NY Blocks Aid For Gold Star Families College Tuition


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

New York Democrats block tuition aid for Gold Star kids;
Approve millions for DREAMERS



As President, Barak Obama acknowledged he did NOT have the Constitutional authority to affect existing Immigration Law on his on...and not long after doing so attempted to make his own personal 'Dreamer' EDICT 'law of the land' through Executive Order. No such legal law was passed. No such legal law has ever passed, despite Democrats promising Latinos they would making doing so a priority...and despite President Trump and Republicans offering the Democrats the opportunity to pass the 'Dream Act' - everything they asked for. Instead, the Democrats broke their promise to Latinos and demonstrated the Democratic Party would rather have 'DACA' as an ISSUE they could use to manipulate Latinos to get them to go to the polls to vote for them.
*** Latinos were not fooled. Latinos have called the Democratic Party out about passing up the opportunity to keep their promise, and many started walking away from the Democratic Party. Many Latinos are wising up and calling out the Democratic Party in much the same way Candace Owens is burning down the perception / self-projected image of the Democratic Party caring about blacks and real issues that effect them.

--- So Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats just allocated $27 Million for tuition for ILLEGALS!

2ndly, Democrats continue to make it clear though their actions that they care more and work harder for the welfare of Illegal criminals flooding into this country than they do for US citizens!

The Democrats have put the fact that they choose to stand with illegals flooding into this country and choose to champion what is best for THEM over what is best for this nation and the American people has been put on full display.

They have not tried to hide in their actions the fact that they chose / choose to stand with violent illegals, Mexican Drug Cartel drug runners, human traffickers, brutal MS13 gang members, rapists, pedophiles, murderers, thieves, and cop killers to keep our borders open, to keep massive overwhelming illegal immigration happening, to ensure our national sovereignty is compromised, to ensure the country if flooded with poor un-skilled labor / citizens that will be a massive burden on local / state / federal economies and will drive down wages for US workers, and most importantly - to Democrats - will keep millions of new Democratic Party-loyal illegal immigrant VOTERS coming into the US (who they will try to make ;legal voters' through passing legislation to allow illegals to vote in US elections OR through working towards the goal of granting a 2nd round of blanket Amnesty for all the illegals already here and who are still coming).


"NY Dems block bill expanding college tuition for Gold Star families after approving $27M in tuition aid for illegal immigrants"

Good morning, America. While you slept / weren't looking, Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats just VIOLATED YOU, urinating on American citizens again, by STEALING and allocating $27 MILLION US Tax Payer Dollars to go paying college tuitions for CRIMINAL ILLEGALS who are in this country....

*** This was an extremely GENEROUS deal to CRIMINALS / ILLEGALS from a country that is not just FLAT BROKE but is actually more than $20 TRILLION in debt. (Democrats just decided to add more to that debt to help criminals / illegals in this country, not to help US citizens!)

To make matters worse, the Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats followed up this move by BLOCKING A BILL TO EXPAND COLLEGE TUITION ASSISTANCE FOR CHILDREN OF DISABLED AND DECEASED US MILITARY VETERANS.


NY Dems block bill expanding college tuition for Gold Star families after approving $27M in tuition aid for illegal immigrants: report


Democrats are replacing the population with one they like better. Naturally they won't do anything for the rejects.
The so-called dreamers are largely non white. The children of the fallen are mostly white. To Democrats, whites shouldn't be going to college to begin with.
Glick said any expansion of college tuition aid to Gold Star families was not within the state's budget and pointed to an already-existing program that provides $2.7 million to 145 students who are dependents of vets who served in combat zones, the New York Post reported.

So the OP lied, again as usual...
Wow, 2nd thread on this.

The truth is that the gold star kids are well taken care of by the SONY.

The bill in question would expand the benefits “gold star” kids receive to those who died or were injured while in the military but not in combat. Meaning that if they died falling off a ladder at Fort Riley, the benefits that “gold star” families get would be extended to the service member’s kids who passed away.

It was a fiscally responsible move by the SONY.

I tend to think, however, that the Democrats who run the show up there should have just extended the coverage anyway.

The “outrage” in the OP is funny since, obviously, there is very little truth to it.
A year ago I did not think I could lose so much respect for democrats as I have.

