None of you are rich. Why are you defending billionaires?

As I read the replies to the thread, I can't help but think about what conservatism really is.

When you understand what conservatism is, every argument they make leads to the same end.

Q: What is conservatism?
A: Conservatism is the domination of society by an aristocracy.

When you understand this and view their words, ask the question; will this lead to some form of an aristocracy?

The answer is always YES...

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone

Just don't forget, these are the people you are arguing with...:lol::lol::lol:

As I read the replies to the thread, I can't help but think about what conservatism really is.

When you understand what conservatism is, every argument they make leads to the same end.

Q: What is conservatism?
A: Conservatism is the domination of society by an aristocracy.

When you understand this and view their words, ask the question; will this lead to some form of an aristocracy?

The answer is always YES...

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone

Just don't forget, these are the people you are arguing with...:lol::lol::lol:

Is this the fantasy that plays out in your head? All those tee-shirted Tea Partiers are "aristocratic wannabees"?? You really should keep some of these thoughts to yourself.

Gladstone would send a fart in the general direction of what's left of Liberalism in America today. There isn't a leftist on this board that trusts people to feed their children, screw in a lightbulb, balance their checkbook, or salt their own soup without constant govt nannying. "trust of the people" my ass.
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" There isn't a leftist on this board that trusts people to feed their children, screw in a lightbulb, balance their checkbook, or salt their own soup without constant govt nannying. "trust of the people" my ass. "

On the contrary. I have always fed my own family, never took a dime of gov't money. Sadly, very SADLy worked hard for some company that STILL OWES ME. But they have since shut down (an answer to my prayers). I balanced my own checkbook, salted my own soup (vegetable from my own garden, organic of course. no dastardly american made cancer causing chemicals in there). Never collected a cent of unemployment. Do collect my pension and SS(which is entitlted to me as I paid in). But this country is headed towards a plutocracy and the middle class is crashing as there is one party that is solely in hopes of lowering the middle class pay. Yes, there is class warfare. There is an assault on the middle class. One has to have their head in the sand not to see the overwhelming evidence of it. 75 years old and retired. All this info is being passed onto my 4 offspring. They are young but see of my wisdom. :)
" There isn't a leftist on this board that trusts people to feed their children, screw in a lightbulb, balance their checkbook, or salt their own soup without constant govt nannying. "trust of the people" my ass. "

On the contrary. I have always fed my own family, never took a dime of gov't money. Sadly, very SADLy worked hard for some company that STILL OWES ME. But they have since shut down (an answer to my prayers). I balanced my own checkbook, salted my own soup (vegetable from my own garden, organic of course. no dastardly american made cancer causing chemicals in there). Never collected a cent of unemployment. Do collect my pension and SS(which is entitlted to me as I paid in). But this country is headed towards a plutocracy and the middle class is crashing as there is one party that is solely in hopes of lowering the middle class pay. Yes, there is class warfare. There is an assault on the middle class. One has to have their head in the sand not to see the overwhelming evidence of it. 75 years old and retired. All this info is being passed onto my 4 offspring. They are young but see of my wisdom. :)

Save it for the grandkids.. The political movement you support is composed of people who can't go 15 minutes without thinking "there ought to be a law".. OF COURSE you want to dictate food content, salt content, lightbulb selection and fight for programs to save people from themselves. OH -- NOT FOR YOU Gramps.. You're elite, superior, organic, green and functional.. It's for the REST of the folks that just can't be trusted with decisions on which lightbulb to screw in, or get their children vaccinated or choose paper or plastic.
As I read the replies to the thread, I can't help but think about what conservatism really is.

When you understand what conservatism is, every argument they make leads to the same end.

Q: What is conservatism?
A: Conservatism is the domination of society by an aristocracy.

As opposed to liberalism, which is where the morons and tics rule society.
Is this the fantasy that plays out in your head? All those tee-shirted Tea Partiers are "aristocratic wannabees"?? You really should keep some of these thoughts to yourself.

