NRA Proposes a Police State in Response to Sandy Hook Massacre


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
I have never trusted the NRA. They cave in all the time. They're just another bunch of crooks that take your money and do nothing.

NRA Proposes a Police State in Response to Sandy Hook Massacre | _

Posted on December 21, 2012 by Henry Shivley
In an event every bit as staged as the Sandy Hook shooting, NRA Executive Vice President, Wayne LaPierre, called for a government police officer in every school as a foundation for a full blown police state to be implemented through the nation’s public schools. This is the NRA’s answer to ending gun violence in the United States, with NRA members as proposed participants to make the police state seem like an evil implemented via the consent of we the people.

LaPierre went on to blame violent video games and offer the NRA’s support for censorship, which no doubt will be designed to lead straight to the internet and control thereof. LaPeirre made no mention of the pharmaceutical industry and its mind altering drugs that have been crammed down the throats of a whole generation of Americans, literally from the time they could walk, right up to the day they lose their minds.
If you believe the TSA makes you safe, then you would HAVE to believe that would make our children safe.

And guess what? TSA in every school IS THE PLAN!
Last Funerals Held for Sandy Hook Victims...
Last three funerals for Newtown children held; school resumes Jan. 3
Dec 22, 2012 - Donations pour in as officials prep school for survivors
The last of the funerals for the 26 victims of the school shooting in Newtown, Conn., were held Saturday, ending a week-long procession of funerals as the final three young victims are laid to rest. On Friday morning, exactly one week after a gunman burst into Sandy Hook Elementary and killed 20 first-graders and six educators, the nation paused for a moment of silence and tolled bells 26 times for the victims. Josephine Gay's funeral mass was held at Saint Rose of Lima Saturday morning. The first grader had just turned 7 the week of the shooting. On Monday, purple balloons — Josephine’s favorite color — sprouted from the family mailbox and those of all her neighbors. "'Joey' is a beautiful little girl, may she never be forgotten and live forever in our hearts," wrote Polly Larsen, a family friend, on Facebook.

Six-year-old Ana Marquez-Greene had just moved to Newtown two months ago, in part, because of Sandy Hooks’s pristine reputation, her grandmother, Elba Marquez said. Ana's funeral was held Saturday morning at First Cathedral in Bloomfield, Conn. Ana’s father, Jimmy Greene, wrote on Facebook, "As much as she's needed here and missed by her mother, brother and me, Ana beat us all to paradise." Emilie Parker, 6, loved to make people smile and never missed a chance to draw a picture or make a card. Her father, Robbie Parker, said she loved to try new things, except for food.

In a press conference, Parker said he held no animosity for the gunman, even as he struggled to explain the death to his other two children, ages 3 and 4. He was sustained, he said, by the fact that the world is better for having had Emilie in it. "I'm so blessed to be her dad," Parker said. Emilie was laid to rest Saturday in Ogden, Utah, where her family lived before moving to Newtown. On Friday night her family held a memorial service in Ogden and released 26 lanterns. Emilie's dad released the final lantern, a pink one, his daughter's favorite color.

Back to school: Jan. 3[/ufrl]
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Sensible gun control - let's go back to one-shot pistols and muskets, the weapons technology of the day when the 2nd amendment was written

That point has been made many times by the liberals. But the 2A does not say "one'shot pistols and muskets" it says "arms".

BTW - in colonial times there were multi-barrel pistols so they were not all one shot.

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