Obama 2013 budget proposal... long on wind, short on details


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2013 contains the Budget Message of the President, information on the President’s priorities, budget overviews organized by agency, and summary tables.

wow... overviews... summaries... sweet.

Where are the libtards to bitch about the lack of details on where the money comes from for everything in this proposal???? Sure, it lists what they want to spend, but not where the money comes form. WTF???
Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2013 contains the Budget Message of the President, information on the President’s priorities, budget overviews organized by agency, and summary tables.

wow... overviews... summaries... sweet.

Where are the libtards to bitch about the lack of details on where the money comes from for everything in this proposal???? Sure, it lists what they want to spend, but not where the money comes form. WTF???

I don't think the president's budget ever includes significant discussion of revenues (see, eg, FDsys - Browse BUDGET). One might prefer that taxing and spending be more closely linked, but that hasn't been the past practice, at least recently.

Obama has made his broad views on taxes pretty clear. He wants to continue a payroll tax cut and he wants to repeal the Bush tax cuts for the high income brackets.
I do not think the president's budget proposal is ever that detailed. It could not possibly be too detailed this year where everyone will be only going though the motions. Only a moron would believe that there is a snowball's chance in hell of a budget being signed, however, republicans are crapping their pants looking for a way out of the mandatory defense cuts they passed last year.
exactly my point. Certain liberals here are whining to high Heaven that Ryan's budget proposal doesn't have specific details... yet they are utterly silent (with few exceptions) when confronted with an Obama budget proposal equally short on details.
Vote for me!!! Free money!!

exactly my point. Certain liberals here are whining to high Heaven that Ryan's budget proposal doesn't have specific details... yet they are utterly silent (with few exceptions) when confronted with an Obama budget proposal equally short on details.

Which liberals are those? The critiques I have read of Ryan's plan have not criticized it for lack of detail (though some have noted an appropriate lack of detail [http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/06/us/politics/06ryan.html?_r=1&hp]). It's also worth noting that Obama's 2012 budget proposal is about 250 pages, whereas Ryan's is 28 pages (Paul Ryan Presents G.O.P. 2012 Budget Proposal - Document - NYTimes.com) so there's no reason that Obama's couldn't have sufficient detail even if we say that Ryan's doesn't.
Ok- I went right to the crux of my biscuit...

"Eliminates $4 Billion in inefficient and outdated annual fossil fuel "subsidies".

Funny how under this same heading the budget discusses "Clean energy, innovation, and jobs of the future".

Here's the smackdown... Obama proposes to take $4 billion a year cash from the oil industry and then plow it into "clean energy" aka Solyndra-style projects.

Well, fuck me standing.

This mother scratcher of a President clearly does not know his Liberal Ass from a chocolate sundae.

He wants to take away cash from oil businesses that are spending 100% of their profits and then invest those dollars into money pits with a losing history.

Ok- I went right to the crux of my biscuit...

"Eliminates $4 Billion in inefficient and outdated annual fossil fuel "subsidies".

Funny how under this same heading the budget discusses "Clean energy, innovation, and jobs of the future".

Here's the smackdown... Obama proposes to take $4 billion a year cash from the oil industry and then plow it into "clean energy" aka Solyndra-style projects.

Well, fuck me standing.

This mother scratcher of a President clearly does not know his Liberal Ass from a chocolate sundae.

He wants to take away cash from oil businesses that are spending 100% of their profits and then invest those dollars into money pits with a losing history.


Shouldnt the oil companies be looking for ways to diversify then?
Ok- I went right to the crux of my biscuit...

"Eliminates $4 Billion in inefficient and outdated annual fossil fuel "subsidies".

Funny how under this same heading the budget discusses "Clean energy, innovation, and jobs of the future".

Here's the smackdown... Obama proposes to take $4 billion a year cash from the oil industry and then plow it into "clean energy" aka Solyndra-style projects.

Well, fuck me standing.

This mother scratcher of a President clearly does not know his Liberal Ass from a chocolate sundae.

He wants to take away cash from oil businesses that are spending 100% of their profits and then invest those dollars into money pits with a losing history.


Shouldnt the oil companies be looking for ways to diversify then?

I'll not go there, thank you.

But I will say that you epotimise the abject ignorance of the general populace.

In other words, go fuck yourself.

I have met the enema, and the enema is you.
Ok- I went right to the crux of my biscuit...

"Eliminates $4 Billion in inefficient and outdated annual fossil fuel "subsidies".

Funny how under this same heading the budget discusses "Clean energy, innovation, and jobs of the future".

Here's the smackdown... Obama proposes to take $4 billion a year cash from the oil industry and then plow it into "clean energy" aka Solyndra-style projects.

Well, fuck me standing.

This mother scratcher of a President clearly does not know his Liberal Ass from a chocolate sundae.

He wants to take away cash from oil businesses that are spending 100% of their profits and then invest those dollars into money pits with a losing history.


Shouldnt the oil companies be looking for ways to diversify then?

I'll not go there, thank you.

But I will say that you epotimise the abject ignorance of the general populace.

In other words, go fuck yourself.

I have met the enema, and the enema is you.

So even talking to you warrants a "go fuck yourself"?

In other words, you're in love with the sound of your own voice. Lesson learned.
Ok- I went right to the crux of my biscuit...

"Eliminates $4 Billion in inefficient and outdated annual fossil fuel "subsidies".

Funny how under this same heading the budget discusses "Clean energy, innovation, and jobs of the future".

Here's the smackdown... Obama proposes to take $4 billion a year cash from the oil industry and then plow it into "clean energy" aka Solyndra-style projects.

Well, fuck me standing.

This mother scratcher of a President clearly does not know his Liberal Ass from a chocolate sundae.

He wants to take away cash from oil businesses that are spending 100% of their profits and then invest those dollars into money pits with a losing history.


Shouldnt the oil companies be looking for ways to diversify then?

The problem is not that the tax subsidies are being taken away - it's that they are being shifted to another asinine pet project. How about we simply stop subsidizing the private sector PERIOD. I know, everyone would hate that because they could not reward their political allies and force their bullshit desires on the unwilling markets but that is exactly why it needs to be done.
exactly my point. Certain liberals here are whining to high Heaven that Ryan's budget proposal doesn't have specific details... yet they are utterly silent (with few exceptions) when confronted with an Obama budget proposal equally short on details.

Which liberals are those? The critiques I have read of Ryan's plan have not criticized it for lack of detail (though some have noted an appropriate lack of detail [http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/06/us/politics/06ryan.html?_r=1&hp]). It's also worth noting that Obama's 2012 budget proposal is about 250 pages, whereas Ryan's is 28 pages (Paul Ryan Presents G.O.P. 2012 Budget Proposal - Document - NYTimes.com) so there's no reason that Obama's couldn't have sufficient detail even if we say that Ryan's doesn't.

He is referring to a specific thread he started here:

where there are many liberals here criticizing the Ryan budget and his critique of it but are eerily silent on the missing portions in Obama's budget. I have to say that he is bringing up a valid point but it mostly inconsequential. The details should be there even if it is not common for them to be. It is a side effect of the budgetary process being more symbolic than real.
exactly my point. Certain liberals here are whining to high Heaven that Ryan's budget proposal doesn't have specific details... yet they are utterly silent (with few exceptions) when confronted with an Obama budget proposal equally short on details.

That position is so last year, when Ryan's budget was about 12 pages, and cut 2/3rds of discretionary spending. The beef this year, is that he's cut everything almost out of existence, except defense.
exactly my point. Certain liberals here are whining to high Heaven that Ryan's budget proposal doesn't have specific details... yet they are utterly silent (with few exceptions) when confronted with an Obama budget proposal equally short on details.

That position is so last year, when Ryan's budget was about 12 pages, and cut 2/3rds of discretionary spending. The beef this year, is that he's cut everything almost out of existence, except defense.

and again, you've not even read the proposal, or you'd know what horse shit that is.
Shouldnt the oil companies be looking for ways to diversify then?

I'll not go there, thank you.

But I will say that you epotimise the abject ignorance of the general populace.

In other words, go fuck yourself.

I have met the enema, and the enema is you.

So even talking to you warrants a "go fuck yourself"?

In other words, you're in love with the sound of your own voice. Lesson learned.

Sorry about that. Got stupid drunk last night. Now I'm stupid hung over. :D
I'll not go there, thank you.

But I will say that you epotimise the abject ignorance of the general populace.

In other words, go fuck yourself.

I have met the enema, and the enema is you.

So even talking to you warrants a "go fuck yourself"?

In other words, you're in love with the sound of your own voice. Lesson learned.

Sorry about that. Got stupid drunk last night. Now I'm stupid hung over. :D

LOL fair enough Mr H :D
Ok- I went right to the crux of my biscuit...

"Eliminates $4 Billion in inefficient and outdated annual fossil fuel "subsidies".

Funny how under this same heading the budget discusses "Clean energy, innovation, and jobs of the future".

Here's the smackdown... Obama proposes to take $4 billion a year cash from the oil industry and then plow it into "clean energy" aka Solyndra-style projects.

Well, fuck me standing.

This mother scratcher of a President clearly does not know his Liberal Ass from a chocolate sundae.

He wants to take away cash from oil businesses that are spending 100% of their profits and then invest those dollars into money pits with a losing history.


Shouldnt the oil companies be looking for ways to diversify then?
They should and they are, Vidi.

Top Five Oil Company-Backed Renewable Energy Ventures

But some lucky firms and forward-looking ventures have attracted the attention of major oil companies which, armed with multi-billion dollar capital budgets, can provide them with the financial backing required to push their schemes forward.

All segments of the renewables sector continue to evolve, and it is impossible to say which companies and technologies will survive over the long term. But major oil company support is giving the following initiatives a strong financial advantage in moving to the next phase of market evolution.
Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2013 contains the Budget Message of the President, information on the President’s priorities, budget overviews organized by agency, and summary tables.

wow... overviews... summaries... sweet.

Where are the libtards to bitch about the lack of details on where the money comes from for everything in this proposal???? Sure, it lists what they want to spend, but not where the money comes form. WTF???
Downloaded for posterity, and have yet to go through ALL of it...

the .pdf contains 256 pages and I see only 252 as I stare at the barcode (Assumedly the last page)...
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