Obama, a lame duck now and if reelected a lame duck then/why bother?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Rhetoric aside if congress stays about the same or the gop gets more seats in the upcoming election Obama is dead in the water. Nothing of significance will get done by either side unless the gop has a super majority so why bother voting him in again? He has accomplished all he can but now that the democrats have lost power what could you possibly expect him to do in the future?

If the gop gets enough seats they could over ride his veto so I just don't see the upside for the democrats in voting for him. I've often wondered why you guys don't switch parties and vote for Romney or Huntsman thus lessening the damage that may be done if Obama loses.

At the very least even with an Obama win the gop will hold enough power to block him so where is the upside for America?

Or dump his ass and demand a different option. You got no future with him. Other than maybe an impotent leader.
Rhetoric aside if congress stays about the same or the gop gets more seats in the upcoming election Obama is dead in the water. Nothing of significance will get done by either side unless the gop has a super majority so why bother voting him in again? He has accomplished all he can but now that the democrats have lost power what could you possibly expect him to do in the future?

If the gop gets enough seats they could over ride his veto so I just don't see the upside for the democrats in voting for him. I've often wondered why you guys don't switch parties and vote for Romney or Huntsman thus lessening the damage that may be done if Obama loses.

At the very least even with an Obama win the gop will hold enough power to block him so where is the upside for America?

Or dump his ass and demand a different option. You got no future with him. Other than maybe an impotent leader.

Because the GOP field of candidates is just that bad....
Rhetoric aside if congress stays about the same or the gop gets more seats in the upcoming election Obama is dead in the water. Nothing of significance will get done by either side unless the gop has a super majority so why bother voting him in again? He has accomplished all he can but now that the democrats have lost power what could you possibly expect him to do in the future?

If the gop gets enough seats they could over ride his veto so I just don't see the upside for the democrats in voting for him. I've often wondered why you guys don't switch parties and vote for Romney or Huntsman thus lessening the damage that may be done if Obama loses.

At the very least even with an Obama win the gop will hold enough power to block him so where is the upside for America?

Or dump his ass and demand a different option. You got no future with him. Other than maybe an impotent leader.

Statistically you're probably getting the Senate. House is up for grabs as always.

I think what you're missing is how radical the current crop of GOPers is. Even if you wind up with both chambers we'll need a (D) in the White House to stop the radical agenda.
Rhetoric aside if congress stays about the same or the gop gets more seats in the upcoming election Obama is dead in the water. Nothing of significance will get done by either side unless the gop has a super majority so why bother voting him in again? He has accomplished all he can but now that the democrats have lost power what could you possibly expect him to do in the future?

If the gop gets enough seats they could over ride his veto so I just don't see the upside for the democrats in voting for him. I've often wondered why you guys don't switch parties and vote for Romney or Huntsman thus lessening the damage that may be done if Obama loses.

At the very least even with an Obama win the gop will hold enough power to block him so where is the upside for America?

Or dump his ass and demand a different option. You got no future with him. Other than maybe an impotent leader.

Statistically you're probably getting the Senate. House is up for grabs as always.

I think what you're missing is how radical the current crop of GOPers is. Even if you wind up with both chambers we'll need a (D) in the White House to stop the radical agenda.

Would you please explain what is "radical" about the current crop of GOPer's. Please and Thank You.
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Rhetoric aside if congress stays about the same or the gop gets more seats in the upcoming election Obama is dead in the water. Nothing of significance will get done by either side unless the gop has a super majority so why bother voting him in again? He has accomplished all he can but now that the democrats have lost power what could you possibly expect him to do in the future?

If the gop gets enough seats they could over ride his veto so I just don't see the upside for the democrats in voting for him. I've often wondered why you guys don't switch parties and vote for Romney or Huntsman thus lessening the damage that may be done if Obama loses.

At the very least even with an Obama win the gop will hold enough power to block him so where is the upside for America?

Or dump his ass and demand a different option. You got no future with him. Other than maybe an impotent leader.

Statistically you're probably getting the Senate. House is up for grabs as always.

I think what you're missing is how radical the current crop of GOPers is. Even if you wind up with both chambers we'll need a (D) in the White House to stop the radical agenda.

In an effort to continue with the devils advocate ill bite.

Santorum, Bachmann and Paul could be perceived that way but I see nothing radical about the others.
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So, no democrat can see this coming if he wins? Or you guys simply don't care as long as you get to sling arrows at the opposition?
Yea, it's just impossible to pass bipartisan legislation. It has never happened in all of American history. The only time any constructive work gets done is if one party controls all branches of gov't.

