Obama Administration supports Sodomy.!?


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
The Obama administration has instructed the U.S. Justice dept, not to defend cases for the defense of marriage act, for the support of heterosexual marriages between men and women.

Has America lost all its morals?
yeah... i'm married and i've never felt that i needed the federal government to defend my marriage to anyone or from anything.

frankly i'm glad they've decided to stop wasting the time and money to make a few backwards idiots feel secure in their beliefs.
The Obama administration has instructed the U.S. Justice dept, not to defend cases for the defense of marriage act, for the support of heterosexual marriages between men and women.

Has America lost all its morals?

Sodomy has not been illegal since Lawrence v. Texas.

There was a whole lot of sodomy going on even before LvT, you should have seen Subic Bay when the fleet pulled in for liberty.

The Obama administration has instructed the U.S. Justice dept, not to defend cases for the defense of marriage act, for the support of heterosexual marriages between men and women.

Has America lost all its morals?

First off.......let's get some definitions straight........

Sodomy is anal intercourse. Straight couples can commit sodomy as well.

Homosexuality is being attracted to the same gender. Sodomy is not required.

Now.........exactly HOW does Obama support sodomy? Back it up with links please.

All Obama is doing is stopping defense of something that really doesn't need to be defended, except in the bigoted minds of the simps who believe that gays are going to bring down this nation.

You aren't a member of Fred Phelps' church, are you?
The Obama administration has instructed the U.S. Justice dept, not to defend cases for the defense of marriage act, for the support of heterosexual marriages between men and women.

Has America lost all its morals?
You totally started out wrong with your thread title. Think twice next time.

This is a purely political move by Obama. He's already stated several times that he's not in support of Gay marriage.......He needs to start sucking up for votes to anybody he can. The economy is not improving. The job and housing markets are in shambles. His weak responses to what has been going on lately in the middle east are being seriously questioned by those on both the left and right. Particularly, his completely weak statement yesterday where he didn't have the guts to call out Ghadaffi Duck by name (Clinton is no doubt shaking his head, Reagan would be shaking his head) in regards to the ordering of the abject slaughter of protesters. Not to mention that he's blatantly lying by stating that his cronies are not trying to fan the flames in Wisconsin. And on and on and on.

Obama's a smart man. Not leadership smart, obviously, but smart in the general context of the word........He's going to need all the help he can get. Obviously, he understands that. Hence, doing crap like this when he should be concerned with much more pressing issues facing this country.
Yep... all the problems around the globe need to be dealt with after Obama makes sure the fags and dykes are happy with him.

Obama is a blatant law breaker, and should be impeached!

The Obama administration has instructed the U.S. Justice dept, not to defend cases for the defense of marriage act, for the support of heterosexual marriages between men and women.

Has America lost all its morals?

Hey don't blame us, Lad

You're the one who thinks and writes about homo sex all the time.

REAL heterosexual men don't, ya' know.
The Obama administration has instructed the U.S. Justice dept, not to defend cases for the defense of marriage act, for the support of heterosexual marriages between men and women.

Has America lost all its morals?
You totally started out wrong with your thread title. Think twice next time.

This is a purely political move by Obama. He's already stated several times that he's not in support of Gay marriage.......He needs to start sucking up for votes to anybody he can. The economy is not improving. The job and housing markets are in shambles. His weak responses to what has been going on lately in the middle east are being seriously questioned by those on both the left and right. Particularly, his completely weak statement yesterday where he didn't have the guts to call out Ghadaffi Duck by name (Clinton is no doubt shaking his head, Reagan would be shaking his head) in regards to the ordering of the abject slaughter of protesters. Not to mention that he's blatantly lying by stating that his cronies are not trying to fan the flames in Wisconsin. And on and on and on.

Obama's a smart man. Not leadership smart, obviously, but smart in the general context of the word........He's going to need all the help he can get. Obviously, he understands that. Hence, doing crap like this when he should be concerned with much more pressing issues facing this country.

I can not argue with any of the points that you make.
They all appear to be very logical and correct, given the current domestic, and global
situations.The man Obama ,may be a closet homosexual though, according to what I have heard.
The Obama administration has instructed the U.S. Justice dept, not to defend cases for the defense of marriage act, for the support of heterosexual marriages between men and women.

Has America lost all its morals?

What the hell business is it of yours what people do in their bedroom?
The Obama administration has instructed the U.S. Justice dept, not to defend cases for the defense of marriage act, for the support of heterosexual marriages between men and women.

Has America lost all its morals?

no, we jsut gained a lot of them by standing against discrimination and standing up for equality
The Obama administration has instructed the U.S. Justice dept, not to defend cases for the defense of marriage act, for the support of heterosexual marriages between men and women.

Has America lost all its morals?

no, we jsut gained a lot of them by standing against discrimination and standing up for equality

Accepting Sodomites as equals is not justice, or doing whats right.
Sodomy is not normal. Sex between two grown men, and lesbian sex is not normal,
and should not be supported in America.
Accepting Sodomites as equals is not justice, or doing whats right.
Sodomy is not normal. Sex between two grown men, and lesbian sex is not normal,
and should not be supported in America.

You do undestand that sodomy also exists between men and women (both oral and anal) right?

That makes every guy and girl who received or gave oral sex a "sodomite".

If married people, or consenting adults, gay or straight, enjoy sodomy, (which by definition includes oral and anal sex) it's nobody's business but their own.

If religious people, married or consenting adults want to only engage in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation only, it's nobody's business but their own.
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The Obama administration has instructed the U.S. Justice dept, not to defend cases for the defense of marriage act, for the support of heterosexual marriages between men and women.

Has America lost all its morals?

First off.......let's get some definitions straight........

Sodomy is anal intercourse. Straight couples can commit sodomy as well.

If we are going to get definitions straight, sodomy is "unnatural sex act." this obviously includes anal sex, but it also includes oral sex and frottage, as well as some more exotic actions. My guess is that the OP also supports sodomy, even if he opposes anal sex.

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