NY Times drops a bomb on the left-wing ideology

They are mostly moderate. Authoritarians want to tell people who they can marry or check their panties to see what bathroom they belong to
The fascist left does that 24x7. Nothing "moderate" about forcing people to engage in homosexuality.
or what religion they are allowed to belong to.
The fascist left does that 24x7 as well. Communities decide to put up Nativity scenes and the left forces them to take it down, even though that's what the people wanted.
They favor tax policy that keeps the rich, rich and everyone else in their place.
Well that's just an egregious lie (which is all you ever do when you post). They soak the wealthy in taxes (while evading taxes themselves of course)
Authoritarians disregard elections and our democratic values in order to get their way.
That's exactly what the left has done. They've literally legalized voting by foreigners. Worse than that, foreigners who are illegal aliens. And let's not even get into the amount of voter fraud that the Dumbocrats engage in.

On a side note Happy, I want to thank you once again for permitting me to expose your ignorance in front of everyone. No less than 4 links in this one post proving that you're an uninformed, ignorant, partisan ideologue.
White supremacy, white privilege, white demonizing is their last gasping playing card.
They've been thoroughly defeated on the battlefield of reality and the battlefield of ideas, and they know it. The bankruptcy of Detroit, the shit-hole that is NY, LA, etc., and the current collapse of California unequivocally proves that their way not only doesn't work, but it spread poverty and misery like cancer.
They've been thoroughly defeated on the battlefield of reality and the battlefield of ideas, and they know it. The bankruptcy of Detroit, the shit-hole that is NY, LA, etc., and the current collapse of California unequivocally proves that their way not only doesn't work, but it spread poverty and misery like cancer.

More germane is that it spreads lawlessness and social chaos and disorder.
Neiman Marcus and other upscale retail outlets bear witness to this; along with pharmacies, pot stores, and soon to be grocery stores!!
I never thought I'd live to see the day that concealed carry would be essential in going shopping!!
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Bwahahaha!! The NY Times loves the Dumbocrat Party and has committed their entire organization to advancing the agenda of the Dumbocrat Party and getting Dumbocrats elected.
Democrats, not the left.
I know this is humiliating for you, but trying to claim that the NY Times is "right-wing conspiracy theory" just isn't going to get it done for you, snowflake!
I never made this claim, humiliated snowflake.
Useless/childish meme aside, confusing Democrats with the left is like thinking Nazis were Jews.

It's a mistake only a fool would make.
You're just an idiot who is trolling. The Democrats aren't only left, they are now left-wing extremists. And their own side is (such as the NY Times and Bill Maher) is pointing that out. So sit down and STFU, clown. Nobody here is interested in your immature trolling.
More germane is that it spreads lawlessness and social chaos and disorder.
Neiman Marcus and other upscale retail outlets bear witness to this; along with pharmacies, pot stores, and soon to be grocery stores!!
I never thought I'd live to see the day that concealed carry would be essential in going shopping!!
Well you raise a great point. What happens wherever the left-wing ideology is employed? Scarcity. Businesses close. Businesses leave. You're seeing why the people of Venezuela can't even get toilet paper by watching San Francisco. Multiple major chains have announced they are closing their doors there because they are sick of the lawless left.
I never made this claim, humiliated snowflake.
That's exactly what you did, low-IQ imbecile. You claimed the Democrats "weren't" left. Well snowflake, up and down aren't options on the political spectrum. So if you're not left, and you can't be up or down, that only leaves one direction.

Oops. How dumb do you look right now?
If there is something beyond abject panic, this is it. The Left is staring into the political abyss. They have and are losing the working class, women, even minorities.

But it's too late. The shift has begun and it's seismic.
And the lefts radicalization is exactly the reason it is so important to vote them out before they pass some of the lunacy they're talking about.
You're just an idiot who is trolling.
^ Projection.
The Democrats aren't only left,
Not remotely left.

They exist to keep the left in check, prevent any leftist goals from ever being advanced, and would destroy the left if they could.
they are now left-wing extremists.
Absolute nonsense.
And their own side is (such as the NY Times and Bill Maher)
These entities side with Democrats, not the left.
is pointing that out.
These entities exist to serve the conservative oligarchy and have always despised the left.
So sit down and STFU, clown.
^ Projection/good advice to yourself. :)
Nobody here is interested in your immature trolling.
^ More projection.
That's exactly what you did, low-IQ imbecile.
^ Projection/delusion.
You claimed the Democrats "weren't" left.
Correct; the Democrats DESPISE the left.
Well snowflake,
^ Projection.
up and down aren't options on the political spectrum.
^ Makes no sense.
So if you're not left, and you can't be up or down, that only leaves one direction.
^ Makes no sense.
Oops. How dumb do you look right now?
^ Incompetent, delusional projection & raving.
These entities exist to serve the conservative oligarchy and have always despised the left.
Bwahahaha! Want an immature troll. You’re never going to convince anyone that the NY Times and Bill Maher “exist to serve the conservative oligarchy”. You desperately need a hobby.
Democrats DESPISE the left.

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