No Wonder Libs Are Upset - The Surge Is Working

Fred Thompson on Harry Reid
Posted on June 18th, 2007
By Michael in Commentaries

Excerpts from commentary aired on on June 18, 2007:

First, Harry Reid voted for the war, like a majority of our legislators. America decided as a nation to free Iraq and the region from Saddam Hussein’s tyranny.

Harry Reid, though, has taken a different route. He made his statement about General Pace on a conference call with fringe elements of the blogosphere who think we’re the bad guys. This is a place where even those who think the 9/11 attacks were an inside job find a home.

And why shouldn’t they think that? Reid has led the attack on the administration, with Nancy Pelosi, charging it lied and tricked America into supporting the war. Ignoring multiple hearings and investigations into pre-war intelligence findings that have debunked this paranoid myth, they accuse an entire administration of conspiracy to trick us into a war.

I suppose that’s easier for some than admitting that they’ve flip flopped — but the fact that Reid says this sinister Republican plot is going to help him elect more Democrats ought to be raising a few flags. Saying General Pace is incompetent doesn’t even rank near the top of his bizarre statements.

The problem is that every one of Reid’s comments I’ve noted here has also been reported gleefully by Al Jazeera and other anti-American media.
CBS's Lara Logan Follows Up on U.S. Soldier Orphanage Rescue
Posted by Justin McCarthy on June 21, 2007 - 13:23.
After reporting on the compassionate U.S. soldier rescue of abused Iraqi orphans, CBS’s Lara Logan ran a follow up story on the June 21 edition of "The Early Show." To her credit, Logan continued to defend the soldiers. She noted that an Army captain went "back to check on the 24 boys he and his soldiers rescued" and "thanks to these soldiers...the boys’ lives were saved."

Upon reporting that the Iraqi labor and social affairs minister accused Lara Logan of reporting a "lie" and that the U.S. soldiers that rescued these emaciated boys "have no compassion," Logan played a gracious remark from an unidentified U.S. soldier.

"We'll leave here and he'll never be able to tell us thanks, but he doesn't need to."

When questioned by host Harry Smith, Logan clearly sided with the U.S. soldiers against the denying Iraqi government official.

"Well, what's upsetting about the controversy, Harry, is that the plight of these boys is actually being lost in all of this. But incredibly, the Iraqi ministry is trying to make the U.S. the bad guys. They're blaming them, America as Iraq's enemy, we're being told, instead of acknowledging what was done by the soldiers who rescued these boys. And -- and, in fact, it's important to know that they were local Iraqi leaders who helped the U.S. rescue the boys that night. And when I spoke to them a week later, Harry, they were still in shock about what they'd seen. They wept constantly, throughout the interview as they recounted the horror. And that horror is now being denied by the ministry."
I love to read good news from Iraq. I just prefer to read it on actual news sites and not as spam from a mindless republican drone cut and pasted onto a political discussion site where most folks actually formulate and express their OWN opinions.
I love to read good news from Iraq. I just prefer to read it on actual news sites and not as spam from a mindless republican drone cut and pasted onto a political discussion site where most folks actually formulate and express their OWN opinions.

Translation - I will ignore any good news from Iraq - there is none according to my political party
Translation - I will ignore any good news from Iraq - there is none according to my political party

not so...I applauded the initiatives in Anbar recently. I am not sure I agree with giving munitions to guys who have killed americans, but the Iraqi sunni-AQ fued is a good development, for sure.

It is YOU who refuse to acknowledge any bad news.
not so...I applauded the initiatives in Anbar recently. I am not sure I agree with giving munitions to guys who have killed americans, but the Iraqi sunni-AQ fued is a good development, for sure.

It is YOU who refuse to acknowledge any bad news.

Lame attempt at spin MM - very lame
what do you mean, lame? You have consistently run away from the Pentagon's own quarterly report which shows American casualties rising and civilian carnage in Iraq increasing in all the areas where we are not surging... just like I predicted it would.
what do you mean, lame? You have consistently run away from the Pentagon's own quarterly report which shows American casualties rising and civilian carnage in Iraq increasing in all the areas where we are not surging... just like I predicted it would.

Gee, casualities in a war - what a shocker!
now THAT is what I call, LAME.

so who is right about Iraq, RSR? is the pentagon right or is Joe LIEberman right?

Who am I to take away your pleasure to post all the bad news from Iraq

Without concentrating on the bad news - libs would be unable to continue to push for surender
I really dont thinks so.

14 Americans Are Killed in Combat in 2 Days

and as Maineman pointed out elsewhere, he and Patreus both predicted an upsurge in the violence would accompany the surge. For some 'good news' check out this, oh, there is some 'bad news' too, which is not surprising:

from yesterday:

from today:

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