Obama Admin. Suppresses Rpt That Would Detail Rise in Welfare Dependence


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Obama Administration Suppresses Report That Would Detail Rise in Welfare Dependence​
U. S House of Represntatives ^

Washington, DC - A day after his inauguration, President Obama promised his Administration would be defined by its openness and transparency, proudly declaring, "I will also hold myself, as president, to a new standard of openness….Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency." Sadly, the Obama Administration has failed to live up to the President’s lofty rhetoric, and its record on transparency is littered with broken promises. The latest example is the Administration’s withholding of Federal data about welfare receipt and dependence on government benefits. Under a 1994 law, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is required to issue annual reports on the degree to which Americans are dependent on various welfare benefits. This 1994 law was authored by Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA), passed by the Democrat-controlled House and Senate, and signed into law by President Bill Clinton. Yet after nearly four years, the Obama Administration has never once issued this report.

Just another example of congressional incompetence, they pass laws with no teeth to enforce them. So we get a president who doesn't give a crap about his oath, he ignores the law and congress can do nothing because they won't impeach based just on this. Of course this senate wouldn't convict him even if the house did impeach.

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