NYS first female MUSLIM judge found floating in east river

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Tragically, studies reveal that spousal abuse is just as common within the evangelical churches as anywhere else. This means that about 25 percent of Christian homes witness abuse of some kind

These numbers may shock you—and they certainly shocked me—so you may be wondering if the studies were done by secular researchers hostile to the church. I can assure you, sadly, they were not.

Denise George, a gifted writer and the wife of theologian Timothy George, has published a new book called What Women Wish Pastors Knew. "Spouse abuse shocks us," George writes. "We just cannot believe that a church deacon or member goes home after worship . . . and beats his wife." Tragically, however, George notes, some of these men justify their violence "by citing biblical passages."

Well, obviously they're misinterpreting Scripture. In Ephesians 5:22, husbands are told to love their wives as Christ loved the church; beating wives black-and-blue hardly constitutes Christian love. 1 Peter 3:1-7 tells husbands to live with their wives considerately. And the Bible makes it clear that the church has no business closing its eyes to violent men. In 1 Timothy 3:3, the church is told that when it comes to choosing leaders, they must find men who are "not violent but gentle," sober, and temperate.

Domestic Violence within the Church: The Ugly Truth

Domestic abuse is a very serious issue in any home. But that kind of abuse by someone claiming to be a Christian is an affront to all that are serious about following the teachings of Christ.

You don't seem to think it's serious in the muslim community. So you are an advocate for Christian women, but not muslim women.

Yeah she committed the heinous sins of divorcing her creepy husband, and leaving Islam behind to marry an Episcopalian.

Mandatory death sentence.
Similar to how some hard alt right evangelicals, fundamentalists, and Pentecostals treat their women, right?
Why? It's common knowledge that such groups have men who brutalize and murder their women. Do you deny it? Those who deny it are trolls and flamers.
Common knowledge as you well know. If you deny it, then you are lying or are very foolish, imo.
Got a link? Didn't think so. :laugh:
Actually, the REAL point of this thread is a MUSLIM woman, not "all religions". ONE religion, not ALL religions.

The Regressive Left automatically plays this dishonest game in an attempt to dilute the damage being done by Islam, because that is their constituent victim religion.

They somehow think that if they can equalize Islam with the others, we won't notice what is actually happening.

NO other religions were mentioned until the deflection began.

This thread is about ONE religion, not ALL religions, regardless of dishonest spin.


The real point of this thead is to ignore what the OP article ACTUALLY said, and and immediately jump to the claim that because she was Muslim, she must have been murdered by a Muslim man because they were Muslims.

At this point, the thread has lost all claim in attempting to confine the topic to Islam only.
Like that christian that walked into his wife's school in San Bernadino and shot her, a few kids, and then finally himself?
Like that christian

He was a Christian?

Didn't see that in the reports.

Seems he had a history of getting restraining orders put on him

San Bernardino school shooting: Student among 3 dead - CNN.com
San Bernardino Shooter Was A Christian Pastor

Just one of many links if one were to type in "San Bernadino shooter christian".

Guess you had to add the word Christian to the search to get the results.

considering his run ins with the police over the years, he wasn't much of one.
No True Scotsman, eh?

No idea what that is supposed to mean, but I"m only 1/4 Scots, and that was before the family came here in the early 1700s
May I recommend researching what that term means.
Mac1958 is a charter member of the Regressive Right, who believes his own propaganda.
Jake, I happily shoved this lie straight up your ass on this thread: Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum Particularly POST 297
You are what you are, and everyone, Left and Right, knows it. You lied, again, and I outed you, again..
You can keep lying, as you do above, you regressive far righty, and I will keep laughing at you. :lol:

The OP is about a Muslim women in NY, an American, killed and dumped in the river.

It is not about Islam in the ME.
Here's that thread again where you're outed as a liar: Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum Particularly Post 297 Keep humping my leg, I'll keep stomping on your throat. Your call. .
You can lie and spam and troll all you want, and you are still a regressive righty who uses fake news and alt facts. You can never get away from that. It is what it is. This thread is about a woman who was murdered in NY and thrown in the river, not about your lies.
So what does her murder have to do with Republicans???
The authorities have determined she was murdered?
He was a Christian?

Didn't see that in the reports.

Seems he had a history of getting restraining orders put on him

San Bernardino school shooting: Student among 3 dead - CNN.com
San Bernardino Shooter Was A Christian Pastor

Just one of many links if one were to type in "San Bernadino shooter christian".

