NYT Opinion Page: Barr Was Right, Media Was Wrong


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Will this stop the Cultists from believing that Trump is somehow a puppet for Putin?


That's because they're cultists.

Hitlery, Clapper, Brennan, Comey and a few more started this whole thing as a 'rear guard' to muddy the waters in case Trump won. They kicked it into high gear after he actually DID win.

A rear guard is often used by a Military Unit when they're about to be over run and need to retreat. Without one, you're in trouble. Big trouble. Ask the Romans after they faced Hannibal.

Mostly, they are a 'forlorn hope'. Sacrificial, little to no hope of survival.

Some of the leftist scum in the Media see themselves as providing cover for their retreating Masters. Some see themselves as making a noble sacrifice, such as it is.

Most in here are just simply stupid, cultist scumbags. 99%

Nothing noble about these dirtbags. Simply cultists. The kind that would make Charles Manson proud.


Read the whole thing.

Chris Buskirk of American Greatness, writing at the New York Times:

For nearly four years, members of America’s ruling class, especially those in the media, the academy and government, have operated on one central, unquestioned assumption: orange man bad. This stifling orthodoxy led to a blind, counterfactual faith in the theory that Mr. Trump had somehow colluded with "the Russians" (never well defined) to win the election. Again, the specific charges were always amorphous -- plastic enough to change as needed. That's hardly surprising: That's the way conspiracy theories always work. The Russian collusion hoax was in fact nothing more than a massively multiplayer coping mechanism for people who couldn't accept the results of the 2016 election.

But why is it not enough to simply acknowledge that you dislike Mr. Trump and disagree with his policies? What psychological purpose does adding the fiction of a conspiracy serve?

The French philosopher and literary critic Rene' Girard held that such scapegoating and ritual sacrifice is an essential part of group identity and solidarity. That seems to apply here. Mr. Trump ran against American elites and their insular culture. Their response was to load onto him all of the sins they see in American society and attempt to sacrifice him to appease their gods.

Mr. Girard asked a question that is pertinent today: "Why is our own participation in scapegoating so difficult to perceive and the participation of others so easy? To us, our fears and prejudices never appear as such because they determine our vision of people we despise, we fear, and against whom we discriminate."

But the ritual sacrifice of Donald Trump didn't work -- at least not in the sense of removing him from office. It certainly did have the effect of catalyzing and uniting his opponents. Still, one of the many ironies here is that the Trump-hating media has handed him an incredibly powerful weapon for the 2020 campaign, one that may ensure his re-election.

Again, the operating principle was that of the zealot: Believe the narrative regardless of the lack of evidence, squint to see justifications where there are none and then in an intoxicated frenzy of moral superiority use any weapon at hand to destroy your enemy.

He also briefly talks about the NeverTrumpers, always eager to be Useful Idiots for their truepolitical allies, the upper class left.

Ace of Spades HQ
The Ds are busy ensuring Trump's reelection so please don't smarten up the Dumbest party advocates.
Will this stop the Cultists from believing that Trump is somehow a puppet for Putin?


That's because they're cultists.

Hitlery, Clapper, Brennan, Comey and a few more started this whole thing as a 'rear guard' to muddy the waters in case Trump won. They kicked it into high gear after he actually DID win.

A rear guard is often used by a Military Unit when they're about to be over run and need to retreat. Without one, you're in trouble. Big trouble. Ask the Romans after they faced Hannibal.

Mostly, they are a 'forlorn hope'. Sacrificial, little to no hope of survival.

Some of the leftist scum in the Media see themselves as providing cover for their retreating Masters. Some see themselves as making a noble sacrifice, such as it is.

Most in here are just simply stupid, cultist scumbags. 99%

Nothing noble about these dirtbags. Simply cultists. The kind that would make Charles Manson proud.


Read the whole thing.

