Norma Desmond a.k.a. Hillary Clinton


Sep 23, 2010
Hillary Clinton is astonishing because she has no notable achievements to her name; no memorable insights, nothing said or done that will be remembered. Nevertheless, she has received so much media coverage in the past two decades she is famous for being famous. Had she achieved that kind of fame in another walk of life it would end there. In politics it was inevitable that she finally turn into a curiosity. How will that play out in 2016? I have no idea, while Wesley Pruden does offer an interesting prediction:

Every night's going to be Halloween night for Hillary. The skeletons in her closet are signing up now for the conga line. They're impatient to put on their dancing shoes for the 2016 presidential campaign. Like it or not, it's just around the corner.


That conga line of skeletons is a long one, and they're eager to do the two-step.

PRUDEN: Hillary’s skeleton stampede
By Wesley Pruden -The Washington Times
Thursday, January 9, 2014

PRUDEN: Hillary's skeleton stampede - Washington Times

One of life’s great mysteries is why a single scandal often brings down a government official, while the voting public usually ignores a long list of evil doings. Hillary Clinton is a classic example. Not one of her missteps ever damaged her as she advanced from crooked lawyer, to liar, to CEO in charge of bimbo eruptions, to senator, to secretary of state. Pruden’s conga line of skeletons suggests that the sheer number of her sins will break the pattern in 2016. That’s why I pray Clinton gets the nomination. She will be a pushover in the general election. The woman is so target-rich her image could replace the bull’s-eye.


Those who want Clinton defeated better forget it. Democrats will give her a pass on everything in the primaries. There is one way she might be denied. Young voters are not wrapped up in the Clinton myth. My gut instinct tells me that younger Americans see her as an aging movie star from a forgotten era deluding herself like Norma Desmond:

[ame=]Sunset Boulevard (AKA Sunset Blvd.)(1950) - 'I am big it's the pictures that got small' - YouTube[/ame]​

Finally, young adults neither like nor dislike Hillary Clinton because they haven’t lived through her all of her lies, but they must be wondering why she is still playing to the cameras?

[ame=]Norma Desmond - I am a Star - YouTube[/ame]​
HRC does not worry about the wannabee "conservatives" like the Flanders folks. She can beat their heart candidates easily: Santorum New Sarah et al.

A Republican, like Christie or Jindal, is quite another matter.

That is why the clintonists are putting some of their donation money into far right reactionary wing nut candidates' campaigns to divert CC until he can beat them.

That gives HRC more of a leg up.
Mrs. BJ Bubba is the perfect Dem candidate...a serial liar, disgusting opportunist, amazingly arrogant, and frighteningly power hungry. Like Big Ears, she believes the Constitution is whatever she wants it to be.

It is unbelievably sad that many Americans find her acceptable. Just another example of their ability to be easily duped by the power elite over and over again...
HRC does not worry about the wannabee "conservatives" like the Flanders folks.

To JakeStarkey: One is either a conservative or is something else. Individuals can turn away from something else and become conservative, but there are no wannabes.

She can beat their heart candidates easily: Santorum New Sarah et al.

To JakeStarkey: Sarah would cream Hillary Clinton in spite of the opposition she would get from RINO. If you have any doubts, compare Clinton’s rap sheet to Sarah’s record. The worst liberals can say about Sarah is that she resigned from the governor’s job before her term was up. A straight up comparison between the two is the reason liberals hate and fear Sarah more than they hate and fear all of the other conservative women combined.

Incidentally, all of the jokes and parodies about Sarah had not a hint of truth in them. Can you say the same about this:

[ame=]Hillary Clinton's Sunset Blvd - YouTube[/ame]​

A Republican, like Christie or Jindal, is quite another matter.

To JakeStarkey: Neither one stands a chance with conservatives or moderates.

That is why the clintonists are putting some of their donation money into far right reactionary wing nut candidates' campaigns to divert CC until he can beat them.

To JakeStarkey: Get real. Democrats and their media stooges look for an acceptable Republican should he or she win the general election. Christie is such a candidate. That’s the only reason they help defeat anyone on the Republican side. This cartoon sums up Christie’s nomination chances:


That gives HRC more of a leg up.

To JakeStarkey: She needs more than a leg up from the media this time out. Voters now know that HRC is an acronym for Hillary's Reckless Conduct.
If your philosophy is bankrupt; if you have allowed your ranks to become overflowing with liars, hypocrites, morons, and psychopaths; if you are too gutless to offer solutions and defend them; if you are too brainless to come up with answers to the very real problems facing our nation; if you look all the way out to the horizon and do not see a single capable and honest candidate in your party; you have only one option. You must go on the attack like the cornered rats you are. You must begin a vicious smear campaign against the other party's likely candidate, and you must begin early. You must conduct a scorched earth campaign to throw up as much smoke as possible to conceal your flaccid, cankerous condition.
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Hillary is old
Hillary is worn out
Hillary doesn't have the spark she used to

But she gets to run against a Republican who will be screaming Benghazi, blowjobs and Whitewater

Easy victory in 2016
Remember that old TV show Maverick where the brothers were named Bret & Bart. Here they are as Brit & Bret talking about Hillary’s enemy’s list:

Every discussion of Hillary, every video clip, and every live appearance, should be introduced by playing:

[ame=]Richard Strauss - Also Sprach Zarathustra / 2001 Space Odyssey opening theme - YouTube[/ame]​
Remember that old TV show Maverick where the brothers were named Bret & Bart. Here they are as Brit & Bret talking about Hillary’s enemy’s list:

Every discussion of Hillary, every video clip, and every live appearance, should be introduced by playing:

[ame=]Richard Strauss - Also Sprach Zarathustra / 2001 Space Odyssey opening theme - YouTube[/ame]​

Who do you think voters are going to remember at the polls? A Clinton hater says she has a supposed hit list or a Republican Governor who tied up traffic for days causing death and mayhem for millions of people?
Candidate A: I am going to give everyone a free puppy!

Candidate B: She is going to give everyone a free puppy! Can you fookin bleev dat? What a horror!

Candidate A: I am going to take the excess profits of oil companies and improve our roads and schools.

Candidate B: She's a goddam marxist, I tell ya!

Candidate A: I'm going to make sure Iran gives up its nuclear weapons program.

Candidate B: She's full of shit! And I heard she's a lesbian!

Now you know exactly three things Candidate A is going do, and you have no clue what Candidate B would do.

Get it?
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Candidate A: I am going to give everyone a free puppy!

Candidate B: Can you believe she cares more about puppies than infants?

Candidate A: I am going to take the excess profits of oil companies and improve our roads and schools.

Candidate B: She already has the income tax and the gasoline tax. Trillions have been spent on the roads and the schools, yet she still wants more. She's a goddam Marxist, I tell ya!

Candidate A: I'm going to make sure Iran gives up its nuclear weapons program.

Candidate B: She’s more interested in disarming law-abiding American through UN treaties.

Now you know exactly three things Candidate A is going do, and you have no clue what Candidate B would do.

Get it?

Candidate B will dismantle her culture of death. Candidate B will protect and defend the US Constitution including property Rights. Candidate B will defend America’s sovereignty.

Get it.

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