Not Tired Yet: Best Economy in 19 Years


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Remember the 8 “this will be the summer of recovery” rants we got from the community organizer?

On top: Best economy in 19 years, highest confidence in 14.

A remarkably low 13 percent are calling President Trump’s economy a problem as confidence is hitting a 14-year high, and seven in 10 said 2018 is a good time to find a quality job.

The key points from Gallup’s just-published economic survey:

Economic Confidence Index at +31 in November, remaining at its highest since 2004.
55 percent rate current economic conditions positively.
Record-tying 68 percent say it is a good time to find a quality job.

“It has been nearly two decades since Americans have been as positive about the U.S. economy as they are now,” Gallup said.
There's a lot less people worrying about how they are going to pay their bills than under Obama, who seemed to try to fuck the poor and middle class every chance he got.
Funny how lowering taxes, getting rid of stupid jobs killing regulations, and putting a stop to countries screwing us over on trade improves the economy. AND Trump doesn't have the Fed propping up his economy with 0% interest rates and printing trillions of dollars.

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