Obama administration tries to block sequester layoff notices


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
Obama administration tells contractors again: Don

But the Friday guidance from the Office of Management and Budget raised the stakes in the dispute, telling contractors that they would be compensated for legal costs if layoffs occur due to contract cancellations under sequestration — but only if the contractors follow the Labor guidance.

I can smell the stench of lies and desperation all the way over here.. Hussein Obama and his cohorts bribing these contractors, offering to pay their legal fees.. ALL FOR POWER.. ANYTHNG FOR POWER...
man oh man
links in article at site

posted at 10:01 am on September 29, 2012 by Ed Morrissey

The latest durable-goods orders report must have the Obama administration — and the Obama campaign — more worried than they publicly let on.

According to the National Journal, the White House will press government contractors to hold off on issuing layoff notices in October in anticipation of the sequestration cuts, afraid of the political backlash that will ensue.

In fact, the Obama administration is offering to indemnify government contractors for losses and fines for delaying those notices:
The White House moved to prevent defense and other government contractors from issuing mass layoff notices in anticipation of sequestration, even going so far to say that the contracting agencies would cover any potential litigation costs or employee compensation costs that could follow.

Some defense companies—including Lockheed Martin, BAE Systems and EADS North America—have said they expect to send notices to their employees 60 days before sequestration takes effect to comply with the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act, which requires companies to give advance warning to workers deemed reasonably likely to lose their jobs. Companies appeared undeterred by a July 30 guidance from the Labor Department, which said issuing such notices would be inappropriate, due to the possibility that sequestration may be averted.

The Labor Department also said companies do not have enough information about how the cuts might be implemented to determine which workers or specific programs could be affected should Congress fail to reach a compromise to reduce the deficit, triggering $1.2 trillion in spending cuts, half from defense, half non-defense. For 2013, that would amount to $109 billion in spending cuts.

Yesterday, the OMB went a little farther in wheedling contractors into playing ball:
So the Office of Management and Budget went a step further in guidance issued late Friday afternoon. If an agency terminates or modifies a contract, and the contractor must close a plant or lay off workers en masse, the company could treat employee compensation costs for WARN Act liability, attorneys’ fees and other litigation costs as allowable costs to be covered by the contracting agency—so long as the contractor has followed a course of action consistent with the Labor Department’s guidance. The legal fees would be covered regardless of the outcome of the litigation, according to the OMB guidance issued by Daniel Werfel, controller of the Office of Federal Financial Management, and Joseph Jordan, the Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy.

In other words, taxpayers will cover the costs of these layoffs through more spending, even though the point of sequestration was to force cuts in government spending. Instead of paying contractors — mainly defense workers — to work, we’ll start paying them not to work. And why? Because the White House doesn’t want massive numbers of layoff notices coming in the last few days ahead of the election
. And make no mistake — with overall durable goods orders dropping 13.2% in a month and defense orders dropping 40%, those layoff notices would otherwise be coming, and sooner rather than later.

all of it here
Obama administration tries to block sequester layoff notices « Hot Air
Can a Mod merge my thread with Stephanie's please? We both hit the same time..

Thank you!
Disgusting, isn't it? I just asked that my thread be merged with this one.. I think we created them at the same time.. GMTA..
You think you've seen the bottom of the barrel and then something like this rears it's ugly head and the bottom dwellers ooze even lower.
You think you've seen the bottom of the barrel and then something like this rears it's ugly head and the bottom dwellers ooze even lower.

the sleaze oozes from this administration and they accused a American citizen of starting riots and getting our people killed in the Middle east...How's that for your DEAR LEADER who is suppose to protect and DEFEND you..
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Let me guess. This will, after cursory investigation, be a whole bunch of nothing that has found a way into the asscracks of our resident low info nutters.

How about limiting the crazy outrage threads to just a few per day....the process of debunking your insanity is really time consuming and boring.
Let me guess. This will, after cursory investigation, be a whole bunch of nothing that has found a way into the asscracks of our resident low info nutters.

How about limiting the crazy outrage threads to just a few per day....the process of debunking your insanity is really time consuming and boring.

You don't debunk anything anyway, lonelylaughable.

You just spout propaganda from the Administration to limit the impact reality has on exposing them.

In the meanwhile, stop your endless whining, you pathetic pussy.
Let me guess. This will, after cursory investigation, be a whole bunch of nothing that has found a way into the asscracks of our resident low info nutters.

How about limiting the crazy outrage threads to just a few per day....the process of debunking your insanity is really time consuming and boring.

Liberal Propagandist trick# 1- Whenever you cannot answer a fact, attack the messenger.

Your pathetic attempt FAILED.

Obama is soo desperate, he's begging Defense contractors to delay pink slips.. even offering to pay legal fees associated with it.. I CALL THAT A FUCKING BRIBE!
The contractors are worried about a legal obligation to give prior notice of possible layoffs. But the Administration is busy telling them that to give notice now -- for pre-sequestration of budget concerns -- is not only not necessary but may be contrary to law.


The idiot libs can't even keep track of their own mindless and self-contradictory "laws" rules and regs.
Let me guess. This will, after cursory investigation, be a whole bunch of nothing that has found a way into the asscracks of our resident low info nutters.

How about limiting the crazy outrage threads to just a few per day....the process of debunking your insanity is really time consuming and boring.

Liberal Propagandist trick# 1- Whenever you cannot answer a fact, attack the messenger.

Your pathetic attempt FAILED.

Obama is soo desperate, he's begging Defense contractors to delay pink slips.. even offering to pay legal fees associated with it.. I CALL THAT A FUCKING BRIBE!

Nope. That is the way a simpleton would view the matter. Want to try again?
Fact Sheet - The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act

Check out he date on that regulation, bitch. Yeah....that means you, Liarbility.

Sorry bitch. I don't say "yes ma'am" when a twat like you yells-out a would-be command.

Assuming you have the ability to make what you imagine is some kind of "point," ya scummy twat, then go ahead and try to grunt it out.

LOL I felt the sting from that biatch slap all the way over here.. :lol:
Anyway, if LonelyLaughable had bothered to be concerned with honesty -- or even just legislative history -- a simple check with the generally dubious Wiki could have saved him some of his typical embarrassment:

The WARN Act was passed by a veto-proof Democratic majority in Congress and became law without President Reagan's signature.[5][6] The WARN Act became law in August 1988 and took effect in 1989.
-- Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See, Bill Summary & Status - 100th Congress (1987 - 1988) - S.2527 - All Congressional Actions with Amendments - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

LonelyLaughable, you dishonest lazy fuckface, go suck another bag of rancid cock.

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