Now corporations soon to have "freedom of religion"? Really?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
It seems that the people who own Hobby Lobby are going to protest the ACA on the grounds that it makes provisions for birth control, and because the owners are against birth control, they should be allowed "freedom of religion" for their business......................

Supreme Court and Obamacare contraception mandate: Are companies ?persons? with religious freedom rights?

Now...............the ACA already exempts non profit religions organizations from this law, but does that mean that we should now allow for profit companies to impose their religious views on their workers?

What next? Giving corporations that are owned by devout Christians the ability to discriminate against hiring workers because they are Islamic or Jewish because their belief systems clash with what Christianity teaches?

It's a slippery slope that is being trod upon here..........................
Has nothing to do with god unless the god they worship happens to be Mammon.
Hobby Lobby doesn't care who has birth control. It is none of their business who practices birth control or who has an abortion.

They object to paying for it.
Hobby Lobby doesn't care who has birth control. It is none of their business who practices birth control or who has an abortion.

They object to paying for it.

Actually, they do. You should read the link.

They are against providing any kind of health care for their employees which goes against their own religious beliefs, which is why they are arguing before the SC that for profit corporations should have freedom of religion, meaning they should be able to impose their own views on their employees.

Sorry, but ever since Citizens United said that corporations were people and entitled to free speech, they've been looking for more ways of imposing their views on others.

If they were non-profit religious organizations, I'd say they had a point, but that particular thing is ALREADY covered under the ACA.

But....................since they are for profit corporations, they should have to comply with the law like everyone else. If they want religious freedom, let them convert their business to a non profit religious organization.
It seems that the people who own Hobby Lobby are going to protest the ACA on the grounds that it makes provisions for birth control, and because the owners are against birth control, they should be allowed "freedom of religion" for their business......................

Supreme Court and Obamacare contraception mandate: Are companies ?persons? with religious freedom rights?

Now...............the ACA already exempts non profit religions organizations from this law, but does that mean that we should now allow for profit companies to impose their religious views on their workers?

What next? Giving corporations that are owned by devout Christians the ability to discriminate against hiring workers because they are Islamic or Jewish because their belief systems clash with what Christianity teaches?

It's a slippery slope that is being trod upon here..........................

Why should any company be forced to engage in commerce of any kind? Why should any person be forced to engage in commerce?

Would you accept a government mandate that forced you to eat out at a restaurant at least one a week? And it forced you to leave a mandatory 20% tip even if the service was crappy?
Where do you draw the line on government forced action when it comes to you personally?

You are right, it is a slippery slop, I'm unsure why you side with government instead of freedom and liberty.
It seems that the people who own Hobby Lobby are going to protest the ACA on the grounds that it makes provisions for birth control, and because the owners are against birth control, they should be allowed "freedom of religion" for their business......................

Supreme Court and Obamacare contraception mandate: Are companies ?persons? with religious freedom rights?

Now...............the ACA already exempts non profit religions organizations from this law, but does that mean that we should now allow for profit companies to impose their religious views on their workers?

What next? Giving corporations that are owned by devout Christians the ability to discriminate against hiring workers because they are Islamic or Jewish because their belief systems clash with what Christianity teaches?

It's a slippery slope that is being trod upon here..........................

Remember when Mitt said Corporations are people?

He was proven right.

Sorry....................corporations AREN'T people.

Yes, they are OWNED by people, but they aren't people in and of themselves, because they are a group of people.

Why should CEO's get an extra vote while ordinary citizens can't? If corporations are people, then that means the CEO's get a vote for themselves as individual citizens, and they get another vote via their corporation?

That means the CEO's get 2 votes, one for themselves, and one for their corporation. I thought this was a country of 1 person, 1 vote.
It seems that the people who own Hobby Lobby are going to protest the ACA on the grounds that it makes provisions for birth control, and because the owners are against birth control, they should be allowed "freedom of religion" for their business......................

Supreme Court and Obamacare contraception mandate: Are companies ?persons? with religious freedom rights?

Now...............the ACA already exempts non profit religions organizations from this law, but does that mean that we should now allow for profit companies to impose their religious views on their workers?

What next? Giving corporations that are owned by devout Christians the ability to discriminate against hiring workers because they are Islamic or Jewish because their belief systems clash with what Christianity teaches?

It's a slippery slope that is being trod upon here..........................

Why should any company be forced to engage in commerce of any kind? Why should any person be forced to engage in commerce?

