NRA: Practice Range Rated 12+ for the following: Frequent/Intense Realistic Vi

iTunes rated it suitable for all ages 4 and up...not the NRA.
The “NRA: Practice Range” app seeks to provide “one-touch access to NRA network of news, laws, facts, knowledge safety tips, education materials and online resources.”

The app, among other things, instructs shooters to always “use only the correct ammunition for your gun” and “never use alcohol or drugs before or while shooting.”
The 3D shooting game included in the app lets users take aim in a virtual gun range.

The game is not violent and does not involve the shooting of human targets — a change of pace from many video games released these days.

Because it contains “no objectionable material,” iTunes lists the app as appropriate for everyone over 4-years-old.

Here?s the NRA ?Practice Range? App That You?re Going to Want to Download |

So 'Pogo is a lying cocksucker by claiming the NRA rates it for 4 year olds.
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Outrage as NRA releases shooting game app for children as young as four - with targets in the shape of COFFINS

As the nation debates gun control just one month after the Sandy Hook shootings, the NRA has launched a target practice shooting app, which it recommends for children from four years old.

NRA: Practice Range is described as 'new mobile nerve center' providing access to 'the NRA network of news, laws, facts, knowledge, safety tips, educational materials and online resources.' But the main focus is on the shooting game, where users take aim at coffin-shaped targets, complete with red bullseyes at head- and heart-level. Players can also upgrade to a more powerful weapon by paying $0.99

This is the same advocacy lobbying group that expended all that energy blaming gun massacres on ... wait for it.... violent video games. :uhoh3:

I don't know they can get away with marketing a game like that to children.

But, do we really want them stopped? That is one really slippery slope.

Yes, the NRA is anti-America and anti-American. Their job is to make money for the gun makers and their methods are reprehensible. But, I don't want their right to be pond scum taken away from them.

Its up to consumers to do that and that's exactly what has been happening. Since they have been going after the president's children and the parents of the dead children, they have had only 100K to 250K new members (Depends on who is doing the counting.) That's less than a fraction of the population of a city.

They're showing themselves for the scum they are and parents don't like what they see.
They just want to make the point that dead children mean nothing to them. Rub the dead children's parents' noses in their own pain.

Sadly, many gun nuts like this approach. The Westboro types think there's nothing wrong with this. Most of America disagrees. Most of America wants our kids to be safe and most of us hurt with and for those parents of the dead children.

you don't understand death at all

Death is when it breathes in your face and you are so sorry that you had to take it. And you had to take it and you are so sorry. But you thank God for it. And you understand it clings to you and it holds you.
Back in the days when they were in favor of gun safety AND gun control, I was a member. Haven't been a member for a long time and they're so crazy and nasty now, a lot of sane and responsible gun owners have left them.
They just want to make the point that dead children mean nothing to them. Rub the dead children's parents' noses in their own pain.

Sadly, many gun nuts like this approach. The Westboro types think there's nothing wrong with this. Most of America disagrees. Most of America wants our kids to be safe and most of us hurt with and for those parents of the dead children.

you don't understand death at all

Death is when it breathes in your face and you are so sorry that you had to take it. And you had to take it and you are so sorry. But you thank God for it. And you understand it clings to you and it holds you.

Thanks ever so much for sharing this with me but, in point of fact, you don't have any clue what I "understand" about death. Saying that you do PROVES that.
They just want to make the point that dead children mean nothing to them. Rub the dead children's parents' noses in their own pain.

Sadly, many gun nuts like this approach. The Westboro types think there's nothing wrong with this. Most of America disagrees. Most of America wants our kids to be safe and most of us hurt with and for those parents of the dead children.

