Nursing Home Voter Fraud?


Feb 14, 2011

"My grandpa can't even tell you how old he is or what the date is," said Johnny Koremenos, who is certain his grandpa did not request the forms he ultimately initialed.

Peter Koremenos' Application for Absentee Ballot was filled out on the same day he registered to vote, October 6, 2010. That form does list a witness on his application, Cathi Wright, who listed her address as the Linden Grove nursing home as well.

Who is Cathi Wright?

Catherine Wright is currently the an employee of Linden Grove's Muskego facility, however at the time she witnesses Mr. Koremenos' ballot, she worked in their New Berlin building. As of the time of publication, several attempts to attempts to reach Ms. Wright were unsuccessful.


Read more: Vote Fraud Uncovered at Nursing Home? | MacIver Institute
I suspect we are going to see a lot of this sort of thing in the near future.
Whatever happens, don't tell this to TM. I dont think she could take it.

"My grandpa can't even tell you how old he is or what the date is," said Johnny Koremenos, who is certain his grandpa did not request the forms he ultimately initialed.

Peter Koremenos' Application for Absentee Ballot was filled out on the same day he registered to vote, October 6, 2010. That form does list a witness on his application, Cathi Wright, who listed her address as the Linden Grove nursing home as well.

Who is Cathi Wright?

Catherine Wright is currently the an employee of Linden Grove's Muskego facility, however at the time she witnesses Mr. Koremenos' ballot, she worked in their New Berlin building. As of the time of publication, several attempts to attempts to reach Ms. Wright were unsuccessful.


Read more: Vote Fraud Uncovered at Nursing Home? | MacIver Institute

So according to you requesting a ballot is voter fraud....
Jesus when you do ont know what voter fraud is it is appernt you are a retard

"My grandpa can't even tell you how old he is or what the date is," said Johnny Koremenos, who is certain his grandpa did not request the forms he ultimately initialed.

Peter Koremenos' Application for Absentee Ballot was filled out on the same day he registered to vote, October 6, 2010. That form does list a witness on his application, Cathi Wright, who listed her address as the Linden Grove nursing home as well.

Who is Cathi Wright?

Catherine Wright is currently the an employee of Linden Grove's Muskego facility, however at the time she witnesses Mr. Koremenos' ballot, she worked in their New Berlin building. As of the time of publication, several attempts to attempts to reach Ms. Wright were unsuccessful.


Read more: Vote Fraud Uncovered at Nursing Home? | MacIver Institute

So according to you requesting a ballot is voter fraud....
Jesus when you do ont know what voter fraud is it is appernt you are a retard

When someone doesnt even remember his name half the time, then yes requesting a ballot is incredibly suspicious.

You don't have to be a genius to realize that it's incredibly shady.

So according to you requesting a ballot is voter fraud....
Jesus when you do ont know what voter fraud is it is appernt you are a retard

When someone doesnt even remember his name half the time, then yes requesting a ballot is incredibly suspicious.

You don't have to be a genius to realize that it's incredibly shady.
If you have a father or grandfather who has been a staunch Republican his entire life, and would never vote for a Democrat, who is now suffering from some dementia or Alzheimer's, would you get the forms and help him to vote Republican even if he no longer knows the difference between Republican and rutabaga?

Is that vote fraud?

So according to you requesting a ballot is voter fraud....
Jesus when you do ont know what voter fraud is it is appernt you are a retard

When someone doesnt even remember his name half the time, then yes requesting a ballot is incredibly suspicious.

You don't have to be a genius to realize that it's incredibly shady.

Holy hsit a cracy person requesting a ballot is now suspicouous and shady... who knew that only people who were sane should be allowed to vote meaning no republcian should be able to vote
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So according to you requesting a ballot is voter fraud....
Jesus when you do ont know what voter fraud is it is appernt you are a retard

When someone doesnt even remember his name half the time, then yes requesting a ballot is incredibly suspicious.

You don't have to be a genius to realize that it's incredibly shady.
If you have a father or grandfather who has been a staunch Republican his entire life, and would never vote for a Democrat, who is now suffering from some dementia or Alzheimer's, would you get the forms and help him to vote Republican even if he no longer knows the difference between Republican and rutabaga?

