Obama a member of the Muslim Brotherhood?


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
It would not surprise me at all to be informed that Obama is indeed a Muslim and a card carrying member of the Brotherhood. Obama is currently America's worst enemy. HIs term cannot be over soon enough!http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/blog/?p=14836
Egyptian Paper Says They Have Proof That Obama Is A Member Of The Muslim Brotherhood

Geoffrey Grider | September 3, 2013

Egyptian Paper Says They Have Proof That Obama Is A Member Of The Muslim Brotherhood - Now The End Begins Now The End Begins

Al Jazeera’s blog posted a story Monday featuring tweets from the Director of Research at the Brookings Center in Doha, Qatar, who reported that an Egyptian newspaper’s front page story claimed President Barack Obama is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.

“Newspaper also claims that son of MB leader threatened Obama with release of ‘papers’ revealing his MB membership,” writes Shadi Hamid of Brookings.

One could hardly come up with a more explosive allegation about a U.S. president than secret membership in an Islamist group. And if that weren’t enough, the newspaper also claims that President Obama’s half-brother Malik is allegedly an Al Qaeda activist.

I honestly do not care if Obama is a Muslim or a Christian, a Pagan, a Jedi, or the Dark Lord of the Sith. The religion of the Prez is completely irrelevant

If he isn't he has plenty of them in his administration. that's why he is wagging this hateful assault on one of closest allies, Israel

we will paying for Obama long after he leaves our military weakened, our country on the verge of bankruptcy, and gawd knows how many terrorist he's allowed in with his traitorous immigration policies and the 100s of thousands of people they've allowed into our country
I honestly do not care if Obama is a Muslim or a Christian, a Pagan, a Jedi, or the Dark Lord of the Sith. The religion of the Prez is completely irrelevant

Not when he placates those sworn to kill us all. He's letting his Muslim heritage trump his oath to protect and defend the Constitution of this country. His hatred of America is coming to light more each day.
Malarkey, sheesh... you guys have made yourselves deranged...May someone help you deal with your madness!!!
It would not surprise me at all to be informed that Obama is indeed a Muslim and a card carrying member of the Brotherhood. Obama is currently America's worst enemy. HIs term cannot be over soon enough!
Egyptian Paper Says They Have Proof That Obama Is A Member Of The Muslim Brotherhood
Geoffrey Grider | September 3, 2013

Egyptian Paper Says They Have Proof That Obama Is A Member Of The Muslim Brotherhood - Now The End Begins Now The End Begins

Al Jazeera’s blog posted a story Monday featuring tweets from the Director of Research at the Brookings Center in Doha, Qatar, who reported that an Egyptian newspaper’s front page story claimed President Barack Obama is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.

“Newspaper also claims that son of MB leader threatened Obama with release of ‘papers’ revealing his MB membership,” writes Shadi Hamid of Brookings.

One could hardly come up with a more explosive allegation about a U.S. president than secret membership in an Islamist group. And if that weren’t enough, the newspaper also claims that President Obama’s half-brother Malik is allegedly an Al Qaeda activist.
"Obama a member of the Muslim Brotherhood?"

It's remarkable to consider the fact that you and most conservatives are truly this stupid.

Twenty years ago it would have been remarkable. Today it is expected. The right wing lost their minds somewhere between then and now.
I honestly do not care if Obama is a Muslim or a Christian, a Pagan, a Jedi, or the Dark Lord of the Sith. The religion of the Prez is completely irrelevant

Not when he placates those sworn to kill us all. He's letting his Muslim heritage trump his oath to protect and defend the Constitution of this country. His hatred of America is coming to light more each day.

You know that is pretty stupid........right?

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