Gladstone would send a fart in the general direction of what's left of Liberalism in America today. There isn't a leftist on this board that trusts people to feed their children, screw in a lightbulb, balance their checkbook, or salt their own soup without constant govt nannying. "trust of the people" my ass.

When he says conservatism is where an aristocracy rules society, what he means is where smart, hard working, competent people rule society.

Liberals just can't stand the idea of society being ruled by people who are competent to do it.
As I read the replies to the thread, I can't help but think about what conservatism really is.

When you understand what conservatism is, every argument they make leads to the same end.

Q: What is conservatism?
A: Conservatism is the domination of society by an aristocracy.

As opposed to liberalism, which is where the morons and tics rule society.

There is a difference between dominating society and having a benign stewardship. it all depends on whether you want a society ruled by fear, secrecy, injustice and disrespect of the laws.
neither party represents a majority of the people

Wanted to be the 1st to thank-you for that observation.. The cartel in charge of politics makes certain that when one party screws up -- the other one automatically gets rewarded. Even if they don't deserve the honor. Doesn't lead to excellence in leadership with only 2 ORDAINED choices does it?

Why isn't THAT (ballot access and political choice) one of our biggest efforts?
The Great Divergence:

Income Growth since 1980:
80% to the wealthiest 1%
20% to everyone else

Much of it in tax reductions to the wealthiest 1%

While, between 1929-1979 income was more equal for the middle class.

You do the math: Republicans + Wealthy = a Reduction in Middle Class.

If you are not fighting for the middle class, you are fighting against America.
and this has directly affected you ,how?
Oh, Emm Gee.

It is not "stealing" to expect someone to pay their fair share of the taxes. It's just not.

How much is their "fair share" and who gets to decide. Since the top 1% pay 40% of the taxes while making only 20% of all income, and while the bottom 47% pay NO federal income taxes, please share with the board how much more they should pay.
neither party represents a majority of the people

Wanted to be the 1st to thank-you for that observation.. The cartel in charge of politics makes certain that when one party screws up -- the other one automatically gets rewarded. Even if they don't deserve the honor. Doesn't lead to excellence in leadership with only 2 ORDAINED choices does it?

Why isn't THAT (ballot access and political choice) one of our biggest efforts?

You're in denial...

Soon you will accept....
Oh, Emm Gee.

It is not "stealing" to expect someone to pay their fair share of the taxes. It's just not.

How much is their "fair share" and who gets to decide. Since the top 1% pay 40% of the taxes while making only 20% of all income, and while the bottom 47% pay NO federal income taxes, please share with the board how much more they should pay.

The top 1% are responsible for 95% of the GDP - at least sponsor....
Is this the fantasy that plays out in your head? All those tee-shirted Tea Partiers are "aristocratic wannabees"?? You really should keep some of these thoughts to yourself.

Gladstone would send a fart in the general direction of what's left of Liberalism in America today. There isn't a leftist on this board that trusts people to feed their children, screw in a lightbulb, balance their checkbook, or salt their own soup without constant govt nannying. "trust of the people" my ass.

When he says conservatism is where an aristocracy rules society, what he means is where smart, hard working, competent people rule society.

Liberals just can't stand the idea of society being ruled by people who are competent to do it.

Really smart competent conservatives :

Sarah Palin didn't know Africa was a continent or for that matter what she reads - if she does. And considering she's active in anti-abortion
campaigns, don't you find it a tad disconcerting she couldn't name Roe v. Wade as being one of the Supreme Court decisions with which she disagreed? I do.

Just about everything that pops out of the Michelle Bachmann wind-up doll should have been fact checked 10 days before she said it. And even then who knows. She's an unnatural disaster for which FEMA offers no assistance.

Rick Perry stood in the Reagan Library and told America that Social Security was a PONZi scheme. Of course, he forgot to include that this was so because of years and years of Federal Government mismanagement. He also must has forgotten or not known that it was Ronald Reagan who praised FDR for implementing Social Security.