The NRA has Traditionally been Pro Law Enforcement and hard on crime. You are drinking the Kool-Aid, man. That reasoning is absurd and offensive, just so you know. The only people fooled by it really are out of tune. Short of repeating the lie often enough to get masses of double digit IQ voters to believe the lie, you really are shooting blanks there luddly. Do you sincerely believe that the NRA rolls that way?
Outrage as NRA releases shooting game app for children as young as four - with targets in the shape of COFFINS

As the nation debates gun control just one month after the Sandy Hook shootings, the NRA has launched a target practice shooting app, which it recommends for children from four years old.

NRA: Practice Range is described as 'new mobile nerve center' providing access to 'the NRA network of news, laws, facts, knowledge, safety tips, educational materials and online resources.' But the main focus is on the shooting game, where users take aim at coffin-shaped targets, complete with red bullseyes at head- and heart-level. Players can also upgrade to a more powerful weapon by paying $0.99

You really don't inderstand any of this at all do you?

This is the same advocacy lobbying group that expended all that energy blaming gun massacres on ... wait for it.... violent video games. :uhoh3:

I don't know they can get away with marketing a game like that to children.

But, do we really want them stopped? That is one really slippery slope.

Yes, the NRA is anti-America and anti-American. Their job is to make money for the gun makers and their methods are reprehensible. But, I don't want their right to be pond scum taken away from them.

Its up to consumers to do that and that's exactly what has been happening. Since they have been going after the president's children and the parents of the dead children, they have had only 100K to 250K new members (Depends on who is doing the counting.) That's less than a fraction of the population of a city.

They're showing themselves for the scum they are and parents don't like what they see.

You are the one that says it....Not I
They just want to make the point that dead children mean nothing to them. Rub the dead children's parents' noses in their own pain.

Sadly, many gun nuts like this approach. The Westboro types think there's nothing wrong with this. Most of America disagrees. Most of America wants our kids to be safe and most of us hurt with and for those parents of the dead children.

The NRA has Traditionally been Pro Law Enforcement and hard on crime. You are drinking the Kool-Aid, man. That reasoning is absurd and offensive, just so you know. The only people fooled by it really are out of tune. Short of repeating the lie often enough to get masses of double digit IQ voters to believe the lie, you really are shooting blanks there luddly. Do you sincerely believe that the NRA rolls that way?


Anyone who has watched their reaction to thousands of deaths knows they do.

They are nothing more than a lobbyist for gun makers. Them saying they're "hard on crime" is like the cigarette makers saying they don't want kids to smoke.
OMG! they actually show AR-15s being used to hit targets?
That is what they are typically used for - competition shooting matches.
It is, of course, not their only use as they are also used for defense, hunting, informal target practice and control of vermin. (no, not liberals - the ones that grow fur and destroy crops and stored goods)
Outrage as NRA releases shooting game app for children as young as four - with targets in the shape of COFFINS

As the nation debates gun control just one month after the Sandy Hook shootings, the NRA has launched a target practice shooting app, which it recommends for children from four years old.

NRA: Practice Range is described as 'new mobile nerve center' providing access to 'the NRA network of news, laws, facts, knowledge, safety tips, educational materials and online resources.' But the main focus is on the shooting game, where users take aim at coffin-shaped targets, complete with red bullseyes at head- and heart-level. Players can also upgrade to a more powerful weapon by paying $0.99

This is the same advocacy lobbying group that expended all that energy blaming gun massacres on ... wait for it.... violent video games. :uhoh3:

I don't know they can get away with marketing a game like that to children.

Children don't walk into stores with money and buy stuff. Parents take them and parents let them choose games and parents pay for it, then let the kids play the games when they get home. It's up to all parents to monitor what their children are doing and no one but the parents are to blame if children are playing games or watching movies that they aren't mature enough to understand.

In this case, it's just target practice, which isn't violent. It's not encouraging violence, just perfecting skills when it comes to aiming. No different that the little tissue papers with bullseye targets on them that were supposed to be put in the toilet to help boys aim when they were potty training.

Target practice is no different than hitting a baseball or playing a carnival game where you squirt water in the clown's mouth to inflate a balloon.

