NRA to talk to Biden, But Not About Gun Control


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Talk about what then....? Should the NRA even attend this meeting....?

After the Tucson shooting back in 2011 LaPierre rejected a meeting at the White House because....“Why should I sit down with a group of people who have spent their life fighting the Second Amendment?”

The Great Conversation about gun violence in America takes a big step Thursday as representatives of the gun rights community, including the National Rifle Association, sit down with Vice President Biden and his gun violence task force.

But before the meeting began, the NRA made it clear one subject is off limits: new gun laws. In keeping with the organization’s hardline stance following the Newtown shooting, the NRA signaled Thursday morning that while any subject is on the table when it comes to preventing gun deaths, new gun regulations are a non-starter.

NRA Rejects Gun Control Before White House Meeting | TPMDC
Good for them.

They are exactly gun regulations ONLY affect lawful gun owners.

Criminals, by definition, don't obey the law.
Good for them.

They are exactly gun regulations ONLY affect lawful gun owners.

Criminals, by definition, don't obey the law.

Exactly. This isn't about Obama caring about guns or gun control. He'll have SS protection the rest of his miserable life.

This is a political opportunity to go after the NRA...the enemy of the left as far back as one can remember.
i guess attending the meeting shows that the NRA is at least acting in good faith....maybe they can educate the idiot liberals attending the meeting...
i guess attending the meeting shows that the NRA is at least acting in good faith....maybe they can educate the idiot liberals attending the meeting...

Education and Liberals do not belong in the same sentence.

should be a real barnstormer....:D

perhaps it may help defuse the situation.....but i lean toward what LaPierre said in 2011....
The NRA needs to either find a better way of communicating, or stay quiet. La Pierre got handled by Gregory on Meet the Press a few weeks ago. Gregory! How does someone get handled by Gregory?
Good for them.

They are exactly gun regulations ONLY affect lawful gun owners.

Criminals, by definition, don't obey the law.

Yep. CRIMINALS are the problem. I dont why they cannot see that
The NRA needs to either find a better way of communicating, or stay quiet. La Pierre got handled by Gregory on Meet the Press a few weeks ago. Gregory! How does someone get handled by Gregory?

i thought LaPierre did an admirable job putting up with his shit....Gregory is just a rabid yapping dog that won't quit....
"And so the kinds of things that there's an emerging set of recommendations, not coming from me but coming from the groups we've met with," said Biden today, before a closed door meeting on gun control. "And I'm going to focus on the ones that relate primarily to gun ownership and the type of weapons can be owned. And one is, there is a surprising -- so far -- a surprising recurrence of suggestions that we have universal background checks. Not just close the gun show loophole but total, universal background checks, including private sales." -- Joe Stalin Biden
The NRA needs to either find a better way of communicating, or stay quiet. La Pierre got handled by Gregory on Meet the Press a few weeks ago. Gregory! How does someone get handled by Gregory?

i thought LaPierre did an admirable job putting up with his shit....Gregory is just a rabid yapping dog that won't quit....

Gregory may be a yapping dog, but he held La Pierre to the ropes. His appearance didn't serve to further his cause, all he did was hurt it. Using the same "guns don't kill people" rhetoric that has continually failed is not going to have any new results that we haven't seen already. If he'd been smart, La Pierre would have been pushing back instead of just taking it. He let Gregory babble on with nothing more than vague rhetoric and flimsy equivocations, when he should have turned the challenges to Gregory to offer specific proposals and explanations as to how such and such measure would accomplish the goal of disarming criminals. He should have hammered on the widespread lack of firearm knowledge that leads to talk of "assault rifles" and the like.

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