Is that vote fraud?

Probably voter fraud. Did he ask for the forms from inside his dementia? Don't know what I would do in that case. I doubt I would be part of casting a vote for him if he wasn't even aware enough to know there was an election but I can't say since I'll never be in a situation like that.

That's not close to what is being alleged here.
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Granny says votin' fer Obama is enuff to discombobulate anybody...
Role of stress in dementia investigated
25 June 2012 - Ongoing research suggests stress might play a part in dementia
UK experts are to begin a study to find out if stress can trigger dementia. The investigation, funded by the Alzheimer's Society, will monitor 140 people with mild cognitive impairment or "pre-dementia" and look at how stress affects their condition. The researchers will take blood and saliva samples at six-monthly intervals over the 18 months of the study to measure biological markers of stress. They hope their work will reveal ways to prevent dementia. The results could offer clues to new treatments or better ways of managing the condition, they say.

Dementia triggers

People who have mild cognitive impairment are at an increased risk of going on to develop dementia - although some will remain stable and others may improve. And past work suggests mid-life stress may increase a person's risk of Alzheimer's disease. A Swedish study that followed nearly 1,500 women for a period of 35 years found the risk of dementia was about 65% higher in women who reported repeated periods of stress in middle age than in those who did not. Scottish scientists, who have done studies in animals, believe the link may be down to hormones the body releases in response to stress which interfere with brain function.

Prof Clive Holmes, from the University of Southampton, who will lead the study, said: "All of us go through stressful events. We are looking to understand how these may become a risk factor for the development of Alzheimer's. "Something such as bereavement or a traumatic experience - possibly even moving home - are also potential factors. "This is the first stage in developing ways in which to intervene with psychological or drug-based treatments to fight the disease. "We are looking at two aspects of stress relief - physical and psychological - and the body's response to that experience."

Dr Simon Ridley, of Alzheimer's Research UK, said: "We welcome any research that could shed new light on Alzheimer's disease and other causes of dementia. "Understanding the risk factors for Alzheimer's could provide one piece of the puzzle we need to take us closer to a treatment that could stop the disease in its tracks."

BBC News - Role of stress in dementia investigated
So according to you requesting a ballot is voter fraud....
Jesus when you do ont know what voter fraud is it is appernt you are a retard

When someone doesnt even remember his name half the time, then yes requesting a ballot is incredibly suspicious.

You don't have to be a genius to realize that it's incredibly shady.

Holy hsit a cracy person requesting a ballot is now suspicouous and shady... who knew that only people who were sane should be allowed to vote meaning no republcian should be able to vote

Votes were cast, the last one being in May.

Records indicate that to date he has only voted absentee in the high profile November 2010 general and May 8 Recall primary elections, however

So, yeah voter fraud if he is indeed mentally incapacitated.
So according to you requesting a ballot is voter fraud....
Jesus when you do ont know what voter fraud is it is appernt you are a retard

When someone doesnt even remember his name half the time, then yes requesting a ballot is incredibly suspicious.

You don't have to be a genius to realize that it's incredibly shady.
If you have a father or grandfather who has been a staunch Republican his entire life, and would never vote for a Democrat, who is now suffering from some dementia or Alzheimer's, would you get the forms and help him to vote Republican even if he no longer knows the difference between Republican and rutabaga?

Is that vote fraud?

If he lacks capacity to understand what he is doing, then yes it is, IMO.
Liberals suffer from dementia. Nancy Pelosi is their poster

They should all be prohibited from voting.
If you have a father or grandfather who has been a staunch Republican his entire life, and would never vote for a Democrat, who is now suffering from some dementia or Alzheimer's, would you get the forms and help him to vote Republican even if he no longer knows the difference between Republican and rutabaga?

Is that vote fraud?

It is fraud if you are caught, but if they get an absentee ballot & do it in the privacy of their home, who would know. My poll supervisor manual says you can only assist one person per election. It is defiantly fraud if someone is going to a nursing home & helping multiple voters.

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