NRA Board Member Ted Nugent Says Gun Owners Will Be The Next Rosa Parks


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Aviva Shen

Pro-gun extremists are up in arms over rumors that Vice President Joe Biden’s task force is mulling an executive order to combat gun violence. National Rifle Association board member and musician Ted Nugent is the latest public figure to stoke hysteria, comparing gun owners to civil rights hero Rosa Parks.

In an interview with conspiracy website WorldNetDaily, Nugent falsely claimed that an executive order would confiscate guns, a popular myth in the right-wing blogosphere. He encouraged gun owners to model the 1960s civil rights movement and Rosa Parks, who became an icon after she refused to give her seat up on a segregated bus:

But there will come a time when the gun owners of America, the law-abiding gun owners of America, will be the Rosa Parks and we will sit down on the front seat of the bus, case closed.​

More: NRA Board Member Ted Nugent Says Gun Owners Will Be The Next Rosa Parks | ThinkProgress
By Aviva Shen

Pro-gun extremists are up in arms over rumors that Vice President Joe Biden’s task force is mulling an executive order to combat gun violence. National Rifle Association board member and musician Ted Nugent is the latest public figure to stoke hysteria, comparing gun owners to civil rights hero Rosa Parks.

In an interview with conspiracy website WorldNetDaily, Nugent falsely claimed that an executive order would confiscate guns, a popular myth in the right-wing blogosphere. He encouraged gun owners to model the 1960s civil rights movement and Rosa Parks, who became an icon after she refused to give her seat up on a segregated bus:

But there will come a time when the gun owners of America, the law-abiding gun owners of America, will be the Rosa Parks and we will sit down on the front seat of the bus, case closed.​

More: NRA Board Member Ted Nugent Says Gun Owners Will Be The Next Rosa Parks | ThinkProgress

Really? He's going to have to learn not to shit his pants and walk around in them for days if that's the case.
The only difference will be,

the buses the Ted Nugents of the world will be on will be much shorter.

That is extraordinarily funny. Thanks.

The next agenda on the nazi-gun grabber list? Cherry pick a few words from the other side. It's pure Alinsky and the left is primed with several tax exempt (thank you John McCain) propaganda networks like Move-On and Media Matters to do the dirty work. Strange that someone using an Indian logo like a Lakhota would advocate disarming the Tribes
Pro-gun extremists are up in arms over rumors that Vice President Joe Biden’s task force is mulling an executive order to combat gun violence.

Here's the rub: They're not mulling anything to combat gun violence, they're mulling steps that would put law abiding citizens at a disadvantage when facing armed criminals and lunatics that couldn't care less about regulations. And that is fucking insane.

It's not about guns, it's about control. Nug is right. Just as Parks stood up to government bullies, so will we.
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The next agenda on the nazi-gun grabber list? Cherry pick a few words from the other side. It's pure Alinsky and the left is primed with several tax exempt (thank you John McCain) propaganda networks like Move-On and Media Matters to do the dirty work. Strange that someone using an Indian logo like a Lakhota would advocate disarming the Tribes
LaKota is for disarming everyone.......
NYC and lahkota know all about the short bus

Certainly there are those that took the short bus to school. Then there's the kid at the back of the short bus licking the window. Chief bullshitter is the latter, a window licker. :lol:
By Aviva Shen

Pro-gun extremists are up in arms over rumors that Vice President Joe Biden’s task force is mulling an executive order to combat gun violence. National Rifle Association board member and musician Ted Nugent is the latest public figure to stoke hysteria, comparing gun owners to civil rights hero Rosa Parks.

In an interview with conspiracy website WorldNetDaily, Nugent falsely claimed that an executive order would confiscate guns, a popular myth in the right-wing blogosphere. He encouraged gun owners to model the 1960s civil rights movement and Rosa Parks, who became an icon after she refused to give her seat up on a segregated bus:

But there will come a time when the gun owners of America, the law-abiding gun owners of America, will be the Rosa Parks and we will sit down on the front seat of the bus, case closed.​

More: NRA Board Member Ted Nugent Says Gun Owners Will Be The Next Rosa Parks | ThinkProgress

No, because.... see, she was courageous.

What were hoping is that we catch the next Timothy Mcveigh or James Holmes before they get a chance to act.

Why is this so hard to understand?
The article starts pro gun extremists. Balanced journalism from this moron is not going to happen.
By Aviva Shen

Pro-gun extremists are up in arms over rumors that Vice President Joe Biden’s task force is mulling an executive order to combat gun violence. National Rifle Association board member and musician Ted Nugent is the latest public figure to stoke hysteria, comparing gun owners to civil rights hero Rosa Parks.

In an interview with conspiracy website WorldNetDaily, Nugent falsely claimed that an executive order would confiscate guns, a popular myth in the right-wing blogosphere. He encouraged gun owners to model the 1960s civil rights movement and Rosa Parks, who became an icon after she refused to give her seat up on a segregated bus:

But there will come a time when the gun owners of America, the law-abiding gun owners of America, will be the Rosa Parks and we will sit down on the front seat of the bus, case closed.​

More: NRA Board Member Ted Nugent Says Gun Owners Will Be The Next Rosa Parks | ThinkProgress

No, because.... see, she was courageous.

What were hoping is that we catch the next Timothy Mcveigh or James Holmes before they get a chance to act.

Why is this so hard to understand?

No, you are not interested in catching the person, they can roam free and kill by any other means and you're fine with it. You just want guns gone period.
By Aviva Shen

Pro-gun extremists are up in arms over rumors that Vice President Joe Biden’s task force is mulling an executive order to combat gun violence. National Rifle Association board member and musician Ted Nugent is the latest public figure to stoke hysteria, comparing gun owners to civil rights hero Rosa Parks.

In an interview with conspiracy website WorldNetDaily, Nugent falsely claimed that an executive order would confiscate guns, a popular myth in the right-wing blogosphere. He encouraged gun owners to model the 1960s civil rights movement and Rosa Parks, who became an icon after she refused to give her seat up on a segregated bus:

But there will come a time when the gun owners of America, the law-abiding gun owners of America, will be the Rosa Parks and we will sit down on the front seat of the bus, case closed.​

More: NRA Board Member Ted Nugent Says Gun Owners Will Be The Next Rosa Parks | ThinkProgress

No, because.... see, she was courageous.

What were hoping is that we catch the next Timothy Mcveigh or James Holmes before they get a chance to act.

Why is this so hard to understand?

It's very hard to understand when you have a closed mind. As well as being selfish and lacking empathy.

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