NY Times outs Nunes cites resources


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Breaking: NY Times Outs Nunes, Cites Sources

Two White House officials provided Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, with intelligence reports showing that President Trump and his team were swept up in foreign surveillance by US spy agencies, claims the New York Times.

Oh you don't say, well isn't this special. Ny times climbing right on up there with CNN
NYT's, time, won, CNN, NBC, all the same. and cbs, abc are almost as bad.
Breaking: NY Times Outs Nunes, Cites Sources

Two White House officials provided Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, with intelligence reports showing that President Trump and his team were swept up in foreign surveillance by US spy agencies, claims the New York Times.

Oh you don't say, well isn't this special. Ny times climbing right on up there with CNN
please explain the whithouse explanation...

These security guys working for the president, says they found this information that might or could or possibly or sort of support the President's claim that he and or campaign was being bugged, and in Trump tower and they needed to tell Nunes about it, so Nunes secretly leaves his office and heads towards the white house to meet up with these obviously whitehouse secret sources and even changes cars midway trip to be as clandestine as he could...

so Nunes could TELL THE PRESIDENT the following day, what the President's men showed him the night before in the top secret room???


WHY wouldn't the President's men, simply give the information they found to the President, when they found it, INSTEAD of letting Nunes tell the President the following day?


The President ALREADY KNEW about the files the President's men presnted to Nunes the night before....OF COURSE HE DID.

And the President set up the whole clandestine meeting with Nunes the night before and the following day with all of Nunes's press conferences telling the press he had to go see the President to tell the president what he found BULL CRUD, as a publicity stunt. the President ALREADY KNEW.....

Gawd are they stupid to think we can't seee through their stunts....and reality show tactics...

WHY OH WHY is this President trying so hard to fight this investigation? He's acting very very very guilty in every stunt he plays and move he makes...WHY IS HE DOING THIS IF HE IS NOT GUILTY?

I just don't get it.....
please explain the whithouse explanation...

These security guys working for the president, says they found this information that might or could or possibly or sort of support the President's claim that he and or campaign was being bugged, and in Trump tower and they needed to tell Nunes about it, so Nunes secretly leaves his office and heads towards the white house to meet up with these obviously whitehouse secret sources and even changes cars midway trip to be as clandestine as he could...

so Nunes could TELL THE PRESIDENT the following day, what the President's men showed him the night before in the top secret room???


WHY wouldn't the President's men, simply give the information they found to the President, when they found it, INSTEAD of letting Nunes tell the President the following day?


The President ALREADY KNEW about the files the President's men presnted to Nunes the night before....OF COURSE HE DID.

And the President set up the whole clandestine meeting with Nunes the night before and the following day with all of Nunes's press conferences telling the press he had to go see the President to tell the president what he found BULL CRUD, as a publicity stunt. the President ALREADY KNEW.....

Gawd are they stupid to think we can't seee through their stunts....and reality show tactics...

WHY OH WHY is this President trying so hard to fight this investigation? He's acting very very very guilty in every stunt he plays and move he makes...WHY IS HE DOING THIS IF HE IS NOT GUILTY?

I just don't get it.....

Cohen-Watnick came in with Flynn and was investigating taping at the NSA. Cohen also used to work for Nunes.
please explain the whithouse explanation...

These security guys working for the president, says they found this information that might or could or possibly or sort of support the President's claim that he and or campaign was being bugged, and in Trump tower and they needed to tell Nunes about it, so Nunes secretly leaves his office and heads towards the white house to meet up with these obviously whitehouse secret sources and even changes cars midway trip to be as clandestine as he could...

so Nunes could TELL THE PRESIDENT the following day, what the President's men showed him the night before in the top secret room???


WHY wouldn't the President's men, simply give the information they found to the President, when they found it, INSTEAD of letting Nunes tell the President the following day?


The President ALREADY KNEW about the files the President's men presnted to Nunes the night before....OF COURSE HE DID.

And the President set up the whole clandestine meeting with Nunes the night before and the following day with all of Nunes's press conferences telling the press he had to go see the President to tell the president what he found BULL CRUD, as a publicity stunt. the President ALREADY KNEW.....

