you used .. ignoramus thought that only a moron would believe .. but his POLICIES and his ACTIONS demonstrate what he is .. not his skin tone.

Don't worry, democrats have a hard time with that distinction as well.

I don't like Obama, didn't vote for him, knew him to be a corporatist, knew him to be a fraud. What appears to escape you is that it makes no difference what label any politician wears, no difference what letter is behind their name .. if they are a corporatist, they are not acting in the interests of the American people.

But you go right ahead and amuse me with your daunting political prowess.


Nice try, asswipe...

Please reference any post I have made stating Obama is a Muslim or does not have a birth cert or whatever else.. oh,.... and I don't seem to remember mentioning RACE either, but nice attempt at the play of the race card... (usually the move of the one that is truly racist)

You have shown your ignorance twice already in a short thread.. not an easy task....

Talk about someone 'accusing'.. LOL :lol:

His policies and actions do show what he is... and that certainly is NOT 'center-right'... except maybe to the super-rare uber-extremist-left-winger
I think it's funny. It's the same old Democratic story. They give you a shit sandwich and swear it's a steak. Nothing new - not even the talking points.
Another ignoramus trying to put forth the smokescreen of "Obama is a center-right' politician...

Obama is about as 'center-right' as Paris Hilton is virginal

The good news is that ignorant unlearned comments like yours bring much joy-joy and a smile.

Yeah, I know he's a muslim, doesn't have a birth certificate, and all manner of .. what was that word you used .. ignoramus thought that only a moron would believe .. but his POLICIES and his ACTIONS demonstrate what he is .. not his skin tone.

Don't worry, democrats have a hard time with that distinction as well.

I don't like Obama, didn't vote for him, knew him to be a corporatist, knew him to be a fraud. What appears to escape you is that it makes no difference what label any politician wears, no difference what letter is behind their name .. if they are a corporatist, they are not acting in the interests of the American people.

But you go right ahead and amuse me with your daunting political prowess.


Nice try, asswipe...

Please reference any post I have made stating Obama is a Muslim or does not have a birth cert or whatever else.. oh,.... and I don't seem to remember mentioning RACE either, but nice attempt at the play of the race card... (usually the move of the one that is truly racist)

You have shown your ignorance twice already in a short thread.. not an easy task....

Talk about someone 'accusing'.. LOL :lol:

His policies and actions do show what he is... and that certainly is NOT 'center-right'... except maybe to the super-rare uber-extremist-left-winger

Don't get your panties in a twitter there Dave. I'm just having fun with the whole of right-wing "thought." Just playin' with the stupid.

After all, your first post to me was calling me an ignoramus, now you're all menstrual because I wanna' play with you back.

You could have simply challenged my comment about him being center-right and we could of had a good civil conversation about the merits of that. That comment does come with plenty of supporting evidence. Here's a clue into just a bit of it .. he's following the foreign policy footsteps of George Bush almost to the letter .. and in some cases like Pakistan .. going even further to the right than did Bush .. a decidedly center-right politician.

But you didn't want that conversation and reached for the toliet instead.

Stop your fucking whining.