Would you accept a government mandate that forced you to eat out at a restaurant at least one a week? And it forced you to leave a mandatory 20% tip even if the service was crappy?
Where do you draw the line on government forced action when it comes to you personally?

You are right, it is a slippery slop, I'm unsure why you side with government instead of freedom and liberty.
Yes, and they have an excellent case. It is a Pandora's box.
Freedom of religion means the government gets to impose their views on everyone, amiright?

That's why we fought the British, amiright?
Hobby lobby is a PRIVATE corporation. The owners of a private corporation should not have to check their religion at the door.
Sorry.....corporations AREN'T people.

Yes, they are OWNED by people, but they aren't people in and of themselves, because they are a group of people.

Why should CEO's get an extra vote while ordinary citizens can't? If corporations are people, then that means the CEO's get a vote for themselves as individual citizens, and they get another vote via their corporation?

That means the CEO's get 2 votes, one for themselves, and one for their corporation. I thought this was a country of 1 person, 1 vote.

SCOTUS disagrees.
What other recent SCOTUS decisions would you like to see overturned?

CEOs don't get two votes, silly.

Corporate personhood is the legal concept that a corporation may be recognized as an individual in the eyes of the law. This doctrine forms the basis for legal recognition that corporations, as groups of people, may hold and exercise certain rights under the common law and the U.S. Constitution. For example, corporations may contract with other parties and sue or be sued in court in the same way as natural persons or unincorporated associations of persons. The doctrine does not hold that corporations are flesh and blood "people" apart from their shareholders, officers, and directors, nor does it grant to corporations all of the rights of citizens

Corporate personhood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It seems that the people who own Hobby Lobby are going to protest the ACA on the grounds that it makes provisions for birth control, and because the owners are against birth control, they should be allowed "freedom of religion" for their business......................

Supreme Court and Obamacare contraception mandate: Are companies ?persons? with religious freedom rights?

Now...............the ACA already exempts non profit religions organizations from this law, but does that mean that we should now allow for profit companies to impose their religious views on their workers?

What next? Giving corporations that are owned by devout Christians the ability to discriminate against hiring workers because they are Islamic or Jewish because their belief systems clash with what Christianity teaches?

It's a slippery slope that is being trod upon here..........................

You want to take away people's rights just because you don't like the rights?

At least you are honest about it.
Hobby Lobby doesn't care who has birth control. It is none of their business who practices birth control or who has an abortion.

They object to paying for it.

Actually, they do. You should read the link.

They are against providing any kind of health care for their employees which goes against their own religious beliefs, which is why they are arguing before the SC that for profit corporations should have freedom of religion, meaning they should be able to impose their own views on their employees.

Sorry, but ever since Citizens United said that corporations were people and entitled to free speech, they've been looking for more ways of imposing their views on others.

If they were non-profit religious organizations, I'd say they had a point, but that particular thing is ALREADY covered under the ACA.

But....................since they are for profit corporations, they should have to comply with the law like everyone else. If they want religious freedom, let them convert their business to a non profit religious organization.

Is there any reason you think corporations don't have rights? Should the government be able to take property simply because they write a law that requires people to form corporations in order to do things?
It seems that the people who own Hobby Lobby are going to protest the ACA on the grounds that it makes provisions for birth control, and because the owners are against birth control, they should be allowed "freedom of religion" for their business......................

Supreme Court and Obamacare contraception mandate: Are companies ?persons? with religious freedom rights?

Now...............the ACA already exempts non profit religions organizations from this law, but does that mean that we should now allow for profit companies to impose their religious views on their workers?

What next? Giving corporations that are owned by devout Christians the ability to discriminate against hiring workers because they are Islamic or Jewish because their belief systems clash with what Christianity teaches?

It's a slippery slope that is being trod upon here..........................

Remember when Mitt said Corporations are people?

He was proven right.


Do I remember things that didn't happen?

????Way too often, which is why I work so hard to avoid it.
Sorry....................corporations AREN'T people.

Yes, they are OWNED by people, but they aren't people in and of themselves, because they are a group of people.

Why should CEO's get an extra vote while ordinary citizens can't? If corporations are people, then that means the CEO's get a vote for themselves as individual citizens, and they get another vote via their corporation?

That means the CEO's get 2 votes, one for themselves, and one for their corporation. I thought this was a country of 1 person, 1 vote.

What the fuck are you babbling about now?

If the government decided to raid a union because they thought that someone was stealing from them would they need a search warrant? If unions have rights, why on earth do you think corporations don't?

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