It's just aiming and that is actually good for motor skills. There are a lot of violent video games out there that include realistic graphics of people bloody and dying, but the first major complaint is a simple target practice game??? Have we entered the fucking Twilight Zone?

And who gives a rat's ass what ages a company suggests when the parents are the ultimate authority?

Parents are the final authority on whether any underage children are allowed to have games in their homes and whether they are allowed to go to friend's houses and play them. If parents have no clue what their children are up to, they can't blame anyone but themselves when their child gets in trouble.

Personally, I don't like those video games. I think too many children get hooked on them, even the non-violent ones, and I'd rather see them playing outside. Well, at least until the government bans kickball and other activities on our own property like they've done elsewhere.

I think a parent who is verbally and physically abusive is going to make a child disturbed and have a tendency toward violence later in life. I don't believe that healthy children with caring parents are going to turn into killers over a simple game, no matter how graphic.

As usual, one side is going to vilify the other to advance an agenda and common sense gets pushed aside. That happens on both sides of the aisle and this thinking gets us no where.

If we don't address the root of the problem, then the problem will continue. Simple. Guns are not the problem. People are. Mental illness, abuse or side effects from drugs are more apt to turn someone into a killer more than anything, but no one is addressing that. If anyone thinks guns laws will affect the real problem, then we are doomed. If we fail to attack this problem at the core or take action, lives will continue to be lost due to senseless violence. Even under the best of circumstances, we will never stop people from harming others. The next best thing to a violence-free world is the ability to protect yourself from it.
OMG! they actually show AR-15s being used to hit targets?
That is what they are typically used for - competition shooting matches.
It is, of course, not their only use as they are also used for defense, hunting, informal target practice and control of vermin. (no, not liberals - the ones that grow fur and destroy crops and stored goods)

You don't know very much about guns.
This fits the conservative agenda perfectly!!

Remember when Newt Gingrich wanted to make school children janitors?

Remember the recent story about a school wanting to arm their janitors?

Well, when the Right takes over this country, and 9 year olds become armed janitors in our public schools,

the kids who used this app will be a leg up on the competition for those jobs...
OMG! they actually show AR-15s being used to hit targets?
That is what they are typically used for - competition shooting matches.
It is, of course, not their only use as they are also used for defense, hunting, informal target practice and control of vermin. (no, not liberals - the ones that grow fur and destroy crops and stored goods)

You don't know very much about guns.

Where is he wrong ?
They just want to make the point that dead children mean nothing to them. Rub the dead children's parents' noses in their own pain.

Sadly, many gun nuts like this approach. The Westboro types think there's nothing wrong with this. Most of America disagrees. Most of America wants our kids to be safe and most of us hurt with and for those parents of the dead children.

The NRA has Traditionally been Pro Law Enforcement and hard on crime. You are drinking the Kool-Aid, man. That reasoning is absurd and offensive, just so you know. The only people fooled by it really are out of tune. Short of repeating the lie often enough to get masses of double digit IQ voters to believe the lie, you really are shooting blanks there luddly. Do you sincerely believe that the NRA rolls that way?

The NRA is a rightwing political operative now and a sales rep from the gun industry.
So, who changed the title on me?

It sais ages 4+ because thats what the game was rated for.

I think the site did that at the same time it moved my thread. I had posted this as a new thread (not knowing yours already existed) and they apparently incorporated mine into yours and apparently changed the title at the same time. The combining of redundant threads is understandable; changing the title is I think over the line. It was indeed rated for four-year-olds, even if it's since been redefined by the game company.
Outrage as NRA releases shooting game app for children as young as four - with targets in the shape of COFFINS

As the nation debates gun control just one month after the Sandy Hook shootings, the NRA has launched a target practice shooting app, which it recommends for children from four years old.

