Obama Administration declared Occupy Wall Street a Terrorist Movement


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Oh yeah, notice that Obama did this only a month after he was RE-ELECTED.

Occupy Wall Street Labeled "Terrorists" By The FBI | The Economic Populist

FBI Investigated 'Occupy' As Possible 'Terrorism' Threat, Internal Documents Show







FBI considered Occupy movement potential threat, documents say - CNN.com








Protest for economic justice and you are now a terrorist? Wonder why all of a sudden cities across America coordinated and shut down the Occupy Wall Street movement? Now we know and it was coordinated by the banks. The FBI, DHS, police, and private-sector financial businesses all coordinated to repress the people and suppress a movement. Civil Justice Fund a non-profit, posted FBI files which show this is what happened. Think we are free and have freedom of speech and protest in the United States? Freedom is allowed only if no one hears you.

Ron Paul and Alex Jones were spearheading the "End the Federal Reserve" aka "End the Fed" branch of the Occupy Wall Street Movement, and turning into a cohesive and positive force. Soon after, Obama went into Emperor Palpatine mode and declared them a terrorist organization.

Obama is puppet of Wall Street, remember how he bailed them out?

You liberals need to stop praying to Obama's graven image, who is so insecure and distrustful, that he has the NSA hounding your every move, copying every word you type and recording every sound you make.

"The Guardian has up a story detailing the crack down on Occupy Wall Street (OWS). It goes on to show how the FBI, DHS, Terrorist Fusion Centers and the banks all worked together to stifle dissent. From the article: 'This production [of documents], which we believe is just the tip of the iceberg, is a window into the nationwide scope of the FBI's surveillance, monitoring, and reporting on peaceful protesters organizing with the Occupy movement These documents also show these federal agencies functioning as a de facto intelligence arm of Wall Street and Corporate America.' The next question is how many Americans are now listed as part of a 'terrorist group' by the government for their support of OWS?"

Bear in mind the Fusion Centers are the complexes operated by the NSA! Now you know the true reason Obama has a mass warrant searching all Americans.



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First time in USMB history that liberals are actually avoiding an article from Huffingtonpost.

Um okay, it sucks to be those people I guess? Just because I support the issues highlighted by the official movement, it doesn't mean I care for the people behind the movement itself. It's not like this story somehow undoes the entire liberal ideology lol. Tell me, if Rush Limbaugh was convicted of terrorism, would you stop agreeing with his ideals?

You invested way too much energy into this.
First time in USMB history that liberals are actually avoiding an article from Huffingtonpost.

Um okay, it sucks to be those people I guess? Just because I support the issues highlighted by the official movement, it doesn't mean I care for the people behind the movement itself. It's not like this story somehow undoes the entire liberal ideology lol. Tell me, if Rush Limbaugh was convicted of terrorism, would you stop agreeing with his ideals?

You invested way too much energy into this.
This post has been marked for posterity and the next time one or two crazies in the TEA party act out.
It seems we now get a good look at what the current regime thinks of freedom to redress grievances.
First time in USMB history that liberals are actually avoiding an article from Huffingtonpost.

Um okay, it sucks to be those people I guess? Just because I support the issues highlighted by the official movement, it doesn't mean I care for the people behind the movement itself. It's not like this story somehow undoes the entire liberal ideology lol. Tell me, if Rush Limbaugh was convicted of terrorism, would you stop agreeing with his ideals?

You invested way too much energy into this.
This post has been marked for posterity and the next time one or two crazies in the TEA party act out.

Tell me, if Rush Limbaugh was convicted of terrorism, would you stop agreeing with his ideals?

I barely agree with anything Rush Limbaugh says.

But even if I did, Rush Limbaugh is not the President of the United States, who overturned Freedom of a Assembly under the guise of terrorism.

Invoking a clown like Rush Limbaugh is probably the saddest remark I've seen in a while on USMB, especially over a such a serious issue.

You invested way too much energy into this.

All I did was copy and paste for the first 20 links in a google search.

Just because I support the issues highlighted by the official movement, it doesn't mean I care for the people behind the movement itself. It's not like this story somehow undoes the entire liberal ideology lol.

You're right, this story has nothing to do with liberal ideology at all, nor is any mention of liberal ideals/positions mentioned/criticized in this thread. This story simply reveals that Obama is a very dangerous man, regardless of which ideological mask he hides behind.

But you should care about the people behind the movement. They were real grassroots Americans, right and left, who knew (and still know) that something is fundamentally wrong with America --- the plutocracy. And Obama is the King of that Plutocracy.

You see, issues and ideologies (right/left/libertarian) are ultimately fictions of the mind. It's great that you support fictions, but you don't support the actually people who live in this country and are fighting to actually implement those fictions that you adore.
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Tell me, if Rush Limbaugh was convicted of terrorism, would you stop agreeing with his ideals?

I barely agree with anything Rush Limbaugh says.

But even if I did, Rush Limbaugh is not the President of the United States, who overturned Freedom of a Assembly under the guise of terrorism.

Invoking a clown like Rush Limbaugh is probably the saddest remark I've seen in a while on USMB, especially over a such a serious issue.

You invested way too much energy into this.

All I did was copy and paste for the first 20 links in a google search.

Just because I support the issues highlighted by the official movement, it doesn't mean I care for the people behind the movement itself. It's not like this story somehow undoes the entire liberal ideology lol.

You're right, this story has nothing to do with liberal ideology at all, nor is any mention of liberal ideals/positions mentioned/criticized in this thread. This story simply reveals that Obama is a very dangerous man, regardless of which ideological mask he hides behind.

