Now Cuba deserves the American Left


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
The Russians, ChiComs, Vietnamese and now the Cubans have deserted the "American" Left and their failed economic ideas. I think that leaves North Korea as the only nation out there in Lunatic Fringe land with Obama and his Illiterate Fluffers

The Progressive Redistributive Models 100% Guaranteed Fail finally caught up to Cuba.

"The government also envisions replacing subsidies for all with targeted welfare, meaning that the largely tax-free life under a paternalistic government is on its way out."

In Communist Cuba, the Tax Man Cometh - Business News - CNBC
The Russians, ChiComs, Vietnamese and now the Cubans have deserted the "American" Left and their failed economic ideas. I think that leaves North Korea as the only nation out there in Lunatic Fringe land with Obama and his Illiterate Fluffers

The Progressive Redistributive Models 100% Guaranteed Fail finally caught up to Cuba.

"The government also envisions replacing subsidies for all with targeted welfare, meaning that the largely tax-free life under a paternalistic government is on its way out."

In Communist Cuba, the Tax Man Cometh - Business News - CNBC

All of those countries you have mentioned have lived it....who better to tell the left?

Stupid is, stupid does - Forrest Gump
Everything is cool as long as Freerollers and moochers get their Obamaphone. The trouble starts when their service gets cut off
The American Left is economically to the Left of real genuine Communists

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