Not the onion: College writing center says proper grammar is racist


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016


NOT THE ONION: College Writing Center Says Proper Grammar Is 'Racist' -

LMAo you just can't make this bs up.................... talk about moronic DUMBING DOWN AMERICA and they just can't see it . Their heads must be hundreds of feet down in the sand Jesus.
Although "content" (ideas and clarity/strength of argument) always weighs more than "mechanics" (proper grammar and punctuation), when people get to the "real world," they are definitely judged by their ability to write "properly." No teacher would mock or belittle a student's ideas for using colloquial or "black English" (although they will correct it, a little at a time). But a prospective employer will, the person reviewing complaints at any organization or agency will, and sometimes the posters on messageboards will. If you can't use commas correctly or spell or work out subject/verb agreement, what else don't you know?
Especially in a "writing center," this is not a helpful policy, at least on its face.
We all know how to speak informally, sloppily, with the accent and phrases of our region. If we want to write that way to set a certain tone, fine. Being able to write properly, though, is like knowing the difference between how to behave in church as opposed to how to behave at the local bar.
Although "content" (ideas and clarity/strength of argument) always weighs more than "mechanics" (proper grammar and punctuation), when people get to the "real world," they are definitely judged by their ability to write "properly." No teacher would mock or belittle a student's ideas for using colloquial or "black English" (although they will correct it, a little at a time). But a prospective employer will, the person reviewing complaints at any organization or agency will, and sometimes the posters on messageboards will. If you can't use commas correctly or spell or work out subject/verb agreement, what else don't you know?
Especially in a "writing center," this is not a helpful policy, at least on its face.
We all know how to speak informally, sloppily, with the accent and phrases of our region. If we want to write that way to set a certain tone, fine. Being able to write properly, though, is like knowing the difference between how to behave in church as opposed to how to behave at the local bar.

I understand leftists frustrations with grammar, since they're not preparing for the "real world", but for the "social utopia" where they live under rainbows, ride unicorns and where nobody have to work, or respect each other.
Although "content" (ideas and clarity/strength of argument) always weighs more than "mechanics" (proper grammar and punctuation), when people get to the "real world," they are definitely judged by their ability to write "properly." No teacher would mock or belittle a student's ideas for using colloquial or "black English" (although they will correct it, a little at a time). But a prospective employer will, the person reviewing complaints at any organization or agency will, and sometimes the posters on messageboards will. If you can't use commas correctly or spell or work out subject/verb agreement, what else don't you know?
Especially in a "writing center," this is not a helpful policy, at least on its face.
We all know how to speak informally, sloppily, with the accent and phrases of our region. If we want to write that way to set a certain tone, fine. Being able to write properly, though, is like knowing the difference between how to behave in church as opposed to how to behave at the local bar.

I understand leftists frustrations with grammar, since they're not preparing for the "real world", but for the "social utopia" where they live under rainbows, ride unicorns and where nobody have to work, or respect each other.
Well, if YOU ever decide to converse in the real world, do get back to us.
Although "content" (ideas and clarity/strength of argument) always weighs more than "mechanics" (proper grammar and punctuation), when people get to the "real world," they are definitely judged by their ability to write "properly." No teacher would mock or belittle a student's ideas for using colloquial or "black English" (although they will correct it, a little at a time). But a prospective employer will, the person reviewing complaints at any organization or agency will, and sometimes the posters on messageboards will. If you can't use commas correctly or spell or work out subject/verb agreement, what else don't you know?
Especially in a "writing center," this is not a helpful policy, at least on its face.
We all know how to speak informally, sloppily, with the accent and phrases of our region. If we want to write that way to set a certain tone, fine. Being able to write properly, though, is like knowing the difference between how to behave in church as opposed to how to behave at the local bar.

I understand leftists frustrations with grammar, since they're not preparing for the "real world", but for the "social utopia" where they live under rainbows, ride unicorns and where nobody have to work, or respect each other.
Well, if YOU ever decide to converse in the real world, do get back to us.

As soon as I see the unicorn, you'll be first to know. :wink_2:
good grief. Do their parent know what is happening to students any more?

Bad grammar is racial and people will look down on you, make it harder to get a good job. Learn the English language not some made up slang spoken on the streets and in hip hop songs

Learn English!

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