I guess I don't get it. What exactly does Obama have to do with this story? What role did he play?
I guess I don't get it. What exactly does Obama have to do with this story? What role did he play?

Was Obama the President of the United States in 2012?

If Obama did not know, and approve, of this horrendous violation of the First Amendment, then he is the most incompetent and weak man to ever hold office; if he did approve of it, then he's the worst dictator that ever held the Office. Take your pick.

Why did Obama do this one month after he was re-elected? Why didn't he run on the platform of Destroying Occupy Wall Street during his re-election campaign?

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According to this thread:

[MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION] and [MENTION=20297]Wry Catcher[/MENTION] were big supporters of Obama and Occupy Wall Street.

As are:
[MENTION=11278]editec[/MENTION] [MENTION=13758]Old Rocks[/MENTION] [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION]

On a sidenote, after reading that old thread from 2011, I can't believe that roughly 40% of the posters (right or left) have been permanently banned from the forums, but it's true.
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I guess I don't get it. What exactly does Obama have to do with this story? What role did he play?

Was Obama the President of the United States in 2012?

Yes, he was. No doubt sir. And? This is about the FBI. Obama is not even mentioned.

If Obama did not know, and approve, of this horrendous violation of the First Amendment, then he is the most incompetent and weak man to ever hold office; if he did approve of it, then he's the worst dictator that ever held the Office. Take your pick.

Why did Obama do this one month after he was re-elected? Why didn't he run on the platform of Destroying Occupy Wall Street during his re-election campaign?

Why hasn't Obama overturned/repealed the FBI's decision over the past year? He certainly must agree with them.
Was Obama the President of the United States in 2012?

Yes, he was. No doubt sir. And? This is about the FBI. Obama is not even mentioned.

If Obama did not know, and approve, of this horrendous violation of the First Amendment, then he is the most incompetent and weak man to ever hold office; if he did approve of it, then he's the worst dictator that ever held the Office. Take your pick.

Why did Obama do this one month after he was re-elected? Why didn't he run on the platform of Destroying Occupy Wall Street during his re-election campaign?

Why hasn't Obama overturned/repealed the FBI's decision over the past year? He certainly must agree with them.

How exactly do you interpret this story? What was the FBI doing?
How exactly do you interpret this story? What was the FBI doing?

The FBI and NSA Fusion Centers were activated, under the pretense of terrorism, to defend the Too-big-to-fail banks.

Did you not read any of the 20 articles?

So how exactly do you interpret Obama's role in this scandal?

1: Oblivious and pathetic, and failing miserably at reversing the FBI's decision during the last 16 months.
2: Active and Tyrannical, and succeeding immensely at using the NSA Fusion Centers to destroy dissent.
BONUS OPTION: A total scumbag for taking this drastic action not even ONE MONTH after his re-election.
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How exactly do you interpret this story? What was the FBI doing?

The FBI and NSA Fusion Centers were activated, under the pretense of terrorism, to defend the Too-big-to-fail banks.

Did you not read any of the 20 articles?

So how exactly do you interpret Obama's role in this scandal?

1: Oblivious and pathetic, and failing miserably at reversing the FBI's decision during the last 16 months.
2: Active and Tyrannical, and succeeding immensely at using the NSA Fusion Centers to destroy dissent.
BONUS OPTION: A total scumbag for taking this drastic action not even ONE MONTH after his re-election.

Tell me if this is the scandal you say it is, why is it that no other government representive has brought it up? Surely republicans would jump all over this.
Tell me if this is the scandal you say it is, why is it that no other government representive has brought it up? Surely republicans would jump all over this.

It's what the mainstream media and alternative media said it is. Did you not see the CNN and Huffingtonpost link?

This isn't about me; this is about Obama, the FBI, the NSA, Occupy Wall Street and the First Amendment.

No, they wouldn't. This is when the two-party charade collapses in plain sight, they both serve the same masters. This event took place without a whimper from either the Despotcrats or the Repugnantcans.
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Ron Paul and Alex Jones were spearheading the "End the Federal Reserve" aka "End the Fed" branch of the Occupy Wall Street Movement, and turning into a cohesive and positive force. Soon after, Obama went into Emperor Palpatine mode and declared them a terrorist organization.

Obama is puppet of Wall Street, remember how he bailed them out?

You liberals need to stop praying to Obama's graven image, who is so insecure and distrustful, that he has the NSA hounding your every move, copying every word you type and recording every sound you make.

I don't know what point you are trying to make here.

Occupy Wallstreet got to protest for several months and were shutdown on a local level.

Occupy Wall Street Plans to Offer Debit Card - ABC News

They even went main stream enough to get involved in business ventures.

And if you folks are so concerned about Free Speech and Privacy you SHOULD be advocating for the REPEAL of the PATRIOT ACT.
Tell me if this is the scandal you say it is, why is it that no other government representive has brought it up? Surely republicans would jump all over this.

It's what the mainstream media and alternative media said it is. Did you not see the CNN and Huffingtonpost link?

This isn't about me; this is about Obama, the FBI, the NSA, Occupy Wall Street and the First Amendment.

No, they wouldn't. This is when the two-party charade collapses in plain sight, they both serve the same masters. This event took place without a whimper from either the Despotcrats or the Repugnantcans.

Of course it isn't about you.

You are part of a hive mind that wants one thing..the removal of the President.

Which makes your whole spiel a load of bullshit.

The same mechanisms that allow the NSA, FBI and CIA to operate they way they do would still be in place.

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