I have even posted a sign at my gate that says:
Entry by written permision only
Salesmen, preachers, missioonaries, drunks, addicts and grifters allowed.

Lethal force authorized under AZ Statutes.
A year ago I did not think I could lose so much respect for democrats as I have.

I have even posted a sign at my gate that says:
Entry by written permision only
Salesmen, preachers, missioonaries, drunks, addicts and grifters allowed.

Lethal force authorized under AZ Statutes.
Soooo impressive-not..............
A year ago I did not think I could lose so much respect for democrats as I have.

I have even posted a sign at my gate that says:
Entry by written permision only
Salesmen, preachers, missioonaries, drunks, addicts and grifters allowed.

Lethal force authorized under AZ Statutes.
Soooo impressive-not..............
Not trying to impress you, just stay on your side of that gate.
A year ago I did not think I could lose so much respect for democrats as I have.

I have even posted a sign at my gate that says:
Entry by written permision only
Salesmen, preachers, missioonaries, drunks, addicts and grifters allowed.

Lethal force authorized under AZ Statutes.
Soooo impressive-not..............
Not trying to impress you, just stay on your side of that gate.
I've got 43 acres and not a fence one on it. I don't hate enough to kill for no reason...
Saw that. New York put ten times the aid for one group then chose to block the bill for increasing the other. Claimed it was a matter of budget.

I just question if it was budget why not split aid?Half to one half to other.
Have to wonder though how crazies are always saying that illegals never receive financial help, yet here is another clear sign of financial help.
How many democraps are there? It seems to me that there is only 1 or 2 at the top telling the rest of the toads what to think. What the fuck kind of life is that?
A year ago I did not think I could lose so much respect for democrats as I have.

I have even posted a sign at my gate that says:
Entry by written permision only
Salesmen, preachers, missioonaries, drunks, addicts and grifters allowed.

Lethal force authorized under AZ Statutes.
Soooo impressive-not..............
Not trying to impress you, just stay on your side of that gate.
I've got 43 acres and not a fence one on it. I don't hate enough to kill for no reason...

You are entitled to use your property as you see fit, as am I.

I wouldn't kill for no reason. I am law abiding. Trespassers are escorted out to the county road. If I am threatened, on my property, I will defend myself.
Glick said any expansion of college tuition aid to Gold Star families was not within the state's budget and pointed to an already-existing program that provides $2.7 million to 145 students who are dependents of vets who served in combat zones, the New York Post reported.
So the OP lied, again as usual...
No, but thank you for demonstrating that part of the problem with snowflakes is their inability to read and a low reading comprehension level.

The article posted explains that Democrats blocked the EXPANSION of an already-existing program that helps pay for tuitions of fallen US soldiers and disable vets.

You also completely skip right over how Democrats just created ANOTHER US tax dollar-funded program that INCENTIVISES ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.

Again, thank you for representing snowflakes everywhere so well with your post.

Gold Star family - Financial assistance

Gold Star family financial resources

Return to Loved Ones of the Fallen Resource Directory - LINK
Scroll down to learn more about these resources:
(Additional resources listed above)
Financial assistance
Financial advice
Financial assistance

Children of Fallen Soldiers Relief Fund
Children of Fallen Soldiers Relief Fund
The CFSRF was founded in order to provide support to surviving US military children and spouses that have lost a loved one in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars or whose service member has sustained a serious disability. Our objectives are to help US military children and spouses with college grants as well as provide financial assistance to those families in need of help with housing, utilities, food and clothing. Often, when a loss occurs in these families, what was a two person income becomes one. The financial hardships placed on these families are very difficult to deal with. Their lives are devastated and forever changed. We are determined to help make the last wishes of those lost to the casualty of war possible by assisting their families with their needs.

Faces of Valor USA
Faces Of Valor USA is a non-profit organization with a mission to raise money for scholarships and financial aid for men and women in the military, fire, police and EMS services who have been injured or killed in the line of duty as they have protected us and provided safety and security for our American way of life.

Fallen Patriot Fund
The Fallen Patriot Fund of The Mark Cuban Foundation was established to help families of U.S. military personnel who were killed or seriously injured during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Financial resources are vital to enhancing the sustainability of the family unit who has suffered a loss because their loved one sacrificed him/herself for freedom. Within that group, grant recipients will be selected in accordance with criteria established by The Mark Cuban Foundation. All proceeds will be disbursed.

