NY Times drops a bomb on the left-wing ideology

It's completely relevant, snowflake. If you're going to employ propaganda, it has to be something you can at least convince people is remotely possible. Everyone on Earth knows the NY Times and Bill Maher are hard left, so you're exposing yourself as just an asshole troll.
It's completely relevant, snowflake. If you're going to employ propaganda, it has to be something you can at least convince people is remotely possible. Everyone on Earth knows the NY Times and Bill Maher are hard left, so you're exposing yourself as just an asshole troll.
Neither are remotely left - quite the opposite.
Nope - just a sincere response.
Sincerely ignorant, yes.
The entire board is laughing its ass off at you.
Bizarre fantasy.
Democrats don't "despise" the left.
They do - intensely.
Nobody believes that.
Too few understand it, true.
Not even you.
Fallacious/baseless/irrelevant speculation.
That's why we're all laughing.
Bizarre/baseless/irrelevant fantasy.
The fascist left does that 24x7. Nothing "moderate" about forcing people to engage in homosexuality.

24x7 meaning a single person? Meanwhile many, many on the left have want to outlaw same sex marriage all together.

The fascist left does that 24x7 as well. Communities decide to put up Nativity scenes and the left forces them to take it down, even though that's what the people wanted.

You can put up as many nativity scenes on private property as you want. It's people of other religions that are forced to spend tax payer money on other peoples' religions as well as government probably shouldn't be sponsoring one over the other. However in truth I find few people even care.

To your larger point is the left trying to get rid of your religion? No.

Well that's just an egregious lie (which is all you ever do when you post). They soak the wealthy in taxes (while evading taxes themselves of course)

I lied? When? Point it out.
That's exactly what the left has done. They've literally legalized voting by foreigners.

No, if you're not a citizen you can't vote in federal elections. Sorry.

Worse than that, foreigners who are illegal aliens. And let's not even get into the amount of voter fraud that the Dumbocrats engage in.

Because you can't prove something that doesn't exist. How convenient

San Francisco or any other entity is not allowing non citizens to vote in state or federal elections. They are completely local and that's perfectly legal and within their rights to do so. Not surprised you don't get that.

We do know that the Heritage Foundation is a great resource where they have been tracking voter fraud. Unbeknownst to them however all the voter fraud cases where they could determine political party were by actual Republicans.

On a side note Happy, I want to thank you once again for permitting me to expose your ignorance in front of everyone. No less than 4 links in this one post proving that you're an uninformed, ignorant, partisan ideologue.

You didn't, but OK. It's always a nice look when someone claims victory when they haven't.
Hmmm...that's an interesting tactic. Go ahead and run with that to try to run from your embarrassing history. Either way, it proves that the Democrat Party is unfit to govern. It also proves that the left-wing ideology is a failed ideology.

It doesn't work. It has never worked. It never will work. It just brings people oppression, poverty, and misery.

Almost all western democracies are more liberal than us.
24x7 meaning a single person?
Yeah snowflake, that entire organization is made up of a single person. :rolleyes:

Do you even hear yourself before you post? How are you so incapable of coming up with a better lie?
Meanwhile many, many on the left have want to outlaw same sex marriage all together.
And? So? That doesn’t stop flaming queers from hooking up. That doesn’t stop them from living together. That doesn’t stop them from anything.
You can put up as many nativity scenes on private property as you want. It's people of other religions that are forced to spend tax payer money on other peoples' religions as well as government probably shouldn't be sponsoring one over the other.
You mean like abortion? Oops.

Secondly, what does it cost to put up a Nativity Scene - like $12.00? You don’t have to buy a new one every year, so the entire cost is the labor to put it up. Which is like less than an hour. :rolleyes:
They are completely local and that's perfectly legal and within their rights to do so. Not surprised you don't get that.
Bwahahaha!! You’re dumbest person on this board. I love how you try to pretend like you actually know what you’re talking about.

1. I never said it wasn’t “legal”. In fact, I literally stated “They've literally legalized voting by foreigners” (verbatim - how embarrassing for you).

2. The issue isn’t whether they legalized it or not. The issue is, why does the left desperately want foreigners voting in American elections? Answer: because they can’t win clean and fair elections with a strictly American electorate. They are so bat-shit crazy, the American people have completely rejected them. So they need people from other nations interfering in our elections.

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