obama Administration Increases Funded Projects in His Kenyan Homeland


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Kenya Sees Spike in Obama Administration-Funded Projects

Kenyan businesses lately are increasingly becoming recipients of U.S. government largesse, as the Obama Administration, among pursuing other endeavors, aims to expand "livestock-related economic opportunities" in that nation. Although this and other recently released presolicitation notices for unrelated programs serve as advance alerts to potential vendors—and therefore do not offer cost estimates and other details— a review of U.S. government contracting actions nonetheless indicates a spike of activity in Kenya in a variety of sectors.

Kenya Sees Spike in Obama Administration-Funded Projects - U.S. Trade & Aid Monitor
Kenya Sees Spike in Obama Administration-Funded Projects

Kenyan businesses lately are increasingly becoming recipients of U.S. government largesse, as the Obama Administration, among pursuing other endeavors, aims to expand "livestock-related economic opportunities" in that nation. Although this and other recently released presolicitation notices for unrelated programs serve as advance alerts to potential vendors—and therefore do not offer cost estimates and other details— a review of U.S. government contracting actions nonetheless indicates a spike of activity in Kenya in a variety of sectors.

Kenya Sees Spike in Obama Administration-Funded Projects - U.S. Trade & Aid Monitor

Charity begins a home :D
And it looks like he just might go back home to Kenya when he gets kicked to the curb in November, so he's making sure they welcome him home with open arms.
And it looks like he just might go back home to Kenya when he gets kicked to the curb in November, so he's making sure they welcome him home with open arms.

Interesting and related material...

"But given Odinga's controversial background and the continued ethnic violence in Kenya, his attempts to invoke Obama's name may undermine Obama's campaign in the U.S.
In American Op-Ed pages and in the blogosphere, many of Obama's political foes are already capitalizing on Obama's supposed ties to Odinga.

Odinga is the son of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, Kenya's first vice-president, a socialist who sent his son to Communist East Germany for college. The younger Odinga named one of his sons Fidel Castro and has also admitted to being one of the masterminds of a 1982 attempted coup against Daniel arap Moi, Kenya's second president. In American Op-Ed pages and in the blogosphere, many of Obama's political foes are already capitalizing on his supposed ties to Odinga.

When Obama took time off his campaign in New Hampshire to make a five-minute phone call to Odinga, urging him to talk with President Kibaki in order to avoid more bloodshed, New York Sun columnist Daniel Johnson wrote, "If [Obama] has been putting tribal or family considerations above America's national interest by supporting Mr. Odinga's anti-Western candidacy, it raises serious questions about his judgment."

By using the words "tribal considerations" Johnson assumes that Obama identifies with his father's tribe, the Luo, the main group clashing with the majority Kikuyus. But Obama has never claimed to be a Kenyan, let alone a Luo. He has said repeatedly that his loyalty is to the people of Illinois, who he represents, and to his fellow Americans.

Kenya's opposition leader, Raila Odinga. Image: Frederick Onyango [Creative Commons]:

Obama's perceived support for Odinga may have arisen from a speech he gave to university students in Nairobi during his 2006 visit. Obama spoke out against corruption in President Kibaki's government. Because Odinga is Kibaki's main political rival, Obama's criticism was misconstrued to mean that he had endorsed Odinga.
Obama has not publicly confirmed or denied his relation to Odinga."
FRONTLINE/WORLD . Dispatches . Dispatches . Obama: The Kenya Connection | PBS


"Should Obama’s cousin, Raila Odinga, the leader of Kenya’s violent Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), a Marxist and Socialist political party with strong Islamic fundamentalist leaning be permitted to enter the U.S. to attend Obama’s inauguration?"
Should Obama

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