As for GWB, there is endless entertainment on the World Wide Web giving insight into just how smart and competent that jackass was. He is a permanent sufferer of Open-Mouth-Insert-Foot Syndrome - or Open-Mouth-Insert-Both-Feet.

"Then you wake up at the high school level and find out that the illiteracy level of our children are appalling." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 23, 2004

Literacy test? George can't even spell literacy, much less pass a test on it.

Personally, smarts or competence is a Black Hole where the current stable of conservative hopefuls are concerned.

William F. Buckley was a smart, competent conservative. However, he never ran for public office. Probably because he had more productive ways to use his intelligence and competence than waste them on a bunch of political ignoramuses.

I have no problem with conservatives or a conservative view. I do have a problem with stupid and inane. Especially when an entire political party finds incompetency and stupidity to be perfectly acceptable qualifications for future leaders of this country.
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As I read the replies to the thread, I can't help but think about what conservatism really is.

When you understand what conservatism is, every argument they make leads to the same end.

Q: What is conservatism?
A: Conservatism is the domination of society by an aristocracy.

When you understand this and view their words, ask the question; will this lead to some form of an aristocracy?

The answer is always YES...

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone

Just don't forget, these are the people you are arguing with...:lol::lol::lol:

Is this the fantasy that plays out in your head? All those tee-shirted Tea Partiers are "aristocratic wannabees"?? You really should keep some of these thoughts to yourself.

Gladstone would send a fart in the general direction of what's left of Liberalism in America today. There isn't a leftist on this board that trusts people to feed their children, screw in a lightbulb, balance their checkbook, or salt their own soup without constant govt nannying. "trust of the people" my ass.

I've been around since Harry Truman was President, so I lived through a good portion of the liberal era that started with the New Deal and ended with the Great Society. It was America's finest moment. It was an era with huge economic growth and shared wealth, fantastic successes in technology, vast expansion of citizen freedoms and liberties and the growth of a middle class that defined this country and made America the 'city upon the hill', the envy of the world.

That era ended at the close of the 1960's, due to a weak and splintered Democratic party caused by the Vietnam War and political assassinations. It ushered in a conservative era that has continued ever since. It has been a disaster, a negative mirror image of the liberal era. Richard Nixon was a paranoid and bitter turd who started the era by going after the war protesters with his draconian 'War on Drugs'. Ronald Reagan was the biggest socialist in history. He is the pied piper on the road to serfdom. He began a systematic dismantling of all the gains the middle class had secured. Reagan transferred wealth from the poor and the middle class to the opulent. He looted Social Security to cover the shortfalls of his tax cuts for the wealthy. And the whole 'small businessman is the engine of growth' was cruel rhetoric. The self-employment tax jumped as much as 66 percent under Reagan.

Conservatives have built nothing in 30 +years...NOTHING. They have only destroyed and torn down everything our grandparents and parents built together as ONE nation, one people. America now lead the world in incarcerating human beings...THINK about THAT...The United States of America, the 'city upon the hill' arrests and imprisons MORE of their citizens per capita that China or Russia!

We just ended the regime of the worst environmental president in history...Ronbo on steroids Bush...the war criminal and murderer. His attack on every environmental law and policy will lead to the premature deaths of thousands of Americans every year. He so severely disabled the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts, it will be impossible to force polluters to EVER clean up their toxins and carcinogens. And polluters can dump any debris they want into our streams and tributaries by just filing for a permit from the Corp of Engineers. Something that can be done by mail.

So shove ALL your right wing lunatic fringe 'Nanny State' up your ass. I've seen the end of America as we know it, I was an unwilling passenger on the bus conservatives drove to that precipice.

Conservatives built the BIGGEST Nanny State in the history of the world...


Bush was blocked 27 times from looking into the mortgage industry and Freddie ... by a democratic controlled congress !! he was even called a racist by the CBC when he tried to get oversight !!

