Not looking good for obama and the democrats


Empirically, the poll numbers are still close across the board, so I suspect the electorate remains split on who to blame. Normally, an incumbent would be trailing badly, but these are not normal times. Plus Romney just isn't an attractive candidate overall. The post mortem analysis should be fascinating - I'm looking forward to seeing who stayed home, and how many people vote alternate party. Plenty of reasons not to vote for either of these guys.

Okay, sorry, back to the personal insults now.

Only in nutter land could an insignificant and barely talented person such as L.D. Jackson be elevated to a position of expertise when it comes to discussing American politics.

This dude has a lame blog. He writes something that claims Obama is doing a bad thing ( in this case, blaming Bush ) and off it flies to a position of prominence in nutter blog reality.

Predictable tools.
Only in nutter land could an insignificant and barely talented person such as L.D. Jackson be elevated to a position of expertise when it comes to discussing American politics.

This dude has a lame blog. He writes something that claims Obama is doing a bad thing ( in this case, blaming Bush ) and off it flies to a position of prominence in nutter blog reality.

Predictable tools.

Do you blame bush for the economy?
No. I believe George Bush did a wonderful job regarding the economy and should be congratulated for the policies that he promoted while President.
:eusa_whistle::eek: WOW so if I was to go back threw the threads do you think I would find one post where you blamed Bush? within the last year?
No. You won't find one.

And the word you are looking for is "through".

Really you have never blamed bush within the last year for the economy?

There is a reason I quote every post I respond too. Just encase a nutter like you makes a claim and I call them on it they can't go back and delete their post. Sometime in the near future I =will go back and look through some of your post.
Nobody is making that argument but you ...........that is the point, dummy. The idea that Obama blames Bush is not reality.

Economy Stll Bad, Obama Blames Bush
Saturday, June 2, 2012

The cited nutter blog did not support the claim that Obama blames Bush. It didn't support the claim that Obama blames anyone. It is tripe.

You are just a tool.

I'm just wondering, exactly how does President Obama continuing to bash Bush during his recent visit to the White House "NOT" constitute blaming his predecessor for the economic troubles currently facing this country?

At every turn, Obama consistently blames Bush for the troubles he is having with the economy. He refuses to take responsibility for his own, failed policies. He insists on more and more spending, even though it is driving our economy further into the tank.

I never claimed to be an expert, but even someone as simple as I can see the facts.
Feel free. Outside of responding to drivel like this thread, I doubt I have typed the word "Bush" a handful of times in my time here. Maybe in the flame zone while discussing personal grooming habits.

You are projecting your BS stereotype onto me. I am much more likely to lay blame for the slow recovery on the assholes in Congress who have denied the POTUS the support of a LOYAL OPPOSITION.

Have fun checking the archives.
Economy Stll Bad, Obama Blames Bush
Saturday, June 2, 2012

The cited nutter blog did not support the claim that Obama blames Bush. It didn't support the claim that Obama blames anyone. It is tripe.

You are just a tool.

I'm just wondering, exactly how does President Obama continuing to bash Bush during his recent visit to the White House "NOT" constitute blaming his predecessor for the economic troubles currently facing this country?

At every turn, Obama consistently blames Bush for the troubles he is having with the economy. He refuses to take responsibility for his own, failed policies. He insists on more and more spending, even though it is driving our economy further into the tank.

I never claimed to be an expert, but even someone as simple as I can see the facts.

OH MY GOSH! Its L.D. Jackson!. I feel so honored.

You have not supported your claim. Please provide evidence that Obama bashed Bush and cite his actual words that blame Bush for the current economy.

The cited nutter blog did not support the claim that Obama blames Bush. It didn't support the claim that Obama blames anyone. It is tripe.

You are just a tool.

I'm just wondering, exactly how does President Obama continuing to bash Bush during his recent visit to the White House "NOT" constitute blaming his predecessor for the economic troubles currently facing this country?

At every turn, Obama consistently blames Bush for the troubles he is having with the economy. He refuses to take responsibility for his own, failed policies. He insists on more and more spending, even though it is driving our economy further into the tank.

I never claimed to be an expert, but even someone as simple as I can see the facts.

OH MY GOSH! Its L.D. Jackson!. I feel so honored.

You have not supported your claim. Please provide evidence that Obama bashed Bush and cite his actual words that blame Bush for the current economy.


I am still waiting on you too support your claim that I said obama was continuing to blame bush for the economy?
Read the blog that you cited.

This post?
Nobody is making that argument but you ...........that is the point, dummy. The idea that Obama blames Bush is not reality.

Did I say obama has continued to blame bush? You're reading comprehension is very lacking. Just go to any thread in this forum and see how many posters here still blame bush.

The economy? It’s still Bush’s fault
The economy? It’s still Bush’s fault - The Washington Post
But what the fuck
Genesis Communications Network GCN News Economy Still Bad, Obama Blames Bush «
The post after you said I had claimed obama was still blaming bush?

The first link is Washington post still blaming bush and the second link if you noticed I said what the fuck and posted that link where it was quoting what obama said. The issue here is you said that I said obama was continuing to blame bush I never made the claim until you opened that can of worms.
Last edited:
OK. let me just ask. Do you think that President Obama is "still" blaming Bush?

If no, I'll accept your answer and chalk up the previous posts to your inability to communicate effectively.
OK. let me just ask. Do you think that President Obama is "still" blaming Bush?

If no, I'll accept your answer and chalk up the previous posts to your inability to communicate effectively.

Do I think it yes I think he's trying to pass the buck off to anyone and anything he can.
Who is this "Bush" you all keep referring to?

Everybody knows there was only one Bush as President.

The eight years of collective amnesia is something that will fade further with the passage of time.

There was the bad bad bad Bill Clinton, then eight years of amnesia then almost 4 years of the bad bad BAD Obama.

Thats the Repub story and they are sticking to it.
Since 2007 the democrats have controlled most of the government that's when the economy crashed. The recession was said to have ended....... Now the experts are expecting another recession. I know blame bush blame the party of no I know democrats are partisan stupid.

The U.S. economy is drifting toward recession, but when Federal Reserve policymakers meet next week, they will have few options.

Jobs creation slipped alarmingly in April and May. Wages, which were rising modestly through the recovery, have been virtually flat for three months. An already tough labor market is getting worse.

Worker productivity is down, indicating businesses have more employees than needed to meet demand, and layoffs will follow if sales don't pick up. Deteriorating conditions in Europe, and a weaker euro and Chinese yuan, indicate U.S. exporters and import-competing businesses face a tougher environment this summer.
As US Economy Flirts with Recession, Federal Reserve Has Few Options
Back to the OP
No. You won't find one.

And the word you are looking for is "through".

Really you have never blamed bush within the last year for the economy?

There is a reason I quote every post I respond too. Just encase a nutter like you makes a claim and I call them on it they can't go back and delete their post. Sometime in the near future I =will go back and look through some of your post.
For the Record, you have a short window to delete your posts.

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