If you don't want a civil conversation and rather post toliet humor, stop your fucking whining when I respond in kind.
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President Obama did fine. Much of what he wanted was signed into law, even though a vast majority of 'conservatives' - of all stripes - wanted him to fail. He achieved compromise with the uncompromising and in doing so disappointed the liberal base of his party. However, moderate Americans seem to have found his ability to 'man up' under constant fire enticing and the sign of a strong leader with a clear vision for the future.
I would not bet against the president pressing for and signing into law the Dream Act, for Americans in general are not bigots - only the few, the proud and the stupid hold that 'distinciton'.
igotry...the trap. The trap the Left attempts to set when the word "illegal" is attached to the word "immigrant".. The political Left has used the MSM to successfully encourage the American public to combine these two words to mean the same thing..."Latino"..
The logic is to resist and end all criticism and all resistance to anti- illegal immigrant policies.
The Dream Act is just another political vote grab. The goal is to use taxpayer dollars and at the expense of legal immigrants and US Citizens offer special consideration to those who in reality have no right to be here. Of course you or any of the other "open border" people will argue that the Dream Act applies ot the children of illegals. Furthermore you will argue that the 14th amendment guarantees birthright citizenship.
My argument and the same argument offered by anti-illegal immigration factions is Washington is that but for the illegal acts of the parents, these "anchor children" would not be in the US in the first place.
I'll make a concession.....You can have your Dream Act. However, first every dime used by those attending college MUST be paid back to the taxpayers. Next , no person claiming DA status will have the right to vote or own firearms. Same status as registered aliens.
all Dream Act people are "last in line" when it comes to getting seats in colleges and universities. In other words, if there is a seat open it goes to an American FIRST. The Dream Act person must wait.
In my view there can be no reward for illegal behavior. You may say "it is not the child's fault". That may be true. Do not think for a second the illegal immigrant parents did not know precisely how to take full advantage of their situation.
The alternative is the inevitable adjustment of the 14th Amendment( I support this path) and thus shutting off the stream of people violating our borders.
President Obama did fine. Much of what he wanted was signed into law, even though a vast majority of 'conservatives' - of all stripes - wanted him to fail. He achieved compromise with the uncompromising and in doing so disappointed the liberal base of his party. However, moderate Americans seem to have found his ability to 'man up' under constant fire enticing and the sign of a strong leader with a clear vision for the future.
I would not bet against the president pressing for and signing into law the Dream Act, for Americans in general are not bigots - only the few, the proud and the stupid hold that 'distinciton'.

Sure sounds like whistlin' past the graveyard to me....
President Obama did fine. Much of what he wanted was signed into law, even though a vast majority of 'conservatives' - of all stripes - wanted him to fail. He achieved compromise with the uncompromising and in doing so disappointed the liberal base of his party. However, moderate Americans seem to have found his ability to 'man up' under constant fire enticing and the sign of a strong leader with a clear vision for the future.
I would not bet against the president pressing for and signing into law the Dream Act, for Americans in general are not bigots - only the few, the proud and the stupid hold that 'distinciton'.

That's not even the funniest part. He did fine despite a 24 hour foreign controlled propaganda machine known as FOX that constantly spewed fake or semi-true stories about him. He did fine despite having a non/future candidate from Alaska nipping at his heels calling him every name in the book and them some. He did fine although he had one of the most ridiculous partisan Republican members of congress opposing him..and willing to filibuster every bill. One even shouted "You Lie!" in the halls of congress.

He didn't break his cool and kept to decorum and procedure. Despite the bad behavior of his adversaries.

Republicans are turning governing into a 24 hour a day campaign to regain power..which in the long run is going to come back to bite them in the ass.

Too bad that you don't read Shakespeare....

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
The good news is that ignorant unlearned comments like yours bring much joy-joy and a smile.

Yeah, I know he's a muslim, doesn't have a birth certificate, and all manner of .. what was that word you used .. ignoramus thought that only a moron would believe .. but his POLICIES and his ACTIONS demonstrate what he is .. not his skin tone.

Don't worry, democrats have a hard time with that distinction as well.

I don't like Obama, didn't vote for him, knew him to be a corporatist, knew him to be a fraud. What appears to escape you is that it makes no difference what label any politician wears, no difference what letter is behind their name .. if they are a corporatist, they are not acting in the interests of the American people.

But you go right ahead and amuse me with your daunting political prowess.


Nice try, asswipe...

Please reference any post I have made stating Obama is a Muslim or does not have a birth cert or whatever else.. oh,.... and I don't seem to remember mentioning RACE either, but nice attempt at the play of the race card... (usually the move of the one that is truly racist)

You have shown your ignorance twice already in a short thread.. not an easy task....

