Obama (and Congress) does Pakistan


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Apr 2, 2009
Seeking Truth and Trust in Pakistan
Envoy Tries to Convince Refugees That U.S. Is on Their Side
(By Karen DeYoung, The Washington Post)

Guessing this is gonna go a long way to convince them.

Pakistan Enduring Assistance and Cooperation Enhancement (PEACE) Act - Vote Passed (234-185, 14 Not Voting)
The House approved this bill to authorize democratic, economic and security assistance to Pakistan.
Congress.org - Key Votes

Ever wonder how it is that we find $$$ for assistance for others when we're broke?
The money to assist other countries is automatically built into the budgets as part of its normal operating expenses. The US will focus on Pakistan now, verbatim out of the mouth of Obama since the
campaign, so none of this should be a surprise. He\'s after Bin Laden, and he needs to show Pakistan
that their main enemy is not India, but the Taliban. That\'s sort of a tall order for Pakistan to swallow
unfortunately. Listen to old Musharraf and all he talks about is India. And how the Taliban is
Afghanistan\'s problem.
The money to assist other countries is automatically built into the budgets as part of its normal operating expenses. The US will focus on Pakistan now, verbatim out of the mouth of Obama since the
campaign, so none of this should be a surprise. He\'s after Bin Laden, and he needs to show Pakistan
that their main enemy is not India, but the Taliban. That\'s sort of a tall order for Pakistan to swallow
unfortunately. Listen to old Musharraf and all he talks about is India. And how the Taliban is
Afghanistan\'s problem.

Built into budgets....

Title: To authorize democratic, economic, and social development assistance for Pakistan, to authorize security assistance for Pakistan, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Berman, Howard L. [CA-28] (introduced 4/2/2009) Cosponsors (12)
Related Bills: H.RES.522, H.R.2410
Latest Major Action: 6/11/2009 Pursuant to the provisions of H.Res. 522 , the text of H.R. 1886 , as passed by the House, is appended as new matter at the end of the engrossment of H.R. 2410.
House Reports: 111-129 Part 1

Title: To authorize appropriations for the Department of State and the Peace Corps for fiscal years 2010 and 2011, to modernize the Foreign Service, to authorize democratic, economic, and social development assistance for Pakistan, to authorize security assistance for Pakistan, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Berman, Howard L. [CA-28] (introduced 5/14/2009) Cosponsors (None)
Related Bills: H.RES.522, H.R.1886
Latest Major Action: 6/10/2009 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On passage Passed by recorded vote: 235 - 187 (Roll no. 328).
House Reports: 111-136

So it was not "built in".
The money to assist other countries is automatically built into the budgets as part of its normal operating expenses. The US will focus on Pakistan now, verbatim out of the mouth of Obama since the
campaign, so none of this should be a surprise. He's after Bin Laden, and he needs to show Pakistan
that their main enemy is not India, but the Taliban. That's sort of a tall order for Pakistan to swallow
unfortunately. Listen to old Musharraf and all he talks about is India. And how the Taliban is
Afghanistan's problem.

Built into budgets....

So it was not "built in".

You misunderstand me. Yes they are built in every year. You think this 2009 is the first time
the US passed a budget earmark for Afghanistan or Pakistan? Of course not. Those
earmarks are voted on every year, sometimes more often so although this is an updated
financial package, funds have been going overseas for decades. And under all the
different Administrations. So yes, it's built in but passed and updated periodically.
The money to assist other countries is automatically built into the budgets as part of its normal operating expenses. The US will focus on Pakistan now, verbatim out of the mouth of Obama since the
campaign, so none of this should be a surprise. He's after Bin Laden, and he needs to show Pakistan
that their main enemy is not India, but the Taliban. That's sort of a tall order for Pakistan to swallow
unfortunately. Listen to old Musharraf and all he talks about is India. And how the Taliban is
Afghanistan's problem.

Built into budgets....

So it was not "built in".

You misunderstand me. Yes they are built in every year. You think this 2009 is the first time
the US passed a budget earmark for Afghanistan or Pakistan? Of course not. Those
earmarks are voted on every year, sometimes more often so although this is an updated
financial package, funds have been going overseas for decades. And under all the
different Administrations. So yes, it's built in but passed and updated periodically.

No, I do not misunderstand you. I understand perfectly that we (the U.S. and its taxpayers) piss money away in/on other countries and have done so for years. That does not change the fact that WE ARE BROKE, nor does it change the fact that the budget appropriations were not specifically designated for this purpose when the budget was submitted, nor were they designated for this purpose when the budget was approved by Congress. It's called a "slush" fund that allows Congress to appropriate as they go, and we sit back and think, "Oh, isn't that nice? We're helping others with 'humanitarian aid'..." Meanwhile, YOU are whining about the uninsured and the unemployed and the obese or starving in this country!

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