Nobel Prize-Winning Scientist Has Speech Canceled After Sharing Contentious Views


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2021


It seems the thing to do these days. Not that I care that much. My opinion about the unwillingness of the alarmists to allow a moderate point of veiw is only further reinforced.

However, what I find strange is some of the comments to the article.

The quotes that are provided says he does not believe there is a "climate crisis". The responses seem, in part, to call him a denier (of climate change or man-induced climate change).

That's not what his quotes say. I might be missing something......

“I don’t believe there is a climate crisis. The world we live in today is filled with misinformation. It is up to each of you to serve as judges, distinguishing truth from falsehood based on accurate observations of phenomena.”

I don't see him saying there is no climate change. Like many who are starting to test the waters (after the initial witch hunts by the climate alarmists), he is saying no climate crisis.

But, because it doesn't fit the narrative (why else the sudden cancelation....the reason given is so freaking truly was pathetic to read), he's gotta go.

Sorry folks, but the more climate panic that pops up on bing, the less people are listening.


It seems the thing to do these days. Not that I care that much. My opinion about the unwillingness of the alarmists to allow a moderate point of veiw is only further reinforced.

However, what I find strange is some of the comments to the article.

The quotes that are provided says he does not believe there is a "climate crisis". The responses seem, in part, to call him a denier (of climate change or man-induced climate change).

That's not what his quotes say. I might be missing something......

“I don’t believe there is a climate crisis. The world we live in today is filled with misinformation. It is up to each of you to serve as judges, distinguishing truth from falsehood based on accurate observations of phenomena.”

I don't see him saying there is no climate change. Like many who are starting to test the waters (after the initial witch hunts by the climate alarmists), he is saying no climate crisis.

But, because it doesn't fit the narrative (why else the sudden cancelation....the reason given is so freaking truly was pathetic to read), he's gotta go.

Sorry folks, but the more climate panic that pops up on bing, the less people are listening.
I bet they will start changing their tunes when they can't get homeowner's insurance.
Good to know the word is spreading.

Co2 does NOTHING.
The new term is Climate Calamity.
Crises just doesn't generate enough fear.

They cannot even get the climate doomsday movie right...

Want a climate disaster?

Cheer for a Yellowstone sized volcano to go off on Antarctica....

In one week oceans rise 20-50 feet....
They cannot even get the climate doomsday movie right...

Want a climate disaster?

Cheer for a Yellowstone sized volcano to go off on Antarctica....

In one week oceans rise 20-50 feet....
Something like that has the potential to exterminate a lot of God hating Marxists.

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