Guess you had to add the word Christian to the search to get the results.

considering his run ins with the police over the years, he wasn't much of one.
No True Scotsman, eh?

No idea what that is supposed to mean, but I"m only 1/4 Scots, and that was before the family came here in the early 1700s
May I recommend researching what that term means.
Why don't you save me the time and post it
Jake, I happily shoved this lie straight up your ass on this thread: Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum Particularly POST 297
You are what you are, and everyone, Left and Right, knows it. You lied, again, and I outed you, again..
You can keep lying, as you do above, you regressive far righty, and I will keep laughing at you. :lol:

The OP is about a Muslim women in NY, an American, killed and dumped in the river.

It is not about Islam in the ME.
Here's that thread again where you're outed as a liar: Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum Particularly Post 297 Keep humping my leg, I'll keep stomping on your throat. Your call. .
You can lie and spam and troll all you want, and you are still a regressive righty who uses fake news and alt facts. You can never get away from that. It is what it is. This thread is about a woman who was murdered in NY and thrown in the river, not about your lies.
So what does her murder have to do with Republicans???
The authorities have determined she was murdered?
No.....but the fact she was a Muslim is really what's important here......and the fact that she was the first.

At this point, the thread has lost all claim in attempting to confine the topic to Islam only.
Sure, once the Regressive Leftist deflected the story to a direct equation of Islam and other religions, the thread was derailed.

That's precisely why he did it.

The OP itself was utterly flawed to begin with. Yet you didn't address it - instead, went about "regressive leftists".

When you single out a religion for a particular attack - pointing out the fact that it isn't unique to that religion, rather than playing into the demonizing (which was the OP's intent) is not inappropriate. If the OP was trying to sincerely have discussion on domestic abuse and Islam, then you would have a point. But do you honestly think that was the intent? The OP was regressive. Not the respondents.
You can keep lying, as you do above, you regressive far righty, and I will keep laughing at you. :lol:

The OP is about a Muslim women in NY, an American, killed and dumped in the river.

It is not about Islam in the ME.
Here's that thread again where you're outed as a liar: Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum Particularly Post 297 Keep humping my leg, I'll keep stomping on your throat. Your call. .
You can lie and spam and troll all you want, and you are still a regressive righty who uses fake news and alt facts. You can never get away from that. It is what it is. This thread is about a woman who was murdered in NY and thrown in the river, not about your lies.
So what does her murder have to do with Republicans???
The authorities have determined she was murdered?
No.....but the fact she was a Muslim is really what's important here......and the fact that she was the first.


And yet....look at what the OP is saying - along the lines of "Obviously some MUSLIM BASTARD BEAT HER TO DEATH, CUZ THAT'S WHAT MUSLIMS ALWAYS DO!!!!! BET THE FUCKER VOTED FOR @$%^%$#%CLINTON!!!"
At this point, the thread has lost all claim in attempting to confine the topic to Islam only.
Sure, once the Regressive Leftist deflected the story to a direct equation of Islam and other religions, the thread was derailed.

That's precisely why he did it.

The OP itself was utterly flawed to begin with. Yet you didn't address it - instead, went about "regressive leftists".

When you single out a religion for a particular attack - pointing out the fact that it isn't unique to that religion, rather than playing into the demonizing (which was the OP's intent) is not inappropriate. If the OP was trying to sincerely have discussion on domestic abuse and Islam, then you would have a point. But do you honestly think that was the intent? The OP was regressive. Not the respondents.
Looks like we disagree then, huh?

What I have pointed out was correct. Fortunately, I don't require anyone's approval.
At this point, the thread has lost all claim in attempting to confine the topic to Islam only.
Sure, once the Regressive Leftist deflected the story to a direct equation of Islam and other religions, the thread was derailed.

That's precisely why he did it.

The OP itself was utterly flawed to begin with. Yet you didn't address it - instead, went about "regressive leftists".

When you single out a religion for a particular attack - pointing out the fact that it isn't unique to that religion, rather than playing into the demonizing (which was the OP's intent) is not inappropriate. If the OP was trying to sincerely have discussion on domestic abuse and Islam, then you would have a point. But do you honestly think that was the intent? The OP was regressive. Not the respondents.
Looks like we disagree then, huh?

What I have pointed out was correct. Fortunately, I don't require anyone's approval.

I wouldn't expect you to. Yes, we disagree.

And your thoughts on the OP itself?
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