
Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Just thinking.....The NRA teaches safe gun handling. Hollywood makes movies with actors using guns to kill people. The NRA has NEVER advocated that so....Why are so many Hollywood celebs against the NRA?
Pssst: they don't really kill anyone it's all make believe...
Watch the old westerns from the 50s-60s when I can find them, and the majority of them brought up safety and responsibility of firearm use.

When is the last time you saw that in a Arnold/Liam/Sylvester venue?
Pssst: they don't really kill anyone it's all make believe...

Waaaaaait a second. You mean all those movies aren't real? I suppose you will next tell us that no one has ever been bitten by a vampire in real life, or seen and alien, or created a monster from various human body parts, or been to heaven on an escalator, or Dragged To Hell down a hole of lava, or travelled to the future and scewed up their own timeline or the past same thing. Or driven a load of bootleg beer from Texas to Georgia in 29 hours.

Pssst: they don't really kill anyone it's all make believe...

Waaaaaait a second. You mean all those movies aren't real? I suppose you will next tell us that no one has ever been bitten by a vampire in real life, or seen and alien, or created a monster from various human body parts, or been to heaven on an escalator, or Dragged To Hell down a hole of lava, or travelled to the future and scewed up their own timeline or the past same thing. Or driven a load of bootleg beer from Texas to Georgia in 29 hours.


Nice obfuscation but....a real fail. Address the thread moron. Why is Hollywood against the NRA when Hollywood uses so-called 'gun violence' to sell movies? The NRA does not advocate this it advocates safe firearm usage. Answer the question or fuck off.
NRA advocates training people how to safely handle weapons to negate hurting innocents.
Hollywood shows people killing innocents in order to make money.

NRA advocates using firearms for self protection.
Hollywood shows firearms used for vigilantism to make profit.

NRA advocates arming citizenry for their own protection.
Hollywood advocates arming guards for the protection of elites only and disarming all others.

NRA advocates listening to trained experts.
Hollywood advocates listening to people who pretend to be trained experts.
I see the gun grabbers went running away like puppies with their tails between their legs...:113:
The NRA does not glorify gun violence or make it look exciting and fun Hollywood can't say the same you see a lot of epic shootouts in movies with things getting blown to hell but you never see any of the aftermath and the impact it has on people. Yeah I know it's make believe but maybe Hollywood ever now and then should show the consquences of this type of stuff in the movie instead of just moving past it like there aren't any.

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