Gifts of Gratitude Fund (Freedom Has a Face)
Freedom Has a Face would like to announce the Gifts of Gratitude Fund. Initiated through the generous support of the annual Anderson Construction Golf Tournament, we have established a fund to meet certain financial needs of immediate and extended families of our fallen heroes. The Gifts of Gratitude Fund (GOGF) is intended to be a humble, “thank you” from a grateful nation for the sacrifice these families of the fallen have endured. To be clear, FHAF knows we can never soften the blow of losing a loved one in heroic service to our nation. Nevertheless, the objective of the GOGF is to provide a tangible means for patriotic Americans everywhere to acknowledge the ultimate sacrifice paid on their behalf. Help FHAF say “Thank You” to our families of the fallen. Anyone can nominate one of these families for the Gifts of Gratitude Fund.

Green Beret Foundation
Family Support – Green Beret Foundation
The Green Beret Foundation considers our own Gold Star Families to be one of the most important groups in our community. We have a duty to remain in close contact with those who have lost a Green Beret. Our Gold Star support includes: payment of funeral costs not covered by the military, continuous engagement with the families to identify gaps in resources, maintaining a close connection with the families, and ultimately fostering a lifelong bond to build a stronger Green Beret Family.
Gold Star Program (Army Ranger Lead the Way Fund)
When a Ranger has paid the ultimate sacrifice, whether in combat or in training, Army Ranger Lead The Way Fund believes there is a moral obligation to support the dependents of these Heroes. Through this program we can ensure that the essential necessities of these Gold Star families go uninterrupted. We are proud to stand with them.
Michigan Bikers Helping Veterans (Michigan)
Michigan Bikers Helping Veterans
The Michigan Bikers Helping Veterans (MBHV) is a registered non profit charity that receives donated funds to distribute in Michigan to provide assistance to deserving families of the fallen and/or wounded service personnel, or veterans in critical financial need.

Military Friends Foundation (Massachusetts)
Hero’s Salute Casualty Assistance Grant : Military Friends Foundation
Basic Needs Grant - Military Friends Foundation works to support the vital needs of our Massachusetts military community through our Military Friends Foundation Basic Needs Program which offers assistance for basic needs, such as shelter, housing assistance, clothing or food.

Crisis Response Grant - If your military family has been impacted by a crisis including having a service member critically injured overseas or stateside; a residential fire resulting in significant or total loss of residence; a severe debilitating illness; natural disaster resulting in significant or total loss of residence; severe medical injury or accident; emergency travel for a deployed servicemember in a combat zone or other unexpected crisis situation then you may qualified for assistance.
Active military stationed in Massachusetts, Massachusetts National Guardmembers, Reservists who reside in Massachusetts, and Massachusetts Gold Star Families of all eras may apply. We seek to respond within 1 business day to your inquiry however we encourage you to call us directly at 1-84-HELP-VETS to expedite assistance.

Hero's Salute Casualty Assistance Grant - Military Friends Foundation “Hero’s Salute” grant offer a wide range of immediate support to local military families whose service member died on active duty in the Armed Forces including:
  • Assistance with burial expenses
  • Assistance with travel arrangements and travel costs for family members
  • Assistance with lodging arrangements and lodging costs for family members
  • Memorial photo pins for wake/funeral services
  • Handheld flags for local communities to honor the Fallen
These funds – designed as “first-responder” support – can either be accessed by the family’s primary contact or the Casualty Assistance Officer calling 1-84-HELP-VETS.

Navy Seal Foundation
Tragedy Assistance & Survivor Support - Navy SEAL Foundation
Our Health and Welfare programs ensure the families of our SEALs, SWCC, and all personnel assigned to NSW know that they are a valued part of the NSW community. As members of the NSW community it is incumbent upon all of us to help each other. Our foremost goal is that no member of any NSW family should be in doubt about where to go in time of need. The Navy SEAL Foundation supports all families and their parent commands by easing financial burdens, establishing support networks, and funding command sponsored activities. Within our mission guidelines we will ensure that essential resources are always available to help our families whether or not it is a small need or one of great significance. Examples of support include immediate assistance for families of NSW active-duty members that are wounded or killed in combat or training, memorial services, assistance related to active duty or dependent terminal illness, and assistance in times of natural disaster. If the Navy SEAL Foundation cannot directly accommodate the need of a family or individual, it will make every effort to coordinate assistance within the full capability of the staff and our partner organizations.
Operation Family Fund
Wounded Veteran Charity | Donate to Injured Veterans
Our mission is to assist the injured and families of the those who have been injured or killed as a part of the Global War on Terrorism, whether domestic or abroad, military or civilian, with financial grants for transitioning to their new circumstances and achieving financial self-sufficiency.