Talk about someone 'accusing'.. LOL :lol:

His policies and actions do show what he is... and that certainly is NOT 'center-right'... except maybe to the super-rare uber-extremist-left-winger

Don't get your panties in a twitter there Dave. I'm just having fun with the whole of right-wing "thought." Just playin' with the stupid.

After all, your first post to me was calling me an ignoramus, now you're all menstrual because I wanna' play with you back.

You could have simply challenged my comment about him being center-right and we could of had a good civil conversation about the merits of that. That comment does come with plenty of supporting evidence. Here's a clue into just a bit of it .. he's following the foreign policy footsteps of George Bush almost to the letter .. and in some cases like Pakistan .. going even further to the right than did Bush .. a decidedly center-right politician.

But you didn't want that conversation and reached for the toliet instead.

Stop your fucking whining.

If you don't want a civil conversation and rather post toliet humor, stop your fucking whining when I respond in kind.

No asswipe.. I called you ignoramus because of the ignorant thing that you actually wrote... you came back with assumptions... big difference....

There is no backing to your ignorant claim of 'center-right'... and using continuation of the GWB 'policy' (mainly because Obama does not have any experience to formulate anything else) in places such as Pakistan is hardly proof of a 'center-right' positioning... fiscally, Obama is slightly right of socialism... socially, he is about as far left as you get in any mainstream American politician... and voting record wise, it has been clearly shown that his is/was about the farthest left politician out there

You are indeed an ignoramus if you think Obamalama is anywhere close to 'center-right'
President Obama did fine. Much of what he wanted was signed into law, even though a vast majority of 'conservatives' - of all stripes - wanted him to fail. He achieved compromise with the uncompromising and in doing so disappointed the liberal base of his party. However, moderate Americans seem to have found his ability to 'man up' under constant fire enticing and the sign of a strong leader with a clear vision for the future.
I would not bet against the president pressing for and signing into law the Dream Act, for Americans in general are not bigots - only the few, the proud and the stupid hold that 'distinciton'.
igotry...the trap. The trap the Left attempts to set when the word "illegal" is attached to the word "immigrant".. The political Left has used the MSM to successfully encourage the American public to combine these two words to mean the same thing..."Latino"..
The logic is to resist and end all criticism and all resistance to anti- illegal immigrant policies.
The Dream Act is just another political vote grab. The goal is to use taxpayer dollars and at the expense of legal immigrants and US Citizens offer special consideration to those who in reality have no right to be here. Of course you or any of the other "open border" people will argue that the Dream Act applies ot the children of illegals. Furthermore you will argue that the 14th amendment guarantees birthright citizenship.
My argument and the same argument offered by anti-illegal immigration factions is Washington is that but for the illegal acts of the parents, these "anchor children" would not be in the US in the first place.
I'll make a concession.....You can have your Dream Act. However, first every dime used by those attending college MUST be paid back to the taxpayers. Next , no person claiming DA status will have the right to vote or own firearms. Same status as registered aliens.
all Dream Act people are "last in line" when it comes to getting seats in colleges and universities. In other words, if there is a seat open it goes to an American FIRST. The Dream Act person must wait.
In my view there can be no reward for illegal behavior. You may say "it is not the child's fault". That may be true. Do not think for a second the illegal immigrant parents did not know precisely how to take full advantage of their situation.
The alternative is the inevitable adjustment of the 14th Amendment( I support this path) and thus shutting off the stream of people violating our borders.

I'm sure the ever-expanding hispanic US population will understand how you view them and take that into consideration.
The good news is that ignorant unlearned comments like yours bring much joy-joy and a smile.

Yeah, I know he's a muslim, doesn't have a birth certificate, and all manner of .. what was that word you used .. ignoramus thought that only a moron would believe .. but his POLICIES and his ACTIONS demonstrate what he is .. not his skin tone.

Don't worry, democrats have a hard time with that distinction as well.

