North Korea seeks $75 trillion in compensation


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
"Okay then, we hold the world ransom for...Seventy...Five...TRILLION DOLLARS!"

Has he apologized for the Korean War yet?

Poor Rabbi, still stricken with Obama derangement syndrome. Every thread has to be about Obama in some shape or form to these poor souls.
Wow ... I thought, "surely that's a typo in the thread title."

What a toon.
I will be shocked if Obama doesn't appoint a czar and a congressional committee to explore the possibility
of asking the N Koreans if we can set up a payment plan to compensate for all the years of American arrogance that past administrations have displayed against other nations.In return the American President will ask,not demand that the N Koreans issue a proclamation stating to the world that this current administration will not be held responsible for any past transgression real or imagined.Because we all know that this President is NOT responsible for anything that happens while he is President.

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