Operation One Voice
Operation One Voice provides emergency and/or immediate support to wounded or fallen SOF families on a case-by-case basis working directly with the United States Special Operations Command Care Coalition.

Red Circle Foundation
Red Circle Foundation |
Red Circle Foundation donations provide gap funding in support of Special Operations wounded warriors, children and families of the fallen.

SEAL Legacy Foundation
Home | SEAL Legacy Foundation SEAL Legacy Foundation
Supports families of wounded and fallen Navy SEALs, educational assistance for SEALs and their families, and other charitable causes benefiting the SEAL community.

Special Ops Survivors
Emergency Financial Aid - There are times in life when the unexpected occurs and surviving spouses might find themselves in a difficult financial situation. Special Ops Survivors can provide a small amount of money to help survivors who find themselves in these situations. These funds are intended to cover critical expenses such as insurance deductibles and car repair bills.

Special Ops Warrior Foundation
The Special Operations Warrior Foundation ensures full college scholarships to the surviving children of Special Operators who die in the line of duty - to any fully accredited college or university in the nation. Financial assistance includes tuition, room and board, books, fees, computers, transportation and miscellaneous expenses.
Additionally, SOWF provides ongoing support and academic counseling to make sure every student has the opportunity to do well in school. SOWF offers professional tutoring, at no cost, to all students from kindergarten through college graduation.
The Fallen and Wounded Soldiers Fund (Michigan)
The mission of the Fallen and Wounded Soldiers Fund™ (FWSF) is to support Michigan-based soldiers who serve and protect our country. We are a non-profit, non-partisan 501(c) (3) organization. We are honored to help injured soldiers pay their living expenses, and provide assistance to the families of the fallen.

Financial advice

Massachusetts Military Heroes Fund
The Massachusetts Military Heroes Fund staff will assist family members with obtaining social services, insurance payments and other benefits which can be difficult to navigate.
The Massachusetts Military Heroes Fund can offer referrals to resources for mental health providers, military benefit advocates, legal services and financial/estate planning.
Military Warriors Support Foundation Transportation 4 Heroes
Military Warriors Support Foundation awards payment-free vehicles to combat wounded veterans and to unmarried Gold Star spouses whose loved ones were Killed-In-Action.

VA limits benefits for Gold Star families - Investigative Post

Nearly 7,000 American soldiers have died fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere following 9/11. The federal government subsequently established programs for their children, but has befuddled and frustrated many families with confusing, and sometimes contradictory, eligibility guidelines.

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs changed eligibility rules for these programs again this week, to the detriment of these “Gold Star” children of soldiers who died. The changes could save the federal government tens of millions of dollars, while costing individual Gold Star children who attend university up to an estimated $25,600 in benefits.

The handling of these programs, some of it done out of offices in Buffalo, adds to the list of administrative snafus over the management of veterans benefits that has subjected the VA to strong criticism nationwide.

“The VA makes mistakes all the time that cost students thousands of dollars,” Brad Baumgardner, coordinator of Veteran and Military Services at Buffalo State, told Investigative Post.

“Interpretation of policy changes every day depending on who is in charge and who you ask on any given day,” he said.

At issue is whether Gold Star children are eligible to receive both death and educational benefits. The VA, at different points over at least the past four years, has provided applicants with conflicting information as to their eligibility for certain benefits. As a result, the VA has approved benefits for some Gold Star children and denied them for others.

“The process of dealing with the VA on these issues has been horrific,” said Kelly Crowley McMillan, an upstate resident whose husband died in Iraq in 2003. “There is not one good place to go to. You have to find out information by yourself.”

VA officials provided Investigative Post with a limited response to questions, while failing to answer most. They made changes to their guidelines after Investigative Post pointed out inconsistencies.