I don't like Obama, didn't vote for him, knew him to be a corporatist, knew him to be a fraud. What appears to escape you is that it makes no difference what label any politician wears, no difference what letter is behind their name .. if they are a corporatist, they are not acting in the interests of the American people.

But you go right ahead and amuse me with your daunting political prowess.


Nice try, asswipe...

Please reference any post I have made stating Obama is a Muslim or does not have a birth cert or whatever else.. oh,.... and I don't seem to remember mentioning RACE either, but nice attempt at the play of the race card... (usually the move of the one that is truly racist)

You have shown your ignorance twice already in a short thread.. not an easy task....

Talk about someone 'accusing'.. LOL :lol:

His policies and actions do show what he is... and that certainly is NOT 'center-right'... except maybe to the super-rare uber-extremist-left-winger

Don't get your panties in a twitter there Dave. I'm just having fun with the whole of right-wing "thought." Just playin' with the stupid.

After all, your first post to me was calling me an ignoramus, now you're all menstrual because I wanna' play with you back.

You could have simply challenged my comment about him being center-right and we could of had a good civil conversation about the merits of that. That comment does come with plenty of supporting evidence. Here's a clue into just a bit of it .. he's following the foreign policy footsteps of George Bush almost to the letter .. and in some cases like Pakistan .. going even further to the right than did Bush .. a decidedly center-right politician.

But you didn't want that conversation and reached for the toliet instead.

Stop your fucking whining.

If you don't want a civil conversation and rather post toliet humor, stop your fucking whining when I respond in kind.

Following GW Bush doesn't make you center right, it makes you a progressive Fabian socialist.
Nice try, asswipe...

Please reference any post I have made stating Obama is a Muslim or does not have a birth cert or whatever else.. oh,.... and I don't seem to remember mentioning RACE either, but nice attempt at the play of the race card... (usually the move of the one that is truly racist)

You have shown your ignorance twice already in a short thread.. not an easy task....

Talk about someone 'accusing'.. LOL :lol:

His policies and actions do show what he is... and that certainly is NOT 'center-right'... except maybe to the super-rare uber-extremist-left-winger

Don't get your panties in a twitter there Dave. I'm just having fun with the whole of right-wing "thought." Just playin' with the stupid.

After all, your first post to me was calling me an ignoramus, now you're all menstrual because I wanna' play with you back.

You could have simply challenged my comment about him being center-right and we could of had a good civil conversation about the merits of that. That comment does come with plenty of supporting evidence. Here's a clue into just a bit of it .. he's following the foreign policy footsteps of George Bush almost to the letter .. and in some cases like Pakistan .. going even further to the right than did Bush .. a decidedly center-right politician.

But you didn't want that conversation and reached for the toliet instead.

Stop your fucking whining.

If you don't want a civil conversation and rather post toliet humor, stop your fucking whining when I respond in kind.

No asswipe.. I called you ignoramus because of the ignorant thing that you actually wrote... you came back with assumptions... big difference....

There is no backing to your ignorant claim of 'center-right'... and using continuation of the GWB 'policy' (mainly because Obama does not have any experience to formulate anything else) in places such as Pakistan is hardly proof of a 'center-right' positioning... fiscally, Obama is slightly right of socialism... socially, he is about as far left as you get in any mainstream American politician... and voting record wise, it has been clearly shown that his is/was about the farthest left politician out there

You are indeed an ignoramus if you think Obamalama is anywhere close to 'center-right'

Thanks for confirming that all you're here for is the joke.

If you had problems with what I wrote, all you're missing is the intelligence to counter it. I think that pretty much defines the ignoramus you're so in love with.

I cited the history .. you didn't touch it because of that same failing. No intelligence, just toliet shit one would expect from a teenagers.

I could fairly easily destroy the dumbness you just said, but you aren't here for debate so I'll just continue to enjoy and relish the dumbness of you just as you are.



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