Gawd are they stupid to think we can't seee through their stunts....and reality show tactics...

WHY OH WHY is this President trying so hard to fight this investigation? He's acting very very very guilty in every stunt he plays and move he makes...WHY IS HE DOING THIS IF HE IS NOT GUILTY?

I just don't get it.....

Umm, the whole Executive Branch works for POTUS but that doesnt mean he knows everything that they are doing.

There are a huge number of layers of federali bureaucracy at the White House, C4A and Trump doesnt know what most of them are doing as they have entirely different supervisors and dont work directly under Trump.

They used some building at the White House complex because this data cannot be shown on just any PC, but only on vaulted secure terminals. So they used one of the ones over there.

None of this is suspicious if you knew how this stuff worked.
please explain the whithouse explanation...

These security guys working for the president, says they found this information that might or could or possibly or sort of support the President's claim that he and or campaign was being bugged, and in Trump tower and they needed to tell Nunes about it, so Nunes secretly leaves his office and heads towards the white house to meet up with these obviously whitehouse secret sources and even changes cars midway trip to be as clandestine as he could...

so Nunes could TELL THE PRESIDENT the following day, what the President's men showed him the night before in the top secret room???


WHY wouldn't the President's men, simply give the information they found to the President, when they found it, INSTEAD of letting Nunes tell the President the following day?


The President ALREADY KNEW about the files the President's men presnted to Nunes the night before....OF COURSE HE DID.

And the President set up the whole clandestine meeting with Nunes the night before and the following day with all of Nunes's press conferences telling the press he had to go see the President to tell the president what he found BULL CRUD, as a publicity stunt. the President ALREADY KNEW.....

Gawd are they stupid to think we can't seee through their stunts....and reality show tactics...

WHY OH WHY is this President trying so hard to fight this investigation? He's acting very very very guilty in every stunt he plays and move he makes...WHY IS HE DOING THIS IF HE IS NOT GUILTY?

I just don't get it.....

Cohen-Watnick came in with Flynn and was investigating taping at the NSA. Cohen also used to work for Nunes.
YES, I do know that....

my question to you is, Did President Trump set up this stunt? Is there any logic or reasoning that even indicates, the President did not set up this stunt?
please explain the whithouse explanation...

These security guys working for the president, says they found this information that might or could or possibly or sort of support the President's claim that he and or campaign was being bugged, and in Trump tower and they needed to tell Nunes about it, so Nunes secretly leaves his office and heads towards the white house to meet up with these obviously whitehouse secret sources and even changes cars midway trip to be as clandestine as he could...

so Nunes could TELL THE PRESIDENT the following day, what the President's men showed him the night before in the top secret room???


WHY wouldn't the President's men, simply give the information they found to the President, when they found it, INSTEAD of letting Nunes tell the President the following day?


The President ALREADY KNEW about the files the President's men presnted to Nunes the night before....OF COURSE HE DID.

And the President set up the whole clandestine meeting with Nunes the night before and the following day with all of Nunes's press conferences telling the press he had to go see the President to tell the president what he found BULL CRUD, as a publicity stunt. the President ALREADY KNEW.....

Gawd are they stupid to think we can't seee through their stunts....and reality show tactics...

WHY OH WHY is this President trying so hard to fight this investigation? He's acting very very very guilty in every stunt he plays and move he makes...WHY IS HE DOING THIS IF HE IS NOT GUILTY?

I just don't get it.....

Umm, the whole Executive Branch works for POTUS but that doesnt mean he knows everything that they are doing.

There are a huge number of layers of federali bureaucracy at the White House, C4A and Trump doesnt know what most of them are doing as they have entirely different supervisors and dont work directly under Trump.

They used some building at the White House complex because this data cannot be shown on just any PC, but only on vaulted secure terminals. So they used one of the ones over there.

None of this is suspicious if you knew how this stuff worked.
Please Jim, stop being so NAIVE...the President or Bannon, SET THIS WHOLE STUNT UP...