Conflicting interpretations
The problems revolve around three programs:

  • Fry Scholarships, named after a Marine sergeant killed in Iraq in 2006, provide funds for tuition and related costs. Eligibility is limited to family survivors of service members who died after 9/11.
  • A second education benefit, called Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance, helps to cover expenses such as tuition and books. It is a broader benefit, with eligibility expanded to include the survivors of soldiers disabled or killed in the line of duty in all American wars. The Fry Scholarship provides more assistance than this program.
  • A non-educational program, called Dependency and Indemnity Compensation, provides spouses and children of service members who died in the line of duty during service with a monthly payment. This death benefit also applies to families of permanently disabled veterans, after the service member dies.
At issue is whether a Gold Star child can receive both the Fry Scholarship and death benefit at the same time, and whether they can receive the broader education benefit after they have exhausted their Fry Scholarship.

Congress passed legislation in 2011 that prohibited piggybacking the two educational benefits, or pairing the Fry Scholarship with the death benefit. The legislation stipulated these changes would take effect August 2011.

It was a move intended to save the government money.

A Senate report published in 2010 estimated that eliminating the ability of Gold Star children to receive all three benefits could save the federal government $109 million through 2020.

While the eligibility to receive all three benefits was written under the same section of the law, departments within the VA interpreted the effective date of the legislation differently, Investigative Post concluded after a review of documents. This prompted different departments within the VA to provide applicants with different eligibility criteria.

Some applicants were told that they could receive all three benefits if their parent died before August 2011, the Investigative Post review found. Others were told that they could not.

The VA this week adopted a uniform eligibility standard that prohibits Fry Scholarship recipients from also receiving the death benefit at the same time.

It sent an email to Gold Star families on Wednesday saying it had sent letters earlier this year that misstated the eligibility guidelines and that students cannot receive the death benefit while also receiving the Fry Scholarship.

Investigative Post questioned the VA several weeks ago about its conflicting eligibility rules. The VA subsequently changed its manual to adopt a single eligibility standard. A VA spokesperson then told Investigative Post it had a single eligibility standard while failing to acknowledge it made changes after we questioned the competing criteria.

On Wednesday, in a post on a Facebook group for Gold Star widows, one widow wrote in response to the change in the manual: “Every child who WAS eligible, is no longer.”

“I’m so disgusted right now. They changed it because everyone was catching on,” another widow said.

Applicants misinformed
The VA also provided incorrect information to applicants.

For years, the VA’s application form for education benefits incorrectly stated that no Gold Star child was eligible for both the Fry Scholarship and the other education benefit.

In 2014, an employee complained about this error and asked that the application be changed in an email to Allison Hickey, the VA’s top benefits official at the time. The complaints also made their way to another top VA official, Robert Worley, then director of education services.

Worley’s response, according to an email obtained by Investigative Post: “This is a good suggestion. The language will be revised in future versions in order to provide additional clarification for children required to elect a benefit program.”

slow to process disability and pension claims submitted by veterans. At one point, the VA was taking nearly a year to year to process claims.

The VA has also been criticized for withholding benefits from veterans it said were overpaid. This year, a group of senators introduced the Veteran Fair Debt Practice Act, which would prevent the agency from collecting funds in cases where the VA made a mistake or when repayment would cause the veteran financial hardship.

In recent months, the VA said technical glitches caused delays in the payment of GI Bill benefits, including those for education and housing. Members of Congress called for an investigation and introduced a bill that would create a commission at the VA to audit education claims.

“It’s time that the VA stand up and hold someone accountable for their failing actions,” said Texas Representative Jodey Arrington, during a Congressional hearing in November on the GI Bill delays.

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Sara Jerving
Story archive[email protected]
Glick said any expansion of college tuition aid to Gold Star families was not within the state's budget and pointed to an already-existing program that provides $2.7 million to 145 students who are dependents of vets who served in combat zones, the New York Post reported.
So the OP lied, again as usual...
No, but thank you for demonstrating that part of the problem with snowflakes is their inability to read and a low reading comprehension level.

The article posted explains that Democrats blocked the EXPANSION of an already-existing program that helps pay for tuitions of fallen US soldiers and disable vets.

You also completely skip right over how Democrats just created ANOTHER US tax dollar-funded program that INCENTIVISES ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.

Again, thank you for representing snowflakes everywhere so well with your post.

Yet the people of fallen comrades children are getting help while us still living pay for ours...

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