Not the headlines you want right before an election


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
These are NOT the headlines you want if you're trying to get re-elected and there are less than two months until the people vote:

Alpha Natural Resources Closing 8 Coal Mines, Cutting 1,200 Jobs
(Killing jobs with his policies)

BREAKING: Libyan Officials Claim US Was Warned 3 DAYS BEFORE Deadly Benghazi Consulate Attack | The Gateway Pundit
(Killing American's)

CRS report: number of able-bodied adults on food stamps doubled after Obama suspended work requirement |
(Allowing able-bodied people to live off of hard working American tax payers)

8,786,049: Yet Another Record for Americans Collecting Disability |
(Fraud & Corruption in the administration - there is no way 18,108 Americans suddenly became disabled in ONE month)
These are NOT the headlines you want if you're trying to get re-elected and there are less than two months until the people vote:

Alpha Natural Resources Closing 8 Coal Mines, Cutting 1,200 Jobs
(Killing jobs with his policies)

BREAKING: Libyan Officials Claim US Was Warned 3 DAYS BEFORE Deadly Benghazi Consulate Attack | The Gateway Pundit
(Killing American's)

CRS report: number of able-bodied adults on food stamps doubled after Obama suspended work requirement |
(Allowing able-bodied people to live off of hard working American tax payers)

8,786,049: Yet Another Record for Americans Collecting Disability |
(Fraud & Corruption in the administration - there is no way 18,108 Americans suddenly became disabled in ONE month)

Something about spreading it around bro.....I will remember...
Housing’s so-called wealth effect has been a drag on household purchases since 2008. A projected 2 percent gain in home values next year will start to lift consumer spending in the second half of 2013, according to Michelle Meyer, senior economist at Bank of America Corp. in New York.

Meyer predicts the wealth effect will add 0.1 percentage point to spending per quarter, swinging from a 0.9 percentage point drag at the height of the housing crisis in the first quarter of 2009. The contribution represents a long-awaited turning point at a time when a struggling labor market impedes wage growth and manufacturing provides less support for the three-year expansion.
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These are NOT the headlines you want if you're trying to get re-elected and there are less than two months until the people vote:

CRS report: number of able-bodied adults on food stamps doubled after Obama suspended work requirement |
(Allowing able-bodied people to live off of hard working American tax payers)
this deserves it's own thread.
In addition to the broader work requirement that has become a contentious issue in the presidential race, the 1996 welfare reform law included a separate rule encouraging able-bodied adults without dependents to work by limiting the amount of time they could receive food stamps. President Obama suspended that rule when he signed his economic stimulus legislation into law, and the number of these adults on food stamps doubled, from 1.9 million in 2008 to 3.9 million in 2010, according to the CRS report, issued in the form of a memo to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va.

Though the weakening of the economy would have led to an increase in food stamp usage with or without a waiver, the doubling of the use of food stamps by the able-bodied population without dependents exceeded the 43 percent increase in food stamp usage among the broader population over the same 2008 to 2010 time frame. This gives more weight to the idea that the waiver fueled the food stamp growth among the population it affected, beyond where it would have been even in a weak economy.

Welcome to the Welfare State all over again.
when you crash the economy lots of jobs get distoryed.

You guys crashed the world economy and no one is going to forget it
when you crash the economy lots of jobs get distoryed.

You guys crashed the world economy and no one is going to forget it




TderpM gets dumber by the second. And she really is too dumb to even grasp how much dumber she keeps getting.

The U.S. economy is getting distoryed, or possibly even wrecked, ruined and destroyed.

But it wasn't the prior Administration that did it. It is the incumbent's Administration that is doing it.

Dat's de story!
[ame=]President Bush's speech on the financial crisis 9/24/08 (1) - YouTube[/ame]
when you crash the economy lots of jobs get distoryed.

You guys crashed the world economy and no one is going to forget it

Who in the hell are you guys?? good geeawwd

Who is quoted as saying Fanny Mae wasn't in trouble just months befro it was???
You evil mean conservatives!! Doh!bama is leading all the polls!! Everyone knows that he can't lose. (just as long as the democrats are able to match their 2008 turnout and enthusiasm for all things "hopey and changey"- everyone knows that won't be a problem...:lol:). Obama- He's a lock!!
kills your fucking lies dead

What lies? Obama himself said that he could fix the economy in 3 years, and that if he didn't, he would be a 1 term president. Those were his own words!

To add to that, he had a super majority during his first 2 years and received 100% of the bills he wanted. 100%. So every "solution" he had to fix the economy has failed. Things have gotten MUCH worse, not better. Unemployment skyrocketed under Obama, even after 6 rounds of stimulus. The national debt skyrocketed under Obama. Gas prices skyrocketed under Obama. The amount of people receiving food stamps skyrocketed under Obama. The amount of people receiving some form of government assitance skyrockted under Obama.

Since the numbers are so astounding, you can't even dispute them. So your only strategy is to deflect the blame for Obama. It's equal parts sad and stupid....
when you crash the economy lots of jobs get distoryed.

You guys crashed the world economy and no one is going to forget it




TderpM gets dumber by the second. And she really is too dumb to even grasp how much dumber she keeps getting.

The U.S. economy is getting distoryed, or possibly even wrecked, ruined and destroyed.

But it wasn't the prior Administration that did it. It is the incumbent's Administration that is doing it.

Dat's de story!

She might be onto something with this distoryed thing. I mean she buys into all the disinformation passed from the admin to their propaganda wing, the MSM. I can see why she has distory on her mind.

Thank you for proving two things that we've been saying all along:

1.) George W. Bush (and most of the GOP) are just big government, JFK-era liberals. He intervened in a free market to stop the hemorraging caused by Bill Clinton intervening in a free market (Community Re-Investment Act 1997). This is why we have seen the rise of the Tea Party. So we don't only have to choose between Socialists/Marxists/Communists (Dumbocrats) or Liberals/Progressives (GOP).

2.) That liberal policies do NOT work. Clinton used them and started the collapse (after the economic tidal wave created by Ronald Reagan). Bush used them and continued the collapse. Now Obama has tripled down on the stupidity and pushed us over the fiscal cliff.

One thing I can count on with LiesMatters - she'll always trip up and prove that conservatives were right!
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