Sound logic.
As far as the Republicans are concerned, they will throw a temper tantrum regardless of who the Democratic President is

As obstructive as they have been with Obama, they were worse with Clinton

The message seems to be...."See what you make us do?"
Rhetoric aside if congress stays about the same or the gop gets more seats in the upcoming election Obama is dead in the water. Nothing of significance will get done by either side unless the gop has a super majority so why bother voting him in again? He has accomplished all he can but now that the democrats have lost power what could you possibly expect him to do in the future?

If the gop gets enough seats they could over ride his veto so I just don't see the upside for the democrats in voting for him. I've often wondered why you guys don't switch parties and vote for Romney or Huntsman thus lessening the damage that may be done if Obama loses.

At the very least even with an Obama win the gop will hold enough power to block him so where is the upside for America?

Or dump his ass and demand a different option. You got no future with him. Other than maybe an impotent leader.

Statistically you're probably getting the Senate. House is up for grabs as always.

I think what you're missing is how radical the current crop of GOPers is. Even if you wind up with both chambers we'll need a (D) in the White House to stop the radical agenda.

Interesting election in terms of what could happen. Republicans think they will have a clean sweep, White House, Senate and the House. But I can see a scenario where Obama wins by a large margin, and the House goes Democrat on his coattails, as well as seeing an increase in the Senate majority. Most likely, there will be some kind of split, but anything can happen at this point.
Rhetoric aside if congress stays about the same or the gop gets more seats in the upcoming election Obama is dead in the water. Nothing of significance will get done by either side unless the gop has a super majority so why bother voting him in again? He has accomplished all he can but now that the democrats have lost power what could you possibly expect him to do in the future?

If the gop gets enough seats they could over ride his veto so I just don't see the upside for the democrats in voting for him. I've often wondered why you guys don't switch parties and vote for Romney or Huntsman thus lessening the damage that may be done if Obama loses.

At the very least even with an Obama win the gop will hold enough power to block him so where is the upside for America?

Or dump his ass and demand a different option. You got no future with him. Other than maybe an impotent leader.

Statistically you're probably getting the Senate. House is up for grabs as always.

I think what you're missing is how radical the current crop of GOPers is. Even if you wind up with both chambers we'll need a (D) in the White House to stop the radical agenda.

In an effort to continue with the devils advocate ill bite.

Santorum, Bachmann and Paul could be perceived that way but I see nothing radical about the others.

I was referring to sitting lawmakers, and while Romney and Gingrich are hardly radical (I think Gingrich is a sleazeball, but he's no radical) they are, obviously, much more likely to cave to the agenda of said sitting lawmakers.
Because a lot of people would rather have a restrained legislature than a legislature with a corroborating executive that churns out laws fundamentally against those people's principles. Ever heard of the strategy that if you can't get what you want then you do everything you can to prevent your opposition from getting what they want? Welcome to politics! Re-electing Obama would be a curb against Republican initiatives. Even with a supermajority his presence would at least force a 60-vote Senate on everything, and the GOP may not always be perfectly aligned on all legislation; it's less-worse than just handing the executive to the Republicans too because oh well what can Bama do--that doesn't make sense.

Also, why would a Dem register with Republicans in order to vote for Romney or Hunstman? Those are probably the two with widest appeal to the center. Maybe Gingrich too I don't know. If Dems are going to start voting in the Republican primaries wouldn't it be best to nominate the candidate with least appeal to the center--i.e. Bachman. What Dem ground troops need to focus on is the House. That is takable because I think the GOPs dogmatic anti-tax platform is not going to rally the middle and will ultimately cost them votes; they're making the mistake of thinking the rest of the country feels just like them.
I don't know what logic would tell you that the GOP are going to pick up more seats with the Congress' horrific approval ratings - and when broken down - more-so disapproval of the R's.
I don't know what logic would tell you that the GOP are going to pick up more seats with the Congress' horrific approval ratings - and when broken down - more-so disapproval of the R's.

23 Dems (incl. Lieberman and Sanders) up for re-election and only 10 Reps; Losing the Senate is a firm statistical likelyhood.

The house though? Democrats lead currently, and virtually every time I've checked, in generic Congressional vote. Republicans here and elsewhere appear certain they'll hold on and increase their numbers in the house, apparently on faith alone.
I don't know what logic would tell you that the GOP are going to pick up more seats with the Congress' horrific approval ratings - and when broken down - more-so disapproval of the R's.

23 Dems (incl. Lieberman and Sanders) up for re-election and only 10 Reps; Losing the Senate is a firm statistical likelyhood.

The house though? Democrats lead currently, and virtually every time I've checked, in generic Congressional vote. Republicans here and elsewhere appear certain they'll hold on and increase their numbers in the house, apparently on faith alone.

Tea Baggers are not going to do well come election time. Look for Nancy Pelosi to be back as Speaker

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