Nobel Committee asks Obama to return Peace Prize


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Stockholm, August 27, 2013

The Noble Committee met today and approved requesting that US "President" Barry Obama return the Peace Prize they awarded him in 2009.

"He fucked us. No nice way to put it," said Sven Larsen, head of the Committee. "He's been the biggest War Mongering scumbag since General Custer and I don't even know who Custer was. If he had any decency he's return the Peace Prize without us having to ask. Look at Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya and now Syria. The guy is arrogant, derisive and dismissive. This is our biggest fuck up since we gave a prize to Arafat. Maybe we should rename it the "Arafat Peace Price" and let Obama keep it"
I agree. Obama's nothing more than a Warmongering Chickenhawk. Hopefully a draft will be re-established soon, and his daughters and the polesmoking Chickenhawk Libberhoids on this forum will be serving their country proudly on the front lines of Syria - another illegal war courtesy of the "Chickenhawk In Chump"
I agree. Obama's nothing more than a Warmongering Chickenhawk. Hopefully a draft will be re-established soon, and his daughters and the polesmoking Chickenhawk Libberhoids on this forum will be serving their country proudly on the front lines of Syria - another illegal war courtesy of the "Chickenhawk In Chump"

I'd gladly go camping with the Army if they would let me. One more adventure before I die.
They proved themselves frauds when they awarded the prize to Gorbachev instead of Reagan. Gorbachev had no interest in arms reductions until their economy collapsed because of the arms race. Reagan is the one who forced them to "tear down the wall".
What a great idea! Let's ask Obama to return the 2012 election that he stole, too.
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I call bullshit. Can you provide a link?

Dude, it's in Political Satire

But, its not "political satire".

Its wishful thinking by idiots on the right who can't even get a Boy Scout medal awarded to them.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Typical braindead lefty retort. You asshats have no sense of humor at all. The mark of a great leader is one who can laugh at himself. The mark of a dictator is one who persecutes those who laugh at him.

Obummer is working real hard at being a petty tyrant right now. I wonder if he'll try and make it to the big time...
Stockholm, August 27, 2013

The Noble Committee met today and approved requesting that US "President" Barry Obama return the Peace Prize they awarded him in 2009.

"He fucked us. No nice way to put it," said Sven Larsen, head of the Committee. "He's been the biggest War Mongering scumbag since General Custer and I don't even know who Custer was. If he had any decency he's return the Peace Prize without us having to ask. Look at Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya and now Syria. The guy is arrogant, derisive and dismissive. This is our biggest fuck up since we gave a prize to Arafat. Maybe we should rename it the "Arafat Peace Price" and let Obama keep it"

Geeez Frank... I mean... Barry did SOOOOOO much to EARN that peace price... pfft...

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