NRA: Practice Range is described as 'new mobile nerve center' providing access to 'the NRA network of news, laws, facts, knowledge, safety tips, educational materials and online resources.' But the main focus is on the shooting game, where users take aim at coffin-shaped targets, complete with red bullseyes at head- and heart-level. Players can also upgrade to a more powerful weapon by paying $0.99

This is the same advocacy lobbying group that expended all that energy blaming gun massacres on ... wait for it.... violent video games. :uhoh3:

I don't know they can get away with marketing a game like that to children.

Children don't walk into stores with money and buy stuff. Parents take them and parents let them choose games and parents pay for it, then let the kids play the games when they get home. It's up to all parents to monitor what their children are doing and no one but the parents are to blame if children are playing games or watching movies that they aren't mature enough to understand.

In this case, it's just target practice, which isn't violent. It's not encouraging violence, just perfecting skills when it comes to aiming. No different that the little tissue papers with bullseye targets on them that were supposed to be put in the toilet to help boys aim when they were potty training.

Target practice is no different than hitting a baseball or playing a carnival game where you squirt water in the clown's mouth to inflate a balloon.

It's just aiming and that is actually good for motor skills. There are a lot of violent video games out there that include realistic graphics of people bloody and dying, but the first major complaint is a simple target practice game??? Have we entered the fucking Twilight Zone?

And who gives a rat's ass what ages a company suggests when the parents are the ultimate authority?

Parents are the final authority on whether any underage children are allowed to have games in their homes and whether they are allowed to go to friend's houses and play them. If parents have no clue what their children are up to, they can't blame anyone but themselves when their child gets in trouble.

Personally, I don't like those video games. I think too many children get hooked on them, even the non-violent ones, and I'd rather see them playing outside. Well, at least until the government bans kickball and other activities on our own property like they've done elsewhere.

I think a parent who is verbally and physically abusive is going to make a child disturbed and have a tendency toward violence later in life. I don't believe that healthy children with caring parents are going to turn into killers over a simple game, no matter how graphic.

As usual, one side is going to vilify the other to advance an agenda and common sense gets pushed aside. That happens on both sides of the aisle and this thinking gets us no where.

If we don't address the root of the problem, then the problem will continue. Simple. Guns are not the problem. People are. Mental illness, abuse or side effects from drugs are more apt to turn someone into a killer more than anything, but no one is addressing that. If anyone thinks guns laws will affect the real problem, then we are doomed. If we fail to attack this problem at the core or take action, lives will continue to be lost due to senseless violence. Even under the best of circumstances, we will never stop people from harming others. The next best thing to a violence-free world is the ability to protect yourself from it.

That's a good thoughtful post; I for one appreciate when somebody breaks a brain sweat instead of just parroting memes. I agree with some of it, although the thing about toilet paper with targets on it I admit is one I've never heard of... :puke:

I'm all for hand-eye coordination, but that's what sports are for. The issue with this game is not that it promotes any kind of hand/eye coordination (and apparently from the Forbes article I linked, it's horrible at that) but that it glorifies guns. The game may not injure anyone (physically), and may be a bad attempt at aim skills; that's really irrelevant. What it's done to the user-kid is instilled and reinforced, however subtly, the idea that the solution to any issue is to grab one's gun and shoot it down.

Sure, parents are the ultimate authority, but when, as you correctly point out, the parents outsource their parenting to video technology, the video makers become the ultimate influence.

I fully agree we have to strike at the core of the problem rather than throwing legislation at gun ownership. That's what I've been saying since I got here (and before). But the root of the problem is exactly that glorification of Almighty Gun; what's been called the "gun culture"... the idea that since there's violence out there, the answer is to meet it with a greater level of violence. That's a dead end and it's time we stopped walking toward it.

I think that reinforcement, put out while a nation is still trying to heal from gun massacre --and by a lobby group in bed with gun manufacturers no less-- is what's "tone deaf" about the NRA as I put it in my version of the OP. Your point about abusive parents is well taken; that's not likely to end well. But given the reinforcement of the gun culture by all the cultural influences, this game being just one, how is that abused child likely to express his rage when it comes out?

The root of the problem is not our guns; it's our values.
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