Norway: Empire


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is an eco-politics vignette inspired by the films Canadian Bacon, FernGully: The Last Rainforest, and Erin Brockovich.

The vignette concerns hydropower, Ibsen, Norwegian cuisine and arguably immigration.

Signing off,


Norway, the metaphysical western gateway to Scandinavia (arguably), was the seat of great hydropower investment/research and for many years. This concerned U.S. President Donald Trump who was negotiating various energy-related commerce-treaties. Algeria, member-nation of OPEC was way ahead of America in wind-energy research/development, and Norway's impressive hydropower history gave Trump the goosebumps. This made Norway a sudden 'celebrity-nation' in the modern energy-discussion landscape, and even Hollywood (USA) movie-stars invested in eco-consciousness politics (e.g., Leo DiCaprio) were suddenly intrigued by 'Norwegian life.'


Norway had some pretty well-constructed hydroelectric dams. After all, hydropower and the 'metaphysical potency of water' were on the minds of Norwegians ever since the ancient days of the seafaring Vikings (those legendary explorer-warriors). Some modern-day eco-philosophers ruminated on how the Norwegians thought about water-energy 'allusions' in the prosaic Viking-folkloric novel Beowulf. After the terrorism-trauma of 9/11 in America, people around the world wondered what kinds of energy/resource/tourism 'beacons' (e.g., World Trade Center, World Health Organization, Sydney Opera House, etc., etc.) were suddenly 'targets.' Trump commissioned his special secret team of paramilitary operatives known as 'G.I. Joes' to secure Norway's primary hydroelectric dams (from the threat of terrorism).


The G.I. Joes (led by Duke and Snake-Eyes) arrived in Norway and secured immediately Norway's dominating hydropower company Elkem. Duke then gave the G.I. Joe Norway 'unit' the special mission code-name 'Hydra.' Hydra became the face of international diplomacy now regarding energy management and resource securities regarding terrorism. Hydra even inspired many of the G.I. Joes (such as Flint and Lady Jaye) to purchase vacation-homes in Oslo (Norway's capital). Hydra made sure Elkem wielded the necessary security to carry out its industrial and managerial hydropower operations. Duke suggested to Trump that Norway had become a 'satellite-nation' of America (and Trump wholeheartedly agreed!).


However, one female G.I. Joe soldier/operative named 'Baroness' (who was once a terrorist working for the nuclear organization 'Cobra' before defecting to G.I. Joe) detested Trump and did not trust America's intentions regarding hydropower in Norway. Baroness believed that the Trump Administration (and the CIA/NSA) intended to subvert peaceful energy-investment operations regarding hydropower and wind-energy in Norway and Algeria so America would dominate in those areas of the renewables-market. This capitalism-piracy 'agenda' is what concerned Baroness and she was sure she was right. Baroness plotted to blow up the main Elkem building on New Year's Day.


You see, Baroness's son Damien was a big fan of American professional football (NFL) and cheered on his two favorite teams (the Philadelphia Eagles and New England Patriots) all the time! Every Sunday, Damien would watch Eagles/Patriots games on TV and drink pre-refrigerated ice-cold Poland Spring fresh/purified spring-water. Baroness would encourage this sports-fanfare in her son (especially because it gave him a newfound appreciation of bottled/purified water and the value of recycling plastic water bottles!), and she didn't want to think that 'TrumpUSA' or even the G.I. Joes (aka, 'Hydra') would thwart Damien's 'eco-consciousness spirit' and cultural optimism. Baroness's intentions were therefore personal.


Damien was also an avid comic book artist and painted a great deal of portraits of old-world knights and explorers making contact with the fictional comic book eco-terrorist Poison Ivy (DC Comics), a beautiful, alluring, but deadly female eco-terrorist (who was once, ironically, a respected botanist named Dr. Pamela Lillian Isely). Damien's artworks about knights meeting Poison Ivy were much lauded and obtained for him an early-admissions scholarship to Dartmouth College (Hanover, New Hampshire), a prestigious Ivy League school. When Damien read news-stories about Trump's intentions to 'supervise' hydropower-operations in Norway, he started making paintings of the spirit of dead Vikings meeting Poison Ivy (in Oslo!).


Damien's paintings were soon considered very controversial, though they gained much exciting media-attention to Dartmouth's art department, and Damien's mentor (a Dartmouth painting professor named Elsa Larsson --- herself a Norwegian-American) decided to tell the press that Damien's painting were merely eco-consciousness trophies and not 'political propaganda' for the politics-swayed media to distort! Baroness started pasting Kinko's printed copies of Damien's paintings all over the streets of Norway, and when Duke realized what was going on, he quickly realized Hydra's plans in Norway (regarding Elkem) may quickly turn into a socialism-oriented apocalyptic compromise. What would Henrik Ibsen (An Enemy of the People) say?



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