North Korea was NOT behind the Sony hack?

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
North Korea was NOT behind the Sony hack according to multiple security experts who discredit FBI findings and reveal that a studio insider named 'Lena' may be responsible
  • The FBI last week announced that they had discovered conclusive evidence proving the North Korean government was behind the Sony hack
  • President Obama then attacked the country for their behavior during a news conference, and informed them that the United States would retaliate
  • Now, the findings of the FBI are being called into question by many of the cybersecurity industry's leading experts
  • What's more, after an independent investigation, Norse has determined that they believe a woman named 'Lena' is responsible for the hack
  • Almost every expert stated that they believe the hack had to have been an inside job

Read more: North Korea was NOT behind the Sony hack according to multiple security experts who discredit FBI findings and reveal that a studio insider named Lena may be responsible Daily Mail Online
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And the plot thickens.
Did Sony hack inspire Russian election hacking?...

Sony hack may have inspired Russian election hacking - US lawmaker
Wednesday 7th December, 2016 | WASHINGTON: The U.S. failure to retaliate strongly for the 2014 cyber attack against Sony Pictures may have helped inspire Russian hackers who sought to interfere in the 2016 U.S. election, a senior congressional Democrat said on Tuesday.
"Russia may have concluded that they could hack American institutions and there'd be no price to pay," Representative Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, said at a press breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor. Schiff suggested that Washington team up with European allies to impose sanctions that would hit the Russian economy.

Russia was blamed for high-profile attacks on Democratic organizations that damaged the party during the 2016 election campaign, in which Republican Donald Trump won the presidency and his party kept control of the Senate and the House.

Reuters reported on Friday that James Clapper, the U.S. director of national intelligence, asked Congress to remove a provision in an upcoming intelligence authorization bill that would have created a special committee to combat Russian efforts to exert covert influence abroad. Schiff, who backs creation of the bipartisan committee, said on Tuesday the United States needs to do more to stop such hacking. "Unless we establish some kind of deterrent, this is going to be unending," he said.

In 2016, the hacking benefited Trump, he noted. But he said Russian hackers could turn on Trump once he is president if they do not approve of his policies. The Obama administration publicly blamed North Korea for the malicious breaches that crippled Sony in 2014.

Sony hack may have inspired Russian election hacking - US lawmaker

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