NYT - Illegal alien lawyer says sanctuary cities can defy federal law


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
More liberal insanity. They let illegals invade us by the millions. They let them become lawyers!!! Then these illegal lawyers tell us it's ok to violate federal law.

Sanctuary Cities Have a Legal Right to Defy the Federal Government - NYTimes.com

dec 1 2016 It is not only legally defensible but crucial to our national security for cities and states to be allowed to pass and uphold sanctuary laws to assure taxpaying residents — regardless of immigration status — that their local government will protect them from federal overreach.

It is fundamental principle for any local, state or federal sovereign to have discretion over how it will enforce its laws. As the Supreme Court noted in Heckler v. Chaney, an enforcement agency's decisions should reflect “factors which are peculiarly within its expertise.” Localities, not Washington bureaucrats, are best suited to determine local law enforcement according to a multitude of factors, in any given situation.

Even within those areas that the federal government does exercise authority, like immigration, it cannot force state or local governments to strip residents of rights and protections that have been passed by local legislature.
While his position is technically true about three days of sequester of federal funds will correct that attitude nicely. works on colleges too.
More liberal insanity. They let illegals invade us by the millions. They let them become lawyers!!! Then these illegal lawyers tell us it's ok to violate federal law.

Sanctuary Cities Have a Legal Right to Defy the Federal Government - NYTimes.com

dec 1 2016 It is not only legally defensible but crucial to our national security for cities and states to be allowed to pass and uphold sanctuary laws to assure taxpaying residents — regardless of immigration status — that their local government will protect them from federal overreach.

It is fundamental principle for any local, state or federal sovereign to have discretion over how it will enforce its laws. As the Supreme Court noted in Heckler v. Chaney, an enforcement agency's decisions should reflect “factors which are peculiarly within its expertise.” Localities, not Washington bureaucrats, are best suited to determine local law enforcement according to a multitude of factors, in any given situation.

Even within those areas that the federal government does exercise authority, like immigration, it cannot force state or local governments to strip residents of rights and protections that have been passed by local legislature.

So go get a law degree and oppose him.
George Wallace tried to oppose the federal law requiring integration by standing in the schoolhouse door and was faced with a US Marshall
No need for criminal penalties for those violations.

No need even for fines.

In fact, no need for any legal proceeding at all.

Just one Executive Order impounding ANY federal money that might otherwise have gone to them.

Remember that pen?

Remember that phone?

Wishing you didn't?
Illegal Immigrant Allowed To Practice Law, California Court Rules - WSJ
Jan 2, 2014 - A Mexican immigrant who is living in the country illegally but had ... the first attorney living openly in the U.S. as an illegal immigrantgranted the ...

NYT - Illegal alien lawyer says sanctuary cities can defy federal ...
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Then these illegal lawyers tell us it's ok to violate federal law. ... How many illegal aliens are openly practicing law in mexico? Reckless drivers are a bigger ...

18 Facts Prove Illegal Immigration Is Absolute Nightmare For U.S. ...
May 11, 2011 - I used to practice law and I have filled out immigration forms. ... Once many illegal immigrants arrive in the United States they either try to make a ... Barack Obama supports all of the “sanctuary cities” that have openly declared ...

Universal Free Press reported recently, illegal aliens committed 500 sexual assaults in one month and in one state: North Carolina.
Your desperate thread pard, "oh my, the illegals are coming, the illegals are coming!". The election hasn't calmed you at all.

HAHAHA. Love to watch you america-hating libs fall apart. Repubs now control the presidency and both houses of congress and soon the supreme court. We're gonna throw all 40 million illegals out of america and that will cost the dems 15 million votes every election. You're finished!!
Your desperate thread pard, "oh my, the illegals are coming, the illegals are coming!". The election hasn't calmed you at all.

HAHAHA. Love to watch you america-hating libs fall apart. Repubs now control the presidency and both houses of congress and soon the supreme court. We're gonna throw all 40 million illegals out of america and that will cost the dems 15 million votes every election. You're finished!!

Good, neoliberalism has turned out to be no different than neoconservatism. And since all we've done is go back to the latter, SOS. Watch.
Even within those areas that the federal government does exercise authority, like immigration, it cannot force state or local governments to strip residents of rights and protections that have been passed by local legislature.
In response, the federal government can withhold funding for those cities.
Even within those areas that the federal government does exercise authority, like immigration, it cannot force state or local governments to strip residents of rights and protections that have been passed by local legislature.
In response, the federal government can withhold funding for those cities.

Why haven't they?
Even within those areas that the federal government does exercise authority, like immigration, it cannot force state or local governments to strip residents of rights and protections that have been passed by local legislature.
In response, the federal government can withhold funding for those cities.
Why haven't they?
Obama is President.

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