The President's men would have reported this to the powers above them BEFORE EVER simply calling Nunes. Please, YOU KNOW THIS....no one on the President's hand picked team is going to hide things that could help the President from the President....NO ONE, and it is simply SILLY to think they would.
If this was on the up and up, the President's men would have called both Nunes and Schiff, both heads of the house intelligence investigation and called them both over to see the information that could be important to their investigation...it would have been done with complete DAYLIGHT, SUNSHINE instead of secret phone call and changing cars so he wasn't followed crapola I am hearing... And the planned press conferences without even Nunes telling his own Intel committee...and running to tell th President bull crud, as if the President wasn't told...National Security council advises the President, they work for HIM.


STOP defending what is defenseless....

I do not know why everything has to be this staged bull crud....
Please Jim, stop being so NAIVE...the President or Bannon, SET THIS WHOLE STUNT UP...

The President's men would have reported this to the powers above them BEFORE EVER simply calling Nunes. Please, YOU KNOW THIS....no one on the President's hand picked team is going to hide things that could help the President from the President....NO ONE, and it is simply SILLY to think they would.
Naive? roflmao, nothing I stated is naive, C4A.

The dude that flipped did it for his relationship with Nunes, not Trump, so why would he trust Trump?

You do realize that sometimes people wind up feeding worms for much less, right?

These are not the kind of people you fuck around with.
Please Jim, stop being so NAIVE...the President or Bannon, SET THIS WHOLE STUNT UP...

The President's men would have reported this to the powers above them BEFORE EVER simply calling Nunes. Please, YOU KNOW THIS....no one on the President's hand picked team is going to hide things that could help the President from the President....NO ONE, and it is simply SILLY to think they would.
Naive? roflmao, nothing I stated is naive, C4A.

The dude that flipped did it for his relationship with Nunes, not Trump, so why would he trust Trump?

You do realize that sometimes people wind up feeding worms for much less, right?

These are not the kind of people you fuck around with.
What dude flipped? What does that mean??
There was nothing wrong with the President's men finding what they found, there was nothing wrong with them viewing th info, they all had security clearance, there would be nothing wrong with these men sharing the info with their bosses before showing the House Intelligence community....

It's just the way these idiots handle every little thing that thy do, with staged press conferences and clandestine meetings and this crazy interference that they cause by their craziness to change the subject of a terrible meeting that was public on Monday where we were told, the Russians AND THE TRUMP associates were being investigated for coordination with the Russians.... no one said they were guilty, but the admission of a criminal investigation by the FBI was pretty big news....

Trump needed to change the topic of the news...

thus this whole fiasco....it was just shenanigans in the way it was handled which makes news turn to this instead of the hearing that hurt Trump....

We have seen this M/O way more than once...we are NOT fools that can be fooled over and over and over again.
There was nothing wrong with the President's men finding what they found, there was nothing wrong with them viewing th info, they all had security clearance, there would be nothing wrong with these men sharing the info with their bosses before showing the House Intelligence community....

It's just the way these idiots handle every little thing that thy do, with staged press conferences and clandestine meetings and this crazy interference that they cause by their craziness to change the subject of a terrible meeting that was public on Monday where we were told, the Russians AND THE TRUMP associates were being investigated for coordination with the Russians.... no one said they were guilty, but the admission of a criminal investigation by the FBI was pretty big news....

Trump needed to change the topic of the news...

thus this whole fiasco....it was just shenanigans in the way it was handled which makes news turn to this instead of the hearing that hurt Trump....

We have seen this M/O way more than once...we are NOT fools that can be fooled over and over and over again.
Where are you seeing this as a criminal investigation at?

Just a link that you trust so I can get what you think more clearly.

What I have read has not mentioned a *criminal* investigation, but was instead counter-intel investigation focused on foreign actors, not Russian either, btw.
my question to you is, Did President Trump set up this stunt? Is there any logic or reasoning that even indicates, the President did not set up this stunt?

I personally dont think Trump set up anything other than his tweets about being 'wire tapped'.

That was a diversion from the Sessions stuff that was going on, but I wouldnt call that a "stunt" as though it was somehow inappropriate to do that.

The heart of political gamesmanship is the manipulation of the press without engaging in anything criminal, IMO.

"All is fair in love and mind fucking journalists."

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