NPR biased news regarding Gorsuch not wearing Mask FALSE!

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
More spreading of misinformation by the left. This time Sotomayor herself was woman enough to clarify misinformation spread by the left for political purposes. When will the left ever quit spreading misinformation?

More spreading of misinformation by the left. This time Sotomayor herself was woman enough to clarify misinformation spread by the left for political purposes. When will the left ever quit spreading misinformation?

Her mouth gets her in a LOT of trouble. Maybe she needs that cognitive exam the Shitstain Joe refuses to have. She's having trouble grasping reality.
NPR printed this story..."They all did. Except Gorsuch, who, as it happens, sits next to Sotomayor on the bench. His continued refusal since then has also meant that Sotomayor has not attended the justices'
Today Sotomayor responds:
Reporting that Justice Sotomayor asked Justice Gorsuch to wear a mask surprised us. It is false. While we may sometimes disagree about the law, we are warm colleagues and friends," Gorsuch and Sotomayor said in a joint statement to the media.

So further proof that the BIASED MSM presents "news" disregarding FACTS... but biased and the main reason is the attached!
Why your news is BIASED!
NPR printed this story..."They all did. Except Gorsuch, who, as it happens, sits next to Sotomayor on the bench. His continued refusal since then has also meant that Sotomayor has not attended the justices'
Today Sotomayor responds:
Reporting that Justice Sotomayor asked Justice Gorsuch to wear a mask surprised us. It is false. While we may sometimes disagree about the law, we are warm colleagues and friends," Gorsuch and Sotomayor said in a joint statement to the media.

So further proof that the BIASED MSM presents "news" disregarding FACTS... but biased and the main reason is the attached!
Why your news is BIASED!
View attachment 590111
The irony is NPR is not supposed to be MSM. Sleaze pervades all media.
The irony is NPR is not supposed to be MSM. Sleaze pervades all media.
In 2010, NPR received $1.2 million from George SorosOpen Society Foundations (OSF) to launch the Impact on Government project, which intended to station two reporters at each state capital to report on state-level government affairs.
I would really like those MSM defenders to justify the attached.
I've posted this frequently and YET no one seems to understand the implications.
With 96% of MSM donations to Hillary in 2016, she loses, they attack Trump for 4 years, and then
they donated 90% to Biden. Biden wins plus the MSM efforts.
So why doesn't the fact that the MSM donated 96% to Hillary and when she lost they spent 4 years tearing Trump and then spent 90% supporting Biden?
Doesn't that bother anyone? Doesn't that explain how leftist ideas i.e. CRT,etc. seem to be growing?

Privilege Bingo' in Fairfax Co. Class Meets Controversy After It Includes Being a Military Kid​

Not surprisingly, NPR stands by its original story.

Who are you going to believe, Me, or your lying eyes?

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