Bush put the theory of expanded home ownership (which had been a stable, tightly regulated program since 1977) on steroids. He did this to artificially stimulate the post 9/11 economy . . . so that he could get past Kerry.

Watch the video below.

Go to minute 4:23. It's the smoking gun. Bush clearly details his partnership with Fannie/Freddie, who - if you listen to his words - are designated as a major lending source for his "American Downpayment Assistance Act". Listen to his words. He gets these institutions to increase their commitment to minority home buyers by more than 400 billion dollars. He removes downpayment restrictions.

Please listen to Bush's words. Don't take my word for it. Rather than circulating tired propaganda about the Democratic Congress, listen to the man in charge. Listen to his words.

Just watch the video - especially where he talks about Fannie/Freddie at 4:23.

We know he's not responsible for the hole he put Obama in, but here is my question: is he responsible for any of the things that happened on his watch, when he controlled the Senate and House? Is he responsible for anything?

[ame=]Home Ownership and President Bush - YouTube[/ame]

"On December 16, 2003, President George W. Bush signed into law the American Dream Downpayment Assistance Act, which was aimed at helping approximately "40,000 families a year" with their down payment and closing costs, and further strengthen America’s housing market."

Bush ordered over 400 billion dollars to be poured into minority housing, and - if you listen to the video - he removes restrictions on lending and down payments. He ignites a nuclear bomb of this country. Why doesn't the GOP voter know this?

Who Controlled the US congress in 2003 when Bush dumped kerosene on the housing market?
House: 229 Republicans, 204 Democrats, 1 Independent
Senate: 51 Republicans, 48 Democrats, 1 "Other Party"
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As I read the replies to the thread, I can't help but think about what conservatism really is.

When you understand what conservatism is, every argument they make leads to the same end.

Q: What is conservatism?
A: Conservatism is the domination of society by an aristocracy.

As opposed to liberalism, which is where the morons and tics rule society.

And there we have it.

The REAL difference between LIB v CON.

I must admit that I vascilate my sympathy between trusting the will of the people and not trusting the will of the people.

What I really know is that power corrupts and those with power will become drunk on it.

Doesn't matter what class they started out in, the social/legal/economic powers given to them are much like the RINGS OF TOLKEIN.

Their use of those powers ultimately makes them become evil.

If you want to make most good men evil?

Give them great power and responsibility.
As I read the replies to the thread, I can't help but think about what conservatism really is.

When you understand what conservatism is, every argument they make leads to the same end.

Q: What is conservatism?
A: Conservatism is the domination of society by an aristocracy.

As opposed to liberalism, which is where the morons and tics rule society.

And there we have it.

The REAL difference between LIB v CON.

I must admit that I vascilate my sympathy between trusting the will of the people and not trusting the will of the people.

What I really know is that power corrupts and those with power will become drunk on it.

Doesn't matter what class they started out in, the social/legal/economic powers given to them are much like the RINGS OF TOLKEIN.

Their use of those powers ultimately makes them become evil.

If you want to make most good men evil?

Give them great power and responsibility.

Not all...

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.
Abraham Lincoln
As opposed to liberalism, which is where the morons and tics rule society.

And there we have it.

The REAL difference between LIB v CON.

I must admit that I vascilate my sympathy between trusting the will of the people and not trusting the will of the people.

What I really know is that power corrupts and those with power will become drunk on it.

Doesn't matter what class they started out in, the social/legal/economic powers given to them are much like the RINGS OF TOLKEIN.

Their use of those powers ultimately makes them become evil.

If you want to make most good men evil?

Give them great power and responsibility.

Not all...

Yeah, that's a fair objection Bf. I was speaking generally, not specifically.

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.

Very true.

Abraham Lincoln

Case in point.

Beset with what appeared to be an insurmountable problem, Abe's response was WAR.

Often the greatest evil done by man to man, is done with the best of intentions.

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