Chris Buskirk of American Greatness, writing at the New York Times:

For nearly four years, members of America’s ruling class, especially those in the media, the academy and government, have operated on one central, unquestioned assumption: orange man bad. This stifling orthodoxy led to a blind, counterfactual faith in the theory that Mr. Trump had somehow colluded with "the Russians" (never well defined) to win the election. Again, the specific charges were always amorphous -- plastic enough to change as needed. That's hardly surprising: That's the way conspiracy theories always work. The Russian collusion hoax was in fact nothing more than a massively multiplayer coping mechanism for people who couldn't accept the results of the 2016 election.

But why is it not enough to simply acknowledge that you dislike Mr. Trump and disagree with his policies? What psychological purpose does adding the fiction of a conspiracy serve?

The French philosopher and literary critic Rene' Girard held that such scapegoating and ritual sacrifice is an essential part of group identity and solidarity. That seems to apply here. Mr. Trump ran against American elites and their insular culture. Their response was to load onto him all of the sins they see in American society and attempt to sacrifice him to appease their gods.

Mr. Girard asked a question that is pertinent today: "Why is our own participation in scapegoating so difficult to perceive and the participation of others so easy? To us, our fears and prejudices never appear as such because they determine our vision of people we despise, we fear, and against whom we discriminate."

But the ritual sacrifice of Donald Trump didn't work -- at least not in the sense of removing him from office. It certainly did have the effect of catalyzing and uniting his opponents. Still, one of the many ironies here is that the Trump-hating media has handed him an incredibly powerful weapon for the 2020 campaign, one that may ensure his re-election.

Again, the operating principle was that of the zealot: Believe the narrative regardless of the lack of evidence, squint to see justifications where there are none and then in an intoxicated frenzy of moral superiority use any weapon at hand to destroy your enemy.

He also briefly talks about the NeverTrumpers, always eager to be Useful Idiots for their truepolitical allies, the upper class left.

Ace of Spades HQ
They are cult-like.

Media's Biggest Fails:

8. Washington Post ‘fact checker’ needs a fact check

“All the Known Times the Trump Campaign Met With Russians” read the headline on a 2017 Fact Checker feature in The Washington Post. But by fact-checking, the paper really means judging various claims against liberal orthodoxies.

Case in point: The claim in question was Trump’s protest that “Russia” is “fake news to try to make up for the loss of the Democrats.” The Washington Post judged that to be “false.” The Mueller report suggests otherwise.
"Useful Idiot" is the perfect term to describe Dem voters.

They are indeed idiots. You would have to be an idiot to continue to vote for your leaders AFTER they make promises to you to get your vote, then admit they had to rely on your stupidity to get what they wanted. You have to be stupid to keep following them after they fail to elevate you after 5 decades but keep giving you the same speech about equality and how only THEY can deliver it. You have to be stupid to continue to follow them after put out lie after lie for two years about how they have proof of their opponent's guilt, then you find out they were lying the whole time. Pretty idiotic.

But they are indeed useful. They're useful when they go on social media and do your dirty work for you and spread the lies on your behalf. They're useful because they will dutifully go out and campaign for you, vote for you, and even use violence to silence your opponents. They will commit voter fraud to help you get elected even after they know you've lied to them and will let them twist in the wind if they are caught. Pretty useful.

They're both "Useful" and they are "Idiots".
"Useful Idiot" is the perfect term to describe Dem voters.

They are indeed idiots. You would have to be an idiot to continue to vote for your leaders AFTER they make promises to you to get your vote, then admit they had to rely on your stupidity to get what they wanted. You have to be stupid to keep following them after they fail to elevate you after 5 decades but keep giving you the same speech about equality and how only THEY can deliver it. You have to be stupid to continue to follow them after put out lie after lie for two years about how they have proof of their opponent's guilt, then you find out they were lying the whole time. Pretty idiotic.

But they are indeed useful. They're useful when they go on social media and do your dirty work for you and spread the lies on your behalf. They're useful because they will dutifully go out and campaign for you, vote for you, and even use violence to silence your opponents. They will commit voter fraud to help you get elected even after they know you've lied to them and will let them twist in the wind if they are caught. Pretty useful.

They're both